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  1. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/15/saudi-authorities-seize-rainbow-toys-crackdown-homosexuality
  2. On HBO, IRMA VEP premiered at a dismal zero/71K. https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-monday-6-6-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html
  3. Katamari

    Fav episode of SVU?

    It has over 500 episodes which is your favorite or which episode has ****** you up the most I may or may not be binging the series (again)
  4. So if a guy only goes after trans women and crossdressers is he straight? These guys show NO interest in cis gender women. Is it a fetish? I agree trans women are women but then why do some men only go after trans women and not cis women? This has always confused me.
  5. La LINK Which sign do you hate the most, ATRL?
  6. At 1:18, you can also hear Empire State of Mind being played in the background.
  7. All to avoid getting sued and to not be responsible of deaths/other damages. https://fortune.com/2022/06/10/elon-musk-tesla-nhtsa-investigation-traffic-safety-autonomous-fsd-fatal-probe/ Elon Musk denies Autopilot was active before deadly crash in Texas "Data logs recovered so far show Autopilot was not enabled," Musk tweeted https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/04/elon-musk-denies-autopilot-was-active-before-deadly-crash-in-texas/ You need to be a sociopath to do these kind of tweaking into a software to free you from responsibility when an accident occurs.
  8. Using Base section and I kinda sorta STAN how artists bases and genres are all in one place while other casual discussion threads aren't clogging up Base section as before (yet) What do y'all think, should we seperate fanbase and genre threads from threads about that are about chart failures, comparisons, what went wrongs and appreciacion threads to a different section?
  9. But there is no reason it should be 100 Degrees in Atlanta. I’m pretty sure you can cook eggs on the damn pavement. Hotter than a habanero kewchie . I hate it here
  10. February 3rd, 2021 - 18-34: 44 Approval / 32 Disapproval / +12 Approval https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3766 April 13th, 2022 - 18-34: 21% Approval / 58% Disapproval / -37 Approval https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3843 Change since election: -49 point swing. People have noted that this trend of Biden's standing with millennials and young people collapsing into numbers as bad as Trump's is being documented across multiple pollsters:
  11. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aay6826 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abi7673 Latins and Etruscans were more European and French-like. Central Italians were similar to Southern Italian in Late Antiquity but later in Middle Ages Northern Italian and Germanic admixture pulled them more north. The origin, development, and legacy of the enigmatic Etruscan civilization from the central region of the Italian peninsula known as Etruria have been debated for centuries. Here we report a genomic time transect of 82 individuals spanning almost two millennia (800 BCE to 1000 CE) across Etruria and southern Italy. During the Iron Age, we detect a component of Indo-European–associated steppe ancestry and the lack of recent Anatolian-related admixture among the putative non–Indo-European–speaking Etruscans. Despite comprising diverse individuals of central European, northern African, and Near Eastern ancestry, the local gene pool is largely maintained across the first millennium BCE. This drastically changes during the Roman Imperial period where we report an abrupt population-wide shift to ~50% admixture with eastern Mediterranean ancestry. Last, we identify northern European components appearing in central Italy during the Early Middle Ages, which thus formed the genetic landscape of present-day Italian populations. Rome: Tuscany:
  12. I do it on the low and eventhough theyre straight they dont get too mad cause Im attractive which makes me wonder if theyre secretly bi or hunty How about you?
  13. See the entire list HERE What is the worst food you have ever eaten, ATRL? Some selections from the list:
  14. I don’t think I’ve ever watched anything more embarrassing!
  15. America's first openly transgender bishop resigned last week amid allegations of racism after firing the Puerto Rican pastor of a predominantly Latino congregation during an important Hispanic holiday. Rev. Megan Rohrer, 42, who uses the pronouns 'they,' said that the 'constant misinformation, bullying and harassment' led to their resignation from the Sierra Pacific Synod, overseeing 200 congregations in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern California and northern Nevada. Rohrer was elected in May 2021 to serve a six-year term. The ex-bishop had been found by a church 'listening panel' to have engaged in racist behavior by threatening to call the police on a church member and her child, which church investigators called 'an egregious action especially when dealing with the vulnerable communities of Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Rohrer was also accused of wearing a bulletproof vest when announcing the dismissal of a popular priest, Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzales, whom they had fired from the Mision Latina Luterana in December 2021 the day before the Feast of the Virgin Guadalupe, a major religious holiday for congregants of the Stockton, California church. Rohrer had said that they had worn the vest when they made the announcement out of fear for their life. Some congregants accused the bishop of smirking during the announcement, but an investigation found that the expression was due to Rohrer's autism Rohrer was unknown to the congregation on the day they came to the church to announce the termination. It was also the same day that they threated to call the police on the child and parent in the church. The accusation of racism is at odds with Rohrer's progressive politics. It's a seemingly ignominious end to Rohrer’s tenure, but they’ll likely land on their feet. Rohrer has previously served as SFPD chaplain, and is well-connected politically in SF. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/S-F-transgender-Lutheran-bishop-resigns-amid-17223465.php
  16. The way we (gays and bisexuals) are called deviants by str8s when they are the ones with the disgusting and problematic sexual history ---
  17. I feel like with every day the number of people who get married and want to have kids is becoming less which I endorse cause this planet is already overpopulated. Life as a single is so much better anyway You dont have to share your earnings, you get to do whatever you want in your free time and you can f*ck with whoever you want Thoughts?
  18. You are more than 25 and... You go on Tiktok ? "Cringe" You are on Atrl ? "Cringe" You play video games ? "Cringe" You go to night clubs ? "Cringe" You're on dating apps ? "Cringe" You love pop gurls and listen to Billie Eillish ? "Cringe" You travel a lot ? "Cringe" You enjoy life ? "Cringe : you only should have kids and do the housework" You breathe ? "Cringe" Like are we supposed to be depressed and to shut up ? It should be cringe to NOT HAVE A JOB AND LIVING WITH YOUR PARENTS AFTER 25 But not to enjoy your life
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