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  1. A 70-year-old woman who was trampled to death by an elephant later had her body stampeded over by the very same wild animal. Maya Murmu was out collecting water in Raipal village, Eastern India when the escaped elephant came out of nowhere and trampled her on Thursday morning. She later died in hospital of her injuries, Rasgovindpur police station inspector Lopamudra Nayak said. Then that evening the elephant returned as the 70-year-old's body lay on top of her funeral pyre. It took her body down, trampled her again, threw her around and went off into the night. The elephant is believed to have travelled from the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary in the state of Jharkhand, 200km away from Raipal in Odisha state, Mayurbhanj district. According to local reports, the Independent said, the second trampling happened while Ms Murmu’s family were performing last rites. It is now known if anyone else was harmed but the family did go ahead with the ceremony after the elephant left. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10908709/India-news-Dalma-Wildlife-Sanctuary-elephant-kills-woman-returns-trample-corpse.html
  2. Anybody else fans of His Dark Materials (aka the best fantasy novels of all time) ever wondered what their dæmon would be? There is also an HBO show and a movie (The Golden Compass) basically the novels take place in a parallel universe where a person's soul lives outside their body as an animal that represents their personality. The animal can talk and the conversations between yourself and your dæmon mirror conversations with your conscience in our world personally I've always viewed mine as a coyote https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dæmon_(His_Dark_Materials)
  3. What are your thoughts, ATRL? On one hand, no adult, ESPECIALLY in education, should be arguing with a child like this. On the other hand, students get away with so much at school nowadays, and there is no support for teachers on an administrative or federal level in many countries - especially in the USA, where this video takes place.
  4. Can we show some appreciation to the Emily Eyefinger series, by successful Australian children's author, Duncan Ball? Did you read this series growing up? What could you imagine you'd do, with an eye on the tip of your finger?
  5. First off, saying this to get it out of the way: Keep it ******* cute. Some of y'all are brazenly comfortable being transphobic on here. For context, I had this discussion with two friends recently. Friend 1 agreed with me that no, trans people don't "owe" anyone anything, and that people in relationships often don't "disclose" significant aspects of their lives before getting into relationships either, so why should transmen and transwomen be held to a double standard? Friend 2 sort of had an experience along these lines, and was predictably more fixated on the feeling of "betrayal"(his words, not mine) that not disclosing one's transness can cause the other partner. I didn't bring this up then, but there was a transguy he was very into, but it did not work out. We both suspect he couldn't deal with that when he found out (the guy told him two months into the relationship) and that maybe colours his feelings on the topic. Plus he also argued that it may be "better" (i.e "safer") for the trans-person in question, because as most on here are aware, several countries have this bogus gay/trans "panic" legal defense wherein violent homophobic and transphobic individuals are given cover for quite literally murdering gay/trans people So according to him, it benefits both parties. What do you guys think? Does focusing on the ""betrayal"" in effect center the feelings of the cis-gendered individual while sidelining that of that trans individual, or is biology/genitalia such an essential part of a relationship for you that not "disclosing" it before entering a relationship is akin to a form of betrayal?
  6. Distantconstellation

    When did the T word become offensive?

    Back in the late 2000s and early 2010s all the gays and trans chicks and drag queens who i hung out with use to say the T word and not in a bad way. When did it become a bad word and who decided that?
  7. Very interesting question, my parents were on an argument a couple nights ago saying that my mom wanted a bigger proposal. But then I asked her; why couldn't you be the one who proposed to him? After all, aren't we all looking for equality? This feels like equalitarian in a way that the male doesn't have to be the one that poses the question. I remember in high school this classmate of mine it was his mom that proposed and it doesn't seem like that big of a deal with me. Did your dad make the proposal or did your mom do it? And do you think this expectation should change?
  8. do you like the smell of straight men musk?
  9. I see so many new users lately, with just 100-200 or even less posts. And they never have avatars (why is that?). Where are all these people coming from?
  10. I do it on the low and eventhough theyre straight they dont get too mad cause Im attractive which makes me wonder if theyre secretly bi or hunty How about you?
  11. See the entire list HERE What is the worst food you have ever eaten, ATRL? Some selections from the list:
  12. The writers wrote this and planned to bring back the old Charmed ones BUT they planned to ask the actors after getting renewed (they didn't) They'd obviously say no so I can't even imagine what they would write https://tvline.com/2022/06/10/charmed-series-finale-ending-explained-halliwell-connection-interview/
  13. This is hell . It was hell when Cher Lloyd did it to half of Sorry I’m Late in 2013 8 months before it’s release and it was hell when charli sang those songs live at the exchange show. Why do artists do this? I need this song in studio version. Does anyone have it?
  14. Mysterious Disease Is Killing Hundreds In Australia By Dane Enerio Around 750 people in the Australian state of Victoria allegedly die due to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome every year The term describes unexpected deaths in young people when a post-mortem could not find causesParents should have their children screened for the condition if their family has a history of cardiac illness. The death of a 31-year-old woman last year has been attributed to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), a condition that may be causing hundreds of people to die annually in the Australian state of Victoria. Advertising executive Catherine Keane died in her sleep last July while living with two friends in Dublin, Ireland. Her mother, Margherita Cummins, has since urged other parents to get their children screened for SADS if their family has a history of cardiac illness, News.com.au reported. SADS, also called Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome, is an "umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people," usually under the age of 40, when a post-mortem could not find obvious death causes, according to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). The most common SADS conditions include genetic arrhythmia syndromes such as long QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and Brugada syndrome, the organization stated. It is unclear how many deaths are attributed to the condition globally every year, but a register by Melbourne's Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute (BHDI) suggested SADS kills about 750 young people in the state of Victoria annually, a report by 7News.com.au said. "Of these, approximately 100 young people per year will have no cause found even after extensive investigations such as a full autopsy," Dr. Elizabeth Paratz, a cardiologist and researcher at BHDI, told the outlet. https://www.ibtimes.com/mysterious-disease-killing-hundreds-australia-3534486
  15. I got hired Dec 2020 at a drug company where we do rebates and a patient assitsiant program for a knee injection and honestly this is the chillest job I ever had. Only problem is they asked me how much I wanted to make and I lowballed myself and said 15. I really should have said 17 cause that's what the last company I worked for paid me. Anyways I stayed loyal and hope for a raise and never got one. And at this point it's been 1.5 years. Still I stay cause it's just so relaxed and the calls I get are so short and easy and everyone is happy that you are helping them so that's why I stayed. I got the balls finally to speak with hr and renegotiated my salary to $18 an hour and I'm over the moon!!! I told them I got a job offer who were gonna pay me 17 and was considering it since I need money badly hoping they would match the pay. My hr lady offered me a 3 dollar raise and I'm so happy ? she told me I better stay a long time and better tell the other company no thanks. and I definitely want to! I can't belive I'm gonna get paid that much more money to do the same job and I totally plan to up my game and give my all ? How bout yall?
  16. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2022/06/10/popeyes-59-cents-chicken/7585435001/
  17. https://tvline.com/2022/06/10/kim-cattrall-cast-glamorous-netflix-drama-series/
  18. https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220610-china-will-not-hesitate-to-start-war-if-taiwan-declares-independence-beijing-says
  19. Shame, it was a very underrated and unusual yet interesting show to watch. First Raised By Wolves canceled and now this
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