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  1. 212 mass shootings in the US this year. Some of them with illegally bought arms, some others bought them legally but 44% of the US lives in a house that posseses firearms. Would limiting gun control even change anything? US gun culture is so ingrained in the minds of Americans that only a full on ban of firearms and raids to take semiautomatic guns from every single American household who have one. Also prohibitions on hunting are necessary, including laws against family members teaching their kids how to shoow and label that as child abuse. Sadly, this would lead to massive protests, way bigger than those for pro-gun people. A big problem in the US is that every significant political figure / party is in favour of still letting people buy guns for themselves, and only a few non-establishment leftist parties are pro the only thing that would make a change, actually forbiding the use of guns in self-defense. Anyway, mass shootings in the US only prove the United States of America is a failed state and that no major change can happen without fundamentally changing the constitution and therefore, the law system Do you agree?
  2. favorite crime

    What was your gay awakening?

    my gay awakening What was yours? Please keep it PG-13
  3. Do you remember little Stacie? She grew up and had a career in Bulgaria Listen to her smash Also check out her music video Did she END Barbie with this?
  4. simba had the damn munchies
  5. I don't understand it, the opinion on him flipped overnight. And I can't see why. Whats your take on this?
  6. Mineral, volcanic, sparkling, distilled, purified, flavoured/infused, sparkling or tap? Include any others I missed down below.
  7. Bloodflowers.

    My Son Calls Another Man Daddy

    Someone posted this song in Pop Culture thread and I am crying out from laughing!! Any other examples of hilarious and messy song titles?
  8. I’m tired of spending 300 dollars every two weeks just to get like 6 things it feels like .
  9. Distantconstellation

    How come there are no girls here?

    Back in the day during the trl days this board was full of girls but they seem to have disappeared..now its full of gays... why the huge shift?
  10. What a silver daddy. The way he didn't take no for an answer come election time, UGH.
  11. Which are some films/shows that has high ratings on IMBD, RT and so on, but you don't understand or agree with ? Me and my friend used to watch Lucifer because it was so bad it was funny, and I was shocked to find out that it has 88% on Rotten Tomatoes. The dialogue, the acting and the writing cracks me up, Tom Ellis should be glad he's hot What about you, what movie/film taught you to never trust ratings ?
  12. You can spend a night with only one of them, which one would you choose : Nick Jonas ? Henri Cavill ? Which one would you choose ?
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-10820569/Idrissa-Gueye-missed-PSG-game-REFUSED-wear-shirt-number-rainbow-colours.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
  14. Which compliment holds more weight and which you prefer to be? I think handsome is superior because technically most people can become hot through a strict diet and regiment workout routine, but being called handsome is mostly due to genetics.
  15. https://mustsharenews.com/busker-baby-shark/?utm_source=telegram The busker's name is Jason Yu.
  16. “I didn’t leave the left; the left left me.”
  17. Pride festival in Gran Canaria that was attended by 80,000 people is linked to Spanish monkeypox cases as well as two cases in Italy - while European reaches a total of 100 known cases. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10839877/amp/Monkeypox-outbreak-Europes-biggest-100-cases-reported.html
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