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  1. Ever since I was a kid buckled up in the little chair on the back seat of my parents car, I've been sniffing that goodness. Its just so peculiar, its hard to describe. I love to get a deep breath that fills my entire lung capacity- and keep it in for a few seconds, its just soo good. I would lower the window before stopping the car when going to get gas in order for the smell to fill in the entire car. Even to this day, I still inhale this god's aroma. During my life I've encountered other people who also appreciate the scent of gasoline, specially the one you get at the gas station. So ATRLians, do you also find pleasure in it too?
  2. I'll go first: I stutter. I guess the reason is genetics, since my mom stutters too. It's not really severe, but it can be quite noticable (by me at least). But anyway, every time I talk and start stuttering I feel really scared of someone making fun of me (even though no-one has ever even pointed out the fact that I stutter except my parents and no-one has ever made fun of me stuttering), but for some reason I always feel like I'm going to get bullied for it so I can feel quite insecure while speaking to someone. When I told my friends (who I had known for years before) that I stutter they were really shocked and surprised. They said they had never noticed that I stutter or had never paid any attention to it (they might have lied though but I trust them) They made me feel better as I started thinking that maybe it's not as noticable as I thought and I just overexaggerated everything. Now I feel a bit more confident but the insecurity itself hasn't gone anywhere yet What about you, ATRL? Do you have such insecurities?
  3. Severus Snape

    Let me blow you

    r mind: I was looking though some maps and I was blown away when I started seeing comparisons of latitude with some cities. What surprised you the most? I always tough that China, Japan and US were as northern as Europe, but basically continental Europe is as northern as Canada. I'm surprised that New York and Chicago are in the same latitude as Barcelona and Rome, given that they get brutal winters. Also surprised seeing how Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Tokyo are on the same latitude as Africa
  4. I’m a server myself, and I get customers from all over the world. I don’t have many bad experiences and many of my tables leave me at least 15% of the total check, with the standard being 18-20% in America. I’m not sure how other counties work, but when I ask my tables they say it’s not as common How much do you tip your server if you have a good experience? A bad experience? Just was wondering. As a fellow server myself, when I go out to eat.. Which isn’t often anymore, I at least try and leave 20% now that I know the struggle
  5. As you know, the Indo-European people migrated and spread all over Eurasia. Many peoples and languages descend from this migration event. But do you speak a language that does not descend from this one language?
  6. Kevin Feige is currently in talks with Stranger Things Creators; The Duffer Brothers for a Marvel studio helmed project. The Duffer Brothers have been revealed to be in talks with Kevin Feige very recently. recent reports state the development project will be GhostRider; The Spirt of vengeance. As of Spring 2022 there is no confirmation if this will be a featured film or Disney + Limited series in the vein of MoonKnight. No comment from Agent of shield Ghost riders Actor has been made as of yet. Disney is pushing for a more TV-14 and Rated R projects and audience Demographic with MoonKnight, Blade & Deadpool 3. Will GhostRider join the MCU Midnight Suns? Who would you want to star as GhostRider if recast happens? The Duffer Brothers are not confirmed as of yet to be leading this project. This is one of several upcoming rumor MCU projects they will lead potentially. source: GiantfreakingRobot.com https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/stranger-things-ghost-rider-exclusive.html
  7. Some fans noticed that this season started the day before Will's birthday. However, the writers apparently forgot that they wrote Will's birthday on March 22nd.
  8. Do you want to get married and/or have kids? Just seeing what ATRL’s views are on this, I’m not sure I want either personally.
  9. Hey ATRL! I started posting short videos for fun and I titled it as "Living Alone in the UK". I enjoyed doing it. I want to know what's your opinion about it? What's good? What's bad? What should I add? Here is the latest one:
  10. This twitter thread, a rite of passage for American HS and College kids is being scammed into this mess
  11. I'm a horror junkie so I've seen my fair share of gruesome films. Very few actually scare me anymore. Even the hard hitters like A Serbian Film and Salo are way too over the top for me to find scary (although both are disgusting) I just watched The House That Jack Built and whew, a movie hasn't disturbed me like that in years. The scene with the mom and her kids on the picnic scarred So what's the most disturbing movie you've ever seen?
  12. For anyone who practices; is interested in practicing witchcraft, tarot, astrology etc. Here’s a link to a dropbox of a tonne of books relating to witchcraft: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ssbdrhov1p18fft/AAA-iKgWkyvTp9X3pIh_KCbCa?dl=0
  13. As the first Critically Panned Comicbook Film to potentially get a Sequel just off Memes alone. #MorbiusSweep started out as a online Viral Inside joke in Spring of 2022.Hundreds of Thousands of fans rally behind the Newest Marvel Legend. Matt Smith & Adria Arjona publicly express thier interest in a sequel to Jared Leto’s infamous Role. Budget at $75 million, the blockbuster made $163 Morbillion at the Box office throughout its theatrical release. Will Sony adhere to the current Petitions and Outcry for the Sequel? Can Morbius be the Next Bisexual Superhero Icon? Will “It’s Morbin Time” surpass Captain America’s “I Can Do This All Day” Quote in pop Culture. Will the Sequel pull a Ugly Sonic and gain Public Adoration? Sony has confirmed that Morbius will return in their Sony Pictures Cinematic Universe. https://www.change.org/p/make-morbius-2
  14. This is never going to end. Isn't it?
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