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  1. So last week I went out to a gay club and kept seeing a group of really cute guys. As the night progressed I saw almost all of them making out with girls and i approached one and he said he was straight. It’s not the first time I’ve seen some of them at the gay club so it’s not a one time thing. So do you find it annoying when the straights go to the gay club? Why don’t they go to the straight club? I know I sound bitter but like not ALL the guys I wanted at the GAY club being straight
  2. Findings from the Spring 2022 Harvard IOP Youth Poll: Turnout for the 2022 Midterms look to match the record-breaking 2018 Midterms... but in favor of Republican youth; 36% of young Americans say they will definitely vote in November, but numbers for Democrats are down 5 points and Republicans up 7 versus 2018. Most worryingly, young Black Americans see an expected -13 swing in turnout come November. More findings: The percentage of youth agreeing that “political involvement rarely has any tangible results” has risen from 22% in 2018 to 36% in 2022. Agreement with the statement “I don’t believe my vote will make a real difference,” increased from 31% in 2018 to 42% in 2022. Agreement that “politics today are no longer able to meet the challenges our country is facing,” increased from 45% in 2018 to 56% in 2022. At 41%, President Biden’s job approval among young Americans is down 18 percentage points since Spring 2021 (59%) and five points since the last Harvard IOP youth poll release in Fall 2021 (46%). The leading reason cited for disapproval of Biden is “ineffectiveness” (36%), which leads other options provided to respondents such as “not following through on campaign promises” (14%) and “not sharing my values” (10%). Nearly half (49%) of young Americans believe that things in the nation are off on the wrong track, with only 13% saying they are headed in the right direction. This stands in contrast to the Spring 2021 survey where about one-third (35%) believed things were headed off on the wrong track, and 26% said right direction. Sexuality & Race: A majority of young people support a LGBTQ friend coming out to them, a transgender friend medically transitioning via gender-affirming care, and a nonbinary friend using they/them pronouns; a plurality was also found to support trans athletes competing in sports of the gender they identify with . A majority of youth of color reported feeling "under attack" within America. 59% of young Black Americans "feel under attack a lot" 43% of young Asian Americans "feel under attack a lot" 37% of young Hispanic Americans "feel under attack a lot" While a plurality of LGBTQ youth reported the same: 45% of young LGBTQ Americans "feel under attack a lot" When asked about policy, a plurality of young people supported: Teaching the belief that America is founded on a system of racism Teaching critical race theory as an element of education Universal and complete student debt relief
  3. PieceByPiece_KC

    Gus Kenworthy Reality Show?

    Actor & Athlete Gus Kenworthy deserves a reality show! He has a big heart & a great personality. He's also easy on the eyes. Although the show cot a lot of flack, he was obviously the best part of Coming Out C*lton - loved seeing Gus as a mentor in the LGBTQ community. So what do you think? Does Gus Kenworthy deserve a reality show? I think it's time America embraces Gus Kenworthy btw - only discovered today that he played a main character on one season of American Horror Story! Man of many talents
  4. MoonGoodandHappy

    Better : Sims 3 Vs Sims 4

    Which one is better ?
  5. PieceByPiece_KC

    Ads on ATRL?!

    I'm only starting to notice them today... are they actually new or was I oblivious? Who is getting that coin? At least I'm getting a lot of Kelly Clarkson Wayfair ads What ads are you getting?
  6. You know that skin that sometimes comes loose right above the nail? Sometimes I like to rip it off and see how long it can go. I think the longest was my knuckle video of what I’m referring to
  7. https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/millions-bees-pollination-die-airline-shipping-84400012 They need to be fined
  8. smoore95GAGA

