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  1. I wanted to make a little thread about summer flings, and the nostalgia and memories which can ensue. I have a summerboy right now who is poly and will leave in August to go back to Texas where he lives with his boyfriend. we've spent a lot of this month hanging out and sleeping together (mostly in a platonic way but occasionally other ways lol) and we're gonna go to pride together this weekend. he's not my first summerboy, but he's the first where I've recognized that he will have to go (oh oh oh oh oh). my first was way back in high school (the Ultraviolence boy, if y'all remember my post in that thread lol) so let's discuss summerboys here go!

    SCOTUS gets rid of Miranda rights

  3. Regardless of her answer, some people are still speculating and making conspiracies that Emilia/Dany may make a surprise return in this new show. And that something about Targaryen resurrections might be revealed as part of this prequel which is why it was purposefully about Targaryens. Thoughts?
  4. Do this to thos monsters before they destroy more lives.
  5. Over her Pride performance outfit The gays trolling in the replies tho
  6. Wow, this is pretty insane. Hoping that nobody else is affected by this product. https://www.instagram.com/p/CfH2nqKrReT/?hl=en
  7. I know that some networks still do the 22 episode format but the majority don't. What I love about the 22 episode format is that it gives us more of a journey, a chance to explore the show's world and it's characters. Gives us a reason to root for them and like them. a show like Stranger Things imo would benefit from a 22 episode season. Shows these days just feel too much like a long movie. For example a show like Buffy would never be able to work with only 9 or 12 episodes. I love the occasional filler episode every now and then. For example "The Zeppo" is one of the best episodes on Buffy and it's not even part of the main story line of season 3. The only time I think a 9 episode season works is if it's a limited series like on Netflix.
  8. When the cashier asks if you wanna make a donation do you give the $1?
  9. KnightOfAllRealms

    Do you have Long-COVID?

    It's been 6 months since I contracted COVID for the first time yet here I am, still struggling to do any strenuous activity without feeling like I'm about to die due to body pain and breathing difficulty. Are all Long COVID sufferers doomed to live like this till they die? Will it ever get better?
  10. I feel like there's a clear connection between the rise in mental health problems, particularly depression, and I wonder if it's because western societies have become so secular and detached from anything greater for themselves. I grew up Catholic but it didn't really mesh well as I became an adult, but I am great for the overall values of kindness, compassion, generosity, not being prideful or arrogant etc. I've realised that not everyone received these same teachings, hence the mess the world is in today. Assuming most of y'all aren't religious - what do you replace spirituality with? Is it pop girl stanning, and is that why so many terminally online mentally unwell behaviours are exhibited frequently on ATRL? Discuss.
  11. https://www.barrons.com/news/colombia-election-signals-return-of-latin-america-s-left-01655845808?refsec=topics_afp-news Before coming to power for the first time in Colombia, the left had already made a comeback in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Mexico, all with quite different profiles -- but generally far from the radical wing in power for so long in Cuba, Venezuela or Nicaragua. "It's a different left to the one that settled in Latin America after the victories of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela (1998), Lula in Brazil (2002), Ricardo Lagos (1999) then Michelle Bachelet (2006) in Chile and the Kirchners (2003) in Argentina," said Rodrigo Espinoza, a political analyst at Chile's Diego Portales university. The current left "has its eyes turned more towards the future, aiming not only to overcome the [current] crisis, but also to preserve the environment", he said, referring especially to Petro and Boric who have made tackling global warming a priority. Lula has also gone green. While his campaign puts a lot of emphasis on his social programs that lifted 30 million Brazilians out of poverty during his first two terms (2003-2010), it is also focuses on defending the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon, with strong criticism Bolsonaro's environmental policy. Gender and racial equality as well as LGBT+ rights are also increasingly popular issues with the left across the region, even if leaders like Peru's Pedro Castillo or Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega remain more conservative on these subjects. Some leaders of the Latin American left are also trying to distance themselves from authoritarian regimes such as Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. "Venezuela will always be a burden for the left in the region and some leaders have distanced themselves from the [Nicolas] Maduro government in their campaigns," said Espinoza. So in summary: More focus on climate change and the environment Emphasis is still in social programs and taking people out of poverty Gender, racial and LGBTQ issues are now an important priority Distancing from authoritarian regimes (like Venezuela and Nicaragua)
  12. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/article/ed2960196612/?ref_=bo_hm_hp Opened to $51M in the US, behind Jurassic World's nearly $59M 2nd week, well behind the early projections of a $70M opening weekend. The movie opened to $85M worldwide.
  13. I'm graduating from university on June 24. On this day I have a graduation thesis defense. Unfortunately, I started writing my research paper very late – in May. I knew that in our university, the defense of a thesis project is relatively easy, so I dragged my time until the last moment. The work must be checked, printed and signed by June 14. On Friday, I called my supervisor and admitted that I was late for deadlines. She said it was my responsibility and she wouldn't be able to see the work before this Monday. In general, she watches 1 chapter for one week, makes edits and then discusses them with you. I have 3 chapters of 80 pages. So far there is no answer. I understand that this is my problem and responsibility, but I do not understand how to establish relations with the supervisor in this dialogue. I have all the grades in my diploma – A+.
  14. Why has this happened. Edit: Just to compare to previous debut numbers: Loki - 2.5M Falcon and the Winter Soldier - 1.8M Moon Knight - 1.8M Wandavision - 1.6M Hawkeye - 1.5M Ms Marvel - 775k
  15. So, not only did Biden’s sanctions fail to contain Putin and deter him from killing every Ukrainian civilian that he possibly he can, the sanctions have also created a market environment where Western countries bear the brunt of rising costs due to global inflation while China, India, and UAE reap benefits of Russian fuel and Russia enjoys record profits from it. As if we needed more demonstrations of how exactly Biden is a failed president
  16. Phase 5 Announcements will be shown at D23 in September, and more phase 4 Disney+ Teasers to be revealed at SDCC. Phase 4 was already revealed to be nearing its Climax (Antman 3) next Spring. With Phase 4 half way over, Kevin feige confirms that the next Saga in the MCU is already been hinted at. Phase 4 is known for its Multiverse Storylines, Introduction of new characters & Diversity. Will phase 5 address the criticism of Phase 4? Will it continue to produce high quality content like Wandavision?
  17. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/authorities-gunman-deadly-attack-california-church-chinese-immigrant-84758952 This Is just so…. Update, Info on the shooter: https://heavy.com/news/david-wenwei-chou/
  18. Source: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/man-mauled-3-dogs-huffman-dies-had-legs-arm-amputated#l4o5rdz133mo9isbpy
  19. MSTI

    Washing or hand

    do u washing machine or hands? Hands better for frigile cloth
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