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  1. The following pairs of characters were not featured in the first Mario movie in April 2023. Of these, which pair do you want to see in the 2nd Mario movie?

    You get offered $110k...

    but if you accept, your fave will not only tank into oblivion, but will never be able to have a comeback. the gp WILL hate them for eternity. would you accept even if it means to ruin your fave's career (and life)? discuss
  3. Ramadan, the holy month for muslims where they fast from food, water and sex from dawn until sunset begins today. to the people that partake in it, do you actually find it beneficial for your health? or is it the opposite? what are some traditions that you have in the month in your culture? and to people who never tried doing it, have you ever thought of doing it as a challenge (one or few days) i myself tried it before and didn't find it to be that hard but i imagine that doing it every day for a month must be difficult.
  4. It only won Best Orginal Song #ThanksBillie Why do you think Barbie, the critically-acclaimed box-office phenomenon, was completely ignored by the Academy. Is Barbie overrated? Were the other films just superior?
  5. Tonight whilst the Oscars is happening people are protesting for Palestine. The NYPD has been deployed to break up these marches Across the pond other tactics are being deployed, such as straight up deporting people who don’t agree with the PM’s views The definition of Fascism :
  6. …and you've been relegated to the pop culture / musical celebrities section. You can make any pop star even more famous than they are now, tank anyone's career, make a flop unknown album a smash, etc. What's your first sacrifice order?
  7. Lindsey Lohan tells a U.S. Magazine source she is in talks to play a “Vixen Superhero” in a future Marvel Studios Project in 2022 she said she was interested, but today we have statements that the casting is more concrete and may happen next year. With X-Men becoming the new focus for Marvel studios moving forward, will she be cast as Madylen Pryor? (Jean Grey Clone from an alternate timeline)
  8. Into The Void

    Ticketmaster down?

    Anyone else experiencing an issue with ticketmaster? I was just looking at a date and a few minutes later all I get is Server Error 500 Page Not Found. I changed to different tours and get the same thing. Every single date I go to on any tour is giving me this error.
  9. A Cliff's notes version: A former friend (we recently fell out badly) introduced me to this person that has some common interests and is somewhat fun. We hung out a month or two ago, grabbed some beer & it was nice. Unfortunately both our schedules are very busy, mine especially so; we both wanted to meet each other again. I DID tell them bout the falling out, only to prevent awkwardness if there's a common plan. I would rather not. Fast forward to last week, it's the weekend, and there's a big festival happening across my town that I only learned of a few days prior. I invite them, the goal was to hang out with them and them only. They then decide to make a group of 20 or so RANDOM people on insta for the event like I barely know these people, some people they do not know either lol they just put a link of the event on their stories because "it's more fun that way. Each of us will have different stories." This group also includes the former friend... So anyway, not only did I not go with this group (it was a festival with a lot of different things, so I went off with another friend on a different route and didn't run into them/their club of random insta hatchlings), I have kinda... lost interest dd Like. I did gently tell them that I'd prefer not to turn this into a giant group activity — I like getting to know people OR doing new things, doing both sometimes makes me anxious or awkward and they acknowledge its valid, but like now I am back to a mountain of work and though I feel like an ******* saying this, for Lord knows I'm not socially gifted at all, but someone so socially inept or wishy washy is kind of a turn off. I don't want to meet with them for a bit because they kept guilting me for being swamped with work, how we must meet and then when I actually plan something it's some mess. Thots?
  10. Gorjesspazze9

    Have you stop eating out?

    Have you stop Eating out at restaurants recently? I haven’t gone to a restaurant in several months…. Just order door dash if I am hungry nowadays. Do you eat out often? Are you Over with the increase of food cost?
  11. When we're all born, Saturn's somewhere And the Saturn cycle takes around about twenty-nine years That's when we gotta wake up and smell the coffee Because if we've just been sort of relying on our cleverness Or relying—, you know, just kind of floating along Saturn comes along and hits you over the head Hits you over the head, hits you over the head, and says, "Wake up!" It's time for you to get real about life and sort out who you really are
  12. There is this debate going on on Twitter. What do y’all call it? We call it an Arnold Palmer in ATL.
  13. Anyone else noticing the norm these days seems to be acting overly nice to people, in an insincere way? People just meeting you and acting like they're your best friend, giving compliments they don't mean, the constant "ilysm bb 💞" vibe, etc? Being generally upbeat and positive is nice, but I'm finding more and more the vibe is just sooo saccharine sweet. To the point where just being 'normal' is seen as blunt these days if not outright rude.
  14. …with 19 days! (Feb 19 - March 8) Congratulations to the “original icon” herself
  15. So the birkenhead held drill is basically if you are on the ship women and children have priority over men in escaping. Who you give up a seat?
  16. watch them close this topic too... being critical of something someone did or said is not the same as wishing them ill or any harm... #ATRLneedsFreedomOfSpeech
  17. Are you the type of person who wakes up, goes to work, does the groceries, comes home, goes online, eats in front of Netflix and sleeps? Then, the day repeats itself the next day until the weekend ? Or do you have many activities outside your job ?
  18. Have you ever sent, or were given, one single text that ended, or devastated, a relationship for you? How did it go? I don't have much any relationship-ending texts, but I did have a former roommate (thank goodness he's gone ) who it seemed everything went to HELL all because I texted him asking him to pull his weight more in the house regarding chores. The complete 180 that occured vibe-wise the next day.
  19. Highly popular, pretty, produce honey, without them literally every one else would be over, their haters (wasps) are ugly versions of them, overall always successful. Are they really The Insect Industry?
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