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  1. Of all of a sudden i have like 3-4 ads per page from a clothes store in my city. This is so random. Is it happening to u as well ?
  2. ... since some of y'all are posting spoilers in the main thread I think we need another for spoiler discussion. So please, let's discuss Wanda and company here
  3. Tremor Christ

    Family being your biggest hater

    Anyone else feeling this? I recently realised my parents don't love me. They love their son, but they don't love me, the person. I had this feeling of disconnect since I was 7-8, but always felt guilty. I tried my hardest to appease them, to no avail. I used to be ashamed of myself, my personality, my interests, my quirks... It's both sad and relieving when you confirm everything you felt all along were true. It's crushing when you realise you dedicated your whole being to them and there's nothing left for you.
  4. The woman has been a topic of conversation for decades, both good and bad. And it’s crazy that even in her death, Marilyn is still made out to be just a sex icon when she was much more than that. Even in her lifetime, she hated just being seen as nothing more than a ditsy blonde bombshell when she was actually rather intelligent, and open minded. The fact that they are giving away a piece of her hair, and she’s buried next to creepy men who wanted to have their bodies next to her. Like one man made sure his body was turned over to face her (disgusting). Then people usually misquote her, and make her out to be something she isn’t. It’s all weird. Like I just don’t get it.
  5. For me its Pepsi but Coca-cola is starting to turn me with the straight cola which i just stocked up on. but yea its pretty much pepsi every day. I need to get into water again
  6. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18466463/brit-holiday-warning-serial-killer-spain/amp/ Horrible
  7. Hello guys, I need some advice and I would appreciate if this could be taken with the importance it should. A few weeks ago and out of shock I created a thread about South America being a dangerous place for LGBQI+ people after, once again, being followed in my city by what seemed to be a targeted attack, I reported to the police but did not get any further follow ups on this from their side. Yesterday, I found out that my ex classmates from my university were quite literally calling me all kinds of homophobic slurs and directing some of those hate messages to a "student" group chat where I used to participate, I left that chat months ago but one of my dear friends sadly came across the messages and she contacted me right away a lot of fear, because the messages included death wishes, along other alarming/disturbing messages. This is not the first time something like this has happened to me, as I have been victim of targeted homophobia in my city before. I am very traumatized by this entire situation and my first instinct has always been to escape. as I mentioned in my previous thread, I am terrified of going out. this has created a lot of mental distress and I do not know how to deal with these situations anymore. I've been desperately looking for jobs outside of South America, but even though in my mid it feels like a "good option", it is almost impossible to get visa sponsorships outside Latam, despite me having an Informatics Engineering and experience working in Human Resources and restarting my career after almost losing my life to an still ongoing illness. Have any of you been in a situation like this before, and is there any advice that could be useful to me to start over, preferably away from South America? I am terrified. I cannot go outside without fear of being ******* killed. this has become an absolute nightmare that I truly do not know how to get out of.
  8. Outlaws

    Do ads work to you?

    Now that ads are being pushed EVERYWHERE... In your case, have you ever found anything interesting through ads? Have you ever bought anything after getting it shown to you through an ad? Do you think ads work at all for most people? In my case, I've never bought anything after having seen it on an ad, especially because I rarely get suggestions of anything interesting through them. They say ads work depending on your algorithm, your likes and all that, but I seriously think someone has to fix their algorithms 'cause... yeah. Discuss.
  9. Named the third highest-paid actor in 2020, only behind Sofia Vergara and the Saint Jolie. Her career started in 2009 with Fast & Furious but she has yet to serve a classic role / movie, why?
  10. I felt like this needed a separate thread ENDED Hermoine! Transpobe JK Rowling fuming somewhere!
  11. The Kelly Clarkson Show was nominated for 9 Daytime Emmy Awards! Including Best Entertainment Talk Show and Best Entertainment Talk Show Host!! She won both of those big awards last year and one of those big categories in 2020. Kelly and The View were tied for most noms for a talk show!! TKCS is a hit! https://www.thewrap.com/daytime-emmy-nominations-2022-list/ https://ew.com/awards/emmys/2022-daytime-emmy-nominations-beyonce-young-and-the-restless/
  12. Now before you make your choice or say something, i recommend going to the Ban Pitbulls reddit for some info. Pitbulls are 100% confirmed to cause the majority of dogs attacks by a very large margin. https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/ Also stream
  13. I personally LOVE Westworld trailers they are so well made
  14. Strongest avenger, MPG and reigning Marvel queen Scarlet Witch debuted a new trend with WandaVision where all Disney+ Marvel show leads got their own Moon Knight has officially ended yesterday, yet Marc Spector has not gotten his. Did he flop? Was white cape Batman not popular enough?
  15. This thread is only for sharing Gifs. Have fun
  16. Its always been a dream of mine guys!! I’m going cause i want to move there for a few years but need to decide between the two cities! Have any of you guys been?! What should I expect?!! any recommendations? Tips or advice? I’m so freaking excited guys!! Gonna be there for 10 days, flying to Barcelona first then Madrid
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