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  1. Will you give your child whooping?
  2. Some of y’all is fat and ugly and unattractive. But that is OK. Just be who you are, but you got to stop blaming Twitter, black men, and society for all of your problems
  3. Rank these films from best to worst
  4. Is she the real life Amy Dunne from Gone Girl? I might otherwise call her a girlboss icon but she randomly made up that two Hispanic women kidnapped her so she's just a racist c**t Apparently she claimed they "fed her tortillas and played annoying Mexican music"
  5. Outlaws

    Do ads work to you?

    Now that ads are being pushed EVERYWHERE... In your case, have you ever found anything interesting through ads? Have you ever bought anything after getting it shown to you through an ad? Do you think ads work at all for most people? In my case, I've never bought anything after having seen it on an ad, especially because I rarely get suggestions of anything interesting through them. They say ads work depending on your algorithm, your likes and all that, but I seriously think someone has to fix their algorithms 'cause... yeah. Discuss.
  6. Its always been a dream of mine guys!! I’m going cause i want to move there for a few years but need to decide between the two cities! Have any of you guys been?! What should I expect?!! any recommendations? Tips or advice? I’m so freaking excited guys!! Gonna be there for 10 days, flying to Barcelona first then Madrid
  7. Would you save a strangers life knowing you would die in the process?
  8. I think demi gets always the most controversial and long threads but pitbulls are catching up fast
  9. For me its Pepsi but Coca-cola is starting to turn me with the straight cola which i just stocked up on. but yea its pretty much pepsi every day. I need to get into water again
  10. The fact they know they can’t possibly win, so their only recourse to keeping her out of office has completely fallen flat on its face
  11. Have you ever sent a risky text to someone ? What was the response you got ?
  12. Tremor Christ

    Family being your biggest hater

    Anyone else feeling this? I recently realised my parents don't love me. They love their son, but they don't love me, the person. I had this feeling of disconnect since I was 7-8, but always felt guilty. I tried my hardest to appease them, to no avail. I used to be ashamed of myself, my personality, my interests, my quirks... It's both sad and relieving when you confirm everything you felt all along were true. It's crushing when you realise you dedicated your whole being to them and there's nothing left for you.
  13. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18466463/brit-holiday-warning-serial-killer-spain/amp/ Horrible
  14. Yellowfever

    Does ATRL look cheap now?

    The amount of ads it looks TRAGIC and cheap.
  15. Brikenbur

    503 Error vs Ads?

    Which one do we prefer the least? Tbh the ads are throwing me awf
  16. Thots? is she coming for ha QVC and HSN ?
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