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  1. i'm getting 503 error 10 times a minute
  2. It seems like once How I Met Your Mother ended it's only a show the fan base talks about. No one talks about it or have daily discussions about it's characters like The Office or Friends. People to this day debate on the famous "We were on a break" scene on Friends. And there's plenty to discuss or rant about with The Office. Was it the final season that killed it's replay ability?
  3. WhoWho

    Gay continent

    Imagine - out of nowhere a new continent emerges in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. World leaders get together to discuss how to handle the situation, without creating new wars and de-stabilising world peace*. A peculiar idea comes up during the long hours of discussion: "to solve the biggest problem of Earth's heterosexuals - we can give this yet unexplored land to the GAYS". So they call it PANGAYA. ?️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍? *In a global sense. No offence, Ukrainian ATRLers. Because of the vastness of this new continent - there are regions of all earthly climates, therefore it has a diverse variety of animals, plants, soils, trees and other natural resources. It is expected that the future government of this land will accept "GAYS" from all over the world. Potentially removing them fully from heterosexual community & dividing the worlds of homo and hetero once and for all. This new country is expected to operate just like any country in the world, and will exist within current international law, but will be fully sovereign & supported monetarily for a transitional period of the first 2 years by countries that will donate to the future populace of PANGAYA. Due to the fact that there are no real political parties on PANGAYA yet - you were randomly chosen from the gay populace to become the first President of this young country. While economists, technologists and logisticians work on practical plans of setting up this future Utopia(Dystopia??) - it's time for you to quickly handle some urgent issues. ?️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍? 1. What will be your first law? 2. Are we sticking to the rainbow for the flag? What about anthem? 3. Are heterosexuals allowed to migrate to PANGAYA? What about tourism? How will we distinguish gays from trespassing heteros? 4. What is going to be the official language of PANGAYA? Can any gay person from any country of the world enter? 5. What LGBTQ+ groups allowed to live on PANGAYA? Will you allow Trans people, that identify as heterosexuals? What about BI's? Asexuals? Curious? 6. Will citizens be punished for heterosexual relationships? 7. Will PANGAYA be a part of UN\NATO\Eurovision Song Contest? 8. What about Religious Freedom? 9. Will PANGAYA have military? 10. Will citizens be allowed to purchase guns? 11. Will PANGAYA recognise MDNA as crime against humanity? ?️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍??️‍? Professional political scientists, lawyers, sociologists of ATRL, feel free to comment on User's ideas - educate us, correct us & provide educational material PLEASE.
  4. Has anyone tried it? It is a viral hack someone's nutrionist recommended.
  5. It's based on the musical and the book, not the movie. Alisha Weir as Matilda Emma Thompson as Miss Trunchbull Lashana Lynch as Miss Honey
  6. Which ones would delete so that they never happened...? Unreboot the reboots....
  7. https://theintercept.com/2022/06/06/afghanistan-funds-famine-crisis-911-families/
  8. Horizon Flame

    Nebraska Rescinds LGBT Protections

    A sign of the times? Just four months after unanimously voting to extend protections to sexual orientation and gender identity, the City Council in Lincoln, Nebraska has rescinded the city's Fairness Ordinance. Upon the passing of the ordinance, a conservative group launched a petition to put the measure on the ballot -- and collected four times the signatures needed in just two weeks. The Council -- including two openly gay members – voted to rescind the ordinance because they knew it would be beaten back at the ballot box. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/nebraskas-capital-city-rescinds-lgbtq-anti-discrimination-ordinance-four-months-after-approval
  9. The biggest western franchise vs. biggest franchise of the East (before you say Pokemon, were talking TV shows!). Who wins?
  10. So, not only did Biden’s sanctions fail to contain Putin and deter him from killing every Ukrainian civilian that he possibly he can, the sanctions have also created a market environment where Western countries bear the brunt of rising costs due to global inflation while China, India, and UAE reap benefits of Russian fuel and Russia enjoys record profits from it. As if we needed more demonstrations of how exactly Biden is a failed president
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/15/saudi-authorities-seize-rainbow-toys-crackdown-homosexuality
  12. Surprised? Notice how theyre all muslim majority Countries? 1. Afghanistan (Talibans fault) 2. Syria 3. Yemen 4. Pakistan 5. Iraq 6. South Sudan 7. Dr congo 8. Chad 9. Sudan 10. Sierra Leone 11. Palestine (wait what?) Full list: https://giwps.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/WPS-Index-2021-Summary.pdf
  13. Ezra Miller, Infamous for playing the Flash In the DCEU, has been a hot topic in the press lately. LA Times Report of Abuse “Physical and Emotional” to a 18 year old friend. Recently under fire of “grooming” her since 14 and supplying the minor with Alcohol, LSD & Marijuana. This week the parents obtain a Restraining order against Ezra. However this individual is now 18, is not under a conservatorship , and is currently Missing to her parents. However both have been online. Ezra has multiple physical violence charges against women, disorderly conduct against authorities, and 2nd degree assault. Will Ezra’s continued behavior effect his career as Flash? Will the 29 year old get help or face consequences? source: LA Times today
  14. So if a guy only goes after trans women and crossdressers is he straight? These guys show NO interest in cis gender women. Is it a fetish? I agree trans women are women but then why do some men only go after trans women and not cis women? This has always confused me.
  15. Microsoft has announced it will kill off its much-maligned legacy internet browser Internet Explorer close to 27 years after it graced desktop computers in 1995. From 15 June, the desktop app will be disabled and users will be redirected to Microsoft’s Edge browser instead. Internet Explorer was the gateway to the internet for people born prior to Generation Z, in an era when Microsoft dominated the tech world, before Google, Facebook and TikTok, and when the browser had to be installed on to computers using a CD-rom. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jun/15/microsoft-to-retire-internet-explorer-browser-and-redirect-users-to-edge
  16. I "stanned" quite some singers, actors and influencers in my life. Over the years, i realised it was quite an unhealthy behaviour. From the "die hard stan" syndrome to "trying to identify to him/her/them." Right now, when it comes to singers, i just care about the music and that's it. I prefer seeing them as people who bring you a service (good music) rather than as idols to worship. I think it's important to consider them as equals to us. Consciously or subconscious, most of us take them as superior entities (and ofc the industry game is to make us feel so)
  17. Katamari

    Fav episode of SVU?

    It has over 500 episodes which is your favorite or which episode has ****** you up the most I may or may not be binging the series (again)
  18. The most senile, lost and incompetent mouthpiece to ever hold office. WHY?
  19. The Atrler intern forgot to switch accounts
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