    Electra Heart vs Rebel Heart

    Very similar titles. Both now have 19 tracks on the deluxe editions. So let’s compare them girlies and determine which is the better album! 1. Bubblegum B**** vs Living for Love 2. Primadonna vs Devil Pray 3. Lies vs Ghosttown 4. Homewrecker vs Unapologetic B**** 5. Starting Role vs Illuminati 6. The State of Dreaming vs B**** I’m Madonna 7. Power & Control vs Hold Tight 8. Living Dead vs Joan of Arc 9. Teen Idle vs Iconic 10. Valley of the Dolls vs HeartBreakCity 11. Hypocrates vs Body Shop 12. Fear and Loathing vs Holy Water 13. How to Be a Heartbreaker vs Inside Out 14. Radioactive vs Wash All Over Me 15. Sex Yeah vs Best Night 16. Buy the Stars vs Veni Vidi Vici 17. Lonely Hearts Club vs S.E.X. 18. E.V.O.L. vs Messiah 19. Electra Heart vs Rebel Heart
  9. In many slasher films there is a sarcastic "mean girl" character to bring the one-liners and humor. In 2009, a remake of Sorority Row was released and panned by critics but it has since built a cult following due to the iconic/sassy one-liners of the b%$#@ character, Jessica: Is Jessica among the best "mean girl" characters in horror films, a la Tatum in Scream, Judy in Sleepaway Camp, and Melissa from Friday the 13th?
  10. I just booked my first trip to Toronto for June. Not only is this my first trip to Canada, it’s my first time outside of The United States! Any tips or advice from anyone who lives there or has been? Things not to miss? Best places to eat?
  11. https://www.ft.com/content/dbf166ce-1ebb-4a67-980e-9860fd170ba2
  12. As the US retreats from a Middle East that has become a competitor to its own shale gas & oil; China has been moving to replace them; I hope the CCP are ready for what comes with dealing with countries like Saudi Arabia & Pakistan…. The One Belt One Riad seems to go thru all the worst place possible in this world…. Pakistani terrorists seem to have found their new “great satan”
  13. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/911-hijackers-video-saudi-intelligence-official-omar-al-bayoumi/ The mere FACT that this was hidden from the American public for 20 years is infuriating
  14. Materialboy215

    Will Apple Be The Next Nokia?

    My sis always spills nothing but I been saying how Apple hasn't done anything innovative in almost a decade and they only sale cause of the name at this point ... every yr its the same thing in brand new packaging & The Sheep flocks to the nearest store. Idk that the iPhone 5 was Apple's peak and every yr since they have been on a slow decline specially the last 2 yrs. Everyone should check this 8m video out! Do U think Apple will share the same fate as Nokia? IMO I think Apple is gonna price themselves out like they did in the 90s when they stuff started to get outrageously high & turned customers off and also customers are tired of Apple nickel and dime'n them to death ... like the no charger and headphones anymore with new phones ... Apple makes an extra 800M a yr as a result of them not doing that anymore ... Brazil made them add chargers with new phones and tbh more Countries should do this. So I spend 1200USD on a phone and I still have to turn around and pay extra for a charger and headphones? Thats asinine and these huge corps are getting more and more greedy so its nice that Brazil stood up to Apple and said NO U have to include at least a charger with new iPhones. All that aside do U think Apple will share the same fate as Nokia? What can Apple do to become innovative and exciting again? At least Samsung have tried a lot of new things like The Iris scanner, The foldable phone etc meanwhile Apple is giving us more megapixels and better battery life y'all. ????‍♂️ Even Motorola did something exciting reintroducing The new all touchscreen flip Razr. Don't get me wrong I like Apple I have all they products (MacBook, iPhone & iPad) and have supported since I got my 1st one which was the 4 back in 2011 ... I also have had Samsung Galaxy as a backup during that time too like The Galaxy S5 and The S8 or S9 cause I wanted to try the IRIS scanner .. I'm thinking about getting the RAZR or Galaxy fold as my next backup.
  15. I would offer free blowjobs to straight and bicurious gym guys, what about you?
  16. We did it kids As a senior citizen (26 yo) I finally bagged a job with a salary of $120k a year with a 10% annual bonus. Life's been super good work wise fortunately for me even though it started off ROUGH. Graduated college in 2017 with a biology degree and these have been my salaries since: 2017: $20,000/yr (TX) - I was MISERABLE 2018: $36,000/yr (CA) - Paycheck to paycheck as my CA is in LA 2019: $58,000/yr (CA) - Finally when I could breathe financially and wasn't completely paycheck to paycheck 2020: $72,000/yr (CA) - When I was finally financially comfortable to buy things I wanted without worrying about bills. 2021: $78,000/yr (CA) 2022: $120,000/yr (TX) The GROWTH Time to buy all the Kpop albums from 2017-2019 I skipped out on The way I was paycheck to paycheck in 2017 .
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