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  1. After relistening to this and the Live In LA Remix, I fear I have overlooked how great this song really is, especially the Live In LA Remix. I feel amount of groove, depth and power in this bop.
  2. It appears the Stranger Things mystery that is Will’s ambiguous sexuality will soon be solved. In an interview with TVLine, series creators Matt and Ross Duffer — AKA the Duffer Brothers — make it clear that they understood fans’ curiosity. “You’re supposed to be asking those questions,” says Matt. However, the sibs aren’t eager to confirm whether or not Noah Schnapp’s character is gay. “This is where it gets tricky since we haven’t released the whole season yet,” Matt continues. “I just want people to watch the final two episodes” of Season 4. In them, he promises that the audience will get clarity on the matter. https://tvline.com/2022/06/02/stranger-things-is-will-gay-sexuality-season-4-duffer-brothers/
  3. Into The Void

    Summer Plans

    So what are you guys doing this summer? Any vacations? Stuck in summer school? Broke? I would really love to go on vacay but I cant afford it
  4. Seems like everyone here is always talking about getting a degree. Anyone here not care to go? Where is working class atrl at?
  5. What don't you like about them? And if you do like tarot, what makes you listen to a specific tarot reader?
  6. Former Virginia Tech football player Isimemen Etute, 19, has been acquitted of the second-degree murder of a Tinder date he "[mistook] for a woman" last year. Etute had said he met Jerry Paul Smith, 40, in April 2021 to engage in oral sex with someone named "Angie" he matched with on Tinder. The next month, he returned to the victim's apartment to verify his* gender. The 6'3", 205 lb. "elite athlete" groped the 153 lb. Smith before beating him to death. The Roanoke Times reported that "Etute told the police he punched Smith five times in the face and continued punching the victim when they hit the ground and 'stomped' on them. Etute heard 'bubbling and gurgling' as he left the apartment but didn't call the police." A medical examiner ruled that Smith died of blunt force trauma to the head. According to an autopsy, "every bone in his face was broken" and his teeth had been knocked out. Police said Smith did not have a gun, but detectives found a knife under his mattress. Defense attorney Jimmy Turk argued that Etute acted in self-defense, and his fear and the victim’s weapon were not considered by police. Prosecutor Patrick Jensen argued that Smith was in no position to get his knife, and said the 153-pound man was no physical match for the “elite college athlete” who was listed as 6-foot-3, 205 pounds. A June 2021 report by The Advocate noted that it "[wasn't] clear why Etute thought Smith was a woman during the initial encounter. No one [had] identified Smith as transgender; his family has said he was a gay man."
  7. Chick-fil-A has been the source of a lot of controversy in the past because they have donated millions of dollars to far-right LGBTQ+ hate groups
  8. https://news.yahoo.com/japanese-man-spends-15-700-010428674.html
  9. Now i dont watch ravens home but i saw the old one and like one episode of this ish but is anyone curious as to why she left the reboot? How could Raven not have chelsea by her side a comedic genius on her own with nothing else going on in life probs. My uneducated guess is ravens chelsea clone girlfriend started getting jelous and made her get rid of chelsea as an ultimatum. Whats the tea yall? Or what do you think it is ..
  10. jakeisphat

    Can Biden turn it around?

    He's failed to fulfill several major promises that he campaigned on, even with a majority in both chambers of congress His approval within his own party is on a steady decline He hasn't "unified" the nation as he claimed he would He has allowed his agenda to be run by DINOs and refuses to stand up to them He's out here supporting pro-life legislators to spite progressive ones Altogether... he's flopping. Is there anything he can do at this point to turn this mess around (aside from retiring), or is he over for good?
  11. Vladimir Putin 'may already be DEAD and using a body double', intelligence sources claim. It's the Mirror, The Sun & the Dailystar, so it could just be sensationalism. Though, what do you think is likely to happen in the region, if he passes?
  12. I tend to find difficulties finding certain things. Especially when it's in the "blah blah site:example.com" mode which was very successful for me in the past. Idk if this is just a coincidence.
  13. We're you acting like nothing's happening, or we're you shook?
  14. There's an ongoing debate online about how bullying is depicted in Stranger Things overall, mostly on twitter and reddit. Some people say how it's addressed in the show is doin a huge disservice to the topic by showing one-dimensional bullies in caricatural situations; the consensus is that it's borderline cringe-worthy and unrealistic in it's depiction. Other people are chiming in, mostly boomers who were teens in the 80s and 90s, and they say it's actually very accurate and things were actually way worse than in the show, bullying had a different nature involving physical violence most of time. They're talking about generational trauma, they say that things only got better for the kids until somewhere around 10 to 15 years ago. It wasn’t just socially accepted back then, it was socially expected. They say the only thing unrealistic in the show is the presence of therapists in school which didn't exist at all. Do you think bullying got better for us, should we consider the kids of today lucky or things are even worse because of the digital and it's anonymous nature? cyberbullying is silent but doesn't that make it more dangerous?
  15. So I'm an American first time in Europe. Here for a whole week. I have a couple friends here I want to see and try to do all the basic tourist stuff (Louvre, Eiffel Tower etc) but I'll have time for lots more. I know ATRL is full of international girlies so I'd really appreciate if y'all have any suggestions. Pas de negativity/anti-French hate speech s'il vous plaît! (Also going to have a short two-day stint in Rome after this if anyone has any recommendations there! Thanks )
  16. Bacardo Royale

    Most played song of 2022 so far?

    Wow we're already halfway through 2022, what's your most played song so far? Mine:
  17. Chris Rock no need to answer but when I was a kid in the 90s I asked my grandma if she and my grandpa slept in the same bed and had sex with each other and she told my mom in a low voice who turned around and slapped me right in the face. I'm on the fence whether I deserved that or not but lesson definitely learned. I often remember it. Have any atrlers ever gotten a slap to the face before?
  18. I say let’s break down the sexual binary
  19. Over the past half decade I've noticed most major retailers, both lower-end and now luxury brands will sell some type of very on-the-nose PRIDE related clothing (or other merchandise). It's either the classic rainbow flag stretched across the whole garment, the more inclusive rainbow flag or just their logo in rainbow with an empowering slogan on it. My question is: do you buy these items?
  20. I just booked my first trip to Toronto for June. Not only is this my first trip to Canada, it’s my first time outside of The United States! Any tips or advice from anyone who lives there or has been? Things not to miss? Best places to eat?
  21. Well, do you? It's a skincare/makeup brand. I do and I took advantage of the Friends of Glossier sale and Miss Olivia Rodrigo is their first ambassador.
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