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  1. Arrows point the direction in which more searches are made. If Country A has an arrow towards Country B, then Country B is the most searched country by people in Country A. Also the size of those circles indicates the volume of overall searches. USA is unshakably at the centre of this map and is by far the largest circle. Other major regional powers are Russia, France, UK, India, Japan, Germany, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Italy, and Turkey. You can think of this map in terms of the Solar System. With the US as the Sun in the middle, the regional behemoths like France, India etc orbiting around the Sun, and smaller countries as moon-like satellites orbiting those other regional powers. source Is your country the Sun, one of the Planets, or just a Satellite?
  2. https://theshaderoom.com/media-rent-record-high/amp/ Two-Bedrooms being $2550
  3. If you shop their brands, I'm wondering which one do you prefer in terms of fabric quality and aestheticism? Inditex's biggest brand Zara or non Inditex Mango? Their catalogues are quite similar (Mediterraneanesque)
  4. This is Karen's Diner in Australia. It's similar to "themed" diners you'd find in Japan, except all the staff treat you like ****. Oliva Rodrig-Hoe. Baguette with an F. Should've Swallowed. WTF Happened to Ellen Degeneres.
  5. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-05-23/ty-article/.premium/two-jewish-guys-just-tied-the-knot-on-israeli-prime-time-tv/00000180-f6c9-d469-a5b4-f6f9e6660000 nothing but respect to the most progressive county in the Middle East
  6. *Among mainstream flavors, at least. I like chocolate bars and ice cream separately, but chocolate ice cream is probably one of the worst pairings of foods I have ever had. The nuanced flavors of dark chocolate does not translate well in ice cream form. It's too rich and heavy you would give up eating the whole thing after one or two bites. Strawberry ice cream remains superior.
  7. Russian president Vladimir Putin has been given just three years to live by doctors, it’s claimed. A growing number of unconfirmed reports alledge the 69-year-old president has cancer and that his health is deteriorating quickly. And now an FSB officer has claimed Putin “has no more than two to three years to stay alive”, adding the Russian president has “a severe form of rapidly progressing cancer”. Messages said to be from the unidentified Russian spy to FSB defector Boris Karpichkov also say Putin is losing his sight and suffering from headaches. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-sick-health-ukraine-russia-war-b2090110.html
  8. Severus Snape

    Is Will Byers gay?

    Do you think he'll come out in the new season?
  9. He was partying without her. Is this the beginning of the end for the "We need a strong Republican Party" chanteuse?
  10. Miley Cyrus

    Joe Biden polls WORSE than Trump

  11. Beyonnaise

    When was your flop era?

    Mine was early 2021. Girl… career in shambles. Now I’m in a cute reinvention moment, my Bedtime Stories era if you will.
  12. Teenager's marriage proposal to 76-year-old girlfriend sparks age gap debate online (timesnownews.com) A 19-year-old student's marriage proposal to his partner 57 years older than him has sparked a massive age gap debate on social media. Giuseppe D'Anna shared the news of his engagement on TikTok on 24 May with a romantic compilation video of photographs with his partner. The clip also showed the moment he got down on his knee to pop the question to his 76-year-old girlfriend.
  13. Which of these pop boys had the most potential to become a MPB Austin Mahone Citing Bieber as an influence it seemed like he was on the same path but did he have the chops to be the next Bieber? Jesse McCartney His first 3 albums had a few US hits and he seemed to be on his way to make some waves Cody Simpson Emerging after Biebers success many thought he would follow his route He seemed to get some traction back in the day with his early EPS but did he have any potential? In your opinion who was the most talented? Can you name anybody else?
  14. The mid 2010s to now box office and mainstream film discussion has girated, mostly, towards superhero movies. Besides some lucky high budget action films like 1917, the rare romantic drama like ASIB and the always succesful Disney remakes and animated features, the box office has been dominated by superhero movies, especially Marvel's. Like with everything else in mainstream media, there's trends that dominate for relatively short periods of time. Romantic comedies in the 80s, high dramas like Titanic in the 90s have been relegated to success in streaming platforms or awards season; 3D movies, that were the previous buzz before superhero movies are nowhere to be seen and they need a miracle to come back (Avatar 2 maybe?), so, when will the superhero movies fad pass? Will it still be relatively succesful when something new comes? What's the likely next niche of movies to find success? I would say movies based on games have potential, especially with the success of both Sonic The Hedgehog movies and Detective Pikachu, but it's gonna filmmakers to actually make more palatable films in this genre to fully blossom
  15. Better Mistakes

    Things to do in London?

    Going to London tomorrow again and I’m looking for things to do. I’m seeing the infinity mirror room at the Tate modern, but other than that I’m a bit stumped for things to do. For reference, I have previously done: The shard cable car rides sky gardens history museum the science museum Victoria Albert museum/ gallery tate modern Sherlock Holmes museum wax works Photography gallery open top bus and boats Buckingham palace
  16. what did the lady in the back say omg
  17. Learned of a threat against the LGBTQIA+ community in Phoenix. FBI and PD are looking into it. Phoenix PD posted this: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02aPuLD4ERk9cUKAjZKy6EMa9zEeETU3mbF4qN9JqS1pc8oMRHQKtjaFfCLBdbxvKal&id=100064762416668&m_entstream_source=timeline Videos of threats and such are here: Stay safe my beloved gheys
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