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  1. Brace in the cuteness y’all
  2. Why are cats better in every way?
  3. I see a lot of siblings that’s are close on TikTok, and I find it so weird that they all plan dates together, shopping, run errands together, party together, call each other “best friends”, hugs each other, texting etc. My siblings and I are NOT close. We use to fight when we were younger, all the way up to 18 and we just stopped talking to each other (we’re both 30s). We realized that no matter we are “siblings”, our personality do not mesh together. to the people who have close siblings: were you guys always close? How close would you guys say you are? to the ones that are not: do you guys talk? Do you guys text / hug each other? Do you fight? Etc?
  4. They really need to hire new people designing their phone. Because this is such a downgrade from last year's design
  5. I can't find the old thread, sorry if it's somewhere buried. But my gosh, crypto has hit rock bottom. I feel like blowing $100's of dollars on it cuz it's the lowest I've seen since I started. But I have a question tho: let's say I have 1000 invested at 20c and the coin is currently at 10c so I have a $500 loss. Is there a situation in which it would be wise to cashout the $500 you have and then re-invest in the same stock at 10c? Or should I just keep buying the dip to lower the average?
  6. For both older than you and younger. As of today I would not date someone like 5-6 years younger than me and I would not date someone more than 18/20 years older. What about you?
  7. do you think there will be MARTIAL LAW season 2 in the Philippines? if yes for how long? just for fact: Marcos Sr. declared Martial Law in the 70s that lasted for more than 20 years now Marcos Jr. is the president due to successful fake news and history revisionism brainwashing via tiktok and facebook do you think he'll be more cruel than the father? their family stole 10 BILLION US DOLLARS making them richer than Beyonce, Rihanna, Kardashians combined.
  8. JohnWayneHolland

    My gym crush is back at the gym.

    So I don't think you guys remember but before ATRL got cleared I made a thread about how my gym crush wasn't coming to my gym anymore and how sad I was about it (some of you even called me a pervert/weirdo (?) for some reason, even though I wasn't doing anything creepy, I just looked at him from time to time) but today I finally saw him again at least that confirms that he's not dead, he also got thicker I was playing it cool but I was screaming inside. I would like to talk to him but I'm too shy to do that, he also has this kinda "serious/tough/highschool jock" vibe that intimidates me do you guys have any tips? I don't even care if he's straight, I want to at least be his friend I know I sound desperate and miserable, believe me, I am. Also do you have any gym crushes? I would like to hear about that and if you got to talk to them or even become something more feel free to tell your stories.
  9. Grindr Dating App to Go Public Through Tiga SPAC at $2.1 Billion Valuation Chinese owners forced to divest gay-dating app in 2020 Revenue of $147 million in 2021 was up 30% from 2020 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-09/grindr-to-go-public-through-tiga-spac-at-2-1-billion-valuation
  10. When I woke up from my unconsciousness, I still had my $5, my dignity, and now a traumatic brain injury. But guess what? I was not a victim
  11. These "leaders" are leading us over the cliff trying to compromise with fascists. This is what happens when both parties are right wing
  12. Alongside Heartstopper, I just finished watching another Netflix EU show called "The 7 Lives of Lea". It's a time travelling murder mystery and very LGBT friendly show! It's a show by Netflix France but it is acessable everywhere who has Netflix. It's also dubbed in English. Y'all need to give it a chance, even watching first episode and you will be hooked. Every episode has you on the edge of your seat and by the end, I was crying my eyes out they need to confirm season 2, this is the best hidden Netflix show they have, it's worth giving it a chance
  13. After avoiding Covid for two years, I've caught it from someone I know who I thought just had a cold at a Greek life event. What sucks is I didn't catch it at all at any festivals I went to so I feel like this is some sick prank. Haven't lost any senses and just have a bit of a sore throat but how do I get rid of this fast? I'm currently under isolation at my university and my finals are next week so this is the worst timing ever So to all the infected users: how long did it take to test negative? Any home remedies? Shows to watch? I'm BORED
  14. I personally LOVE Westworld trailers they are so well made
  15. First things first dont spam my thread with all the gay orgy clubs recommendations as y’all did with the berlin thread. ok so im going to montserrat, andres carne and Frenessi. Any other place i must visit?
  16. Into The Void

    Did your faves attend college?

    Just curious how many of our faves are actually college grads.
  17. The woman has been a topic of conversation for decades, both good and bad. And it’s crazy that even in her death, Marilyn is still made out to be just a sex icon when she was much more than that. Even in her lifetime, she hated just being seen as nothing more than a ditsy blonde bombshell when she was actually rather intelligent, and open minded. The fact that they are giving away a piece of her hair, and she’s buried next to creepy men who wanted to have their bodies next to her. Like one man made sure his body was turned over to face her (disgusting). Then people usually misquote her, and make her out to be something she isn’t. It’s all weird. Like I just don’t get it.
  18. I'll go first: Azealia Banks I genuinely believe she would've been the main rapper girl right now if she just kept the mouth shut and went to therapy
  19. Will you give your child whooping?
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