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  1. During #FreeBritney, we got to get tags attached to our names. Then this forum had a banner around "house that Britney built". Now mods are ignoring gross posts and doing nothing about from members that are saying things like, and I quote: "Queen of parietal lobe decline" "Where's da conservatorship when ya need one?” "She is such a mess. Bless her soul. Hope she gets the help that she needs" But sure, Taylor Swift doesn't pollute
  2. There's nothing more satisfying than biting into a cold snickers bar
  3. BletaRexher

    How to make friends or date?

    I'm 23 I just graduated college and I'm having trouble making friends or dating. I have never actually dated anyone, I've only done hookups. In college I used to have drinking buddies but we were never as close as the friends I grew up with. It's been about 3 years since I've had friends. How did you guys find your friends or your dating partners?
  4. Help, we can't even be safe on the ground now
  5. Buyonce1814

    Are any of you drag queens?

    Interested to know if any of you are drag queens or aspiring drag queens? I started drag last year but never really practiced much. But I want to try and do it more but find it a struggle at times. people don't realise how much hard work goes into it
  6. So. Self-explanatory title. When you reflect on your life and see the unique ways (this may or may not be the case for you) in which life has screwed you over — mental health, debilitating losses, crippling body/self-loathing, etc., and you see how, for whatever arbitrary reason, this is not the case for a lot of people in your circle who — without realizing it — have been blessed by not having to go through what you've gone (at least to the capacity you know)...how do you not become a misanthropic, jaded, people-hating person? And is it bad — or rather, are you a bad person — for resenting people for having access to time that you, again, arbitrarily lost? You don't wish suffering upon people, but you resent your own when stacked up against others. How do you not become borderline vengeful and people-averse? Discuss from whatever angle applies to you — be it coming out (presumably) in a homophobic, conservative society and having to endure a whole roster of needless pain and suffering because of that (as compared to people who were raised in liberal and accepting societies who live with a carefree attitude you could simply never adopt), or otherwise.
  7. Another day, another Guadagnino movie easily will never happen
  8. https://www.tiktok.com/@bill11944/photo/7343947548731641121 It's so sad
  9. See title. I have about 1.6k songs and counting but it's 100% streaming based (don't own any physical albums or vinyls) and I'm too much of a hoarder of digital music.
  10. why are they such a slay
  11. If Someone invested in your dreams or goals of owning your own business, what would it be? Scenerio: You are given a $250K Grant free to spend on whatever you want to start your business or Network. well Atrl, What are your goals? 250K is a lot to start out for a small business, so I would say Small to Medium.

    ATRL Billboard Charts

    Let's say ATRL had a stream/sales count machine just like Billboard... (lastfm but counting sales and everyone is included, basically) Which song would be #1 right now? How many #1s would certain artists have? Would some bases do fraud so their singles go #1? Would some artists have several Top 5 hits in here when IRL they barely scratch the Top 70?
  13. On a bit of a cooking hunch lately, reply with some recipes you like for others! #ChefsOfATRL Blackened Salmon with Mango Salsa https://www.butterbeready.com/blackened-salmon-with-mango-salsa/ Kale, Sausage and Pepper Pasta https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/274853/kale-sausage-pepper-pasta/ Kimchi Grilled Cheese (self explanatory but I love this chef ) https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/kimchi-grilled-cheese/
  14. I created a few threads about my issues with this guy before so some of you are already familiar with the topic To sum it up - an incredibly hot guy is a team lead within my division at work. At times I have to work with him closely and he is the boss of all of my work buddies. Very chill and relaxed guy, loves to hang out and talk with everyone but me. Often excludes me from some gatherings or any work and non-work related thing. At times it was really hard for me, so I asked him to talk about it. He said its nothing personal and how I'm overeacting. After that he did start to hang out and communicate with me. Wasn't sure if it was out of pity or not but I did not care. A year later, he has NEVER been this horrible to me. No conversation at all, makes it hard for me to work with him, doesn't even say hi back to me. I feel like something's up and I have this need to talk to him about it again. But I'm aware its gonna make me look desperate. Bothering this guy for the second time. And tbh if he were ugly I'm not sure if it would've bothered me this much, I know, very shallow of me, but I cant help it. And yes, he is super straight. What should I do?

    Best generation?

    I know most of y'all are gen x, millennials or gen z BUT i am asking for you to be unbiased when voting... which generation had the most impact, most successful life plan, governments, economy, culture etc.
  16. do you? I know some ugly mfs
  17. I am not even going to bring up the 2-3 wait time between new seasons. I'm honestly thinking I'm going to start binging all series I'm watching from now on. I definitely prefer seeing everything in one go in no small part to the fact I hate having to wait an entire week to get more of the story. Add to that it's also pretty annoying having to spend the first 5 minutes of a show trying to remember what happened last week. The biggest annoyance for me though, isn't the weekly waiting, but the seasonal waiting that breaks up a single season into two or more parts, especially when it's paired with random 2+ week breaks multiple times per season half. I understand that they're trying to spread the show out over the year to help with ratings and avoid the holidays when people have less time to watch shows, but is it ever annoying to deal with as a viewer.
  18. Meta has added a feature to Instagram, which is ON by default for all users, to limit political content. According to the app settings page, "Political content is likely to mention governments, elections, or social topics that affect a group of people and/or society at large" During an election year and active genocide, mind you. They aren't even hiding it anymore. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/03/instagram-users-outraged-by-app-limiting-political-content-ahead-of-elections/ To switch it back, simply go to your settings -> scroll down to "Content preferences" -> Political content -> switch to 'Don't Limit'
  19. Before: Now: What is this change? Is it to promote a show or movie?
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