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  1. The Fastest-Spreading Viruses in World History - NY Requirements Blog Measles at #1 Chickenpox/Shingles and Mumps tied for #2 COVID at #4, #8, #11 and #18.
  2. Not to say that older people can't be attractive too - but as we all know most people peak in their younger years. So who are some celebrities who are old now, that you think were hot when they were younger? Tom Jones - I've only known him when he was older, so I had no idea he used to be a daddy like that.
  3. Why has this happened. Edit: Just to compare to previous debut numbers: Loki - 2.5M Falcon and the Winter Soldier - 1.8M Moon Knight - 1.8M Wandavision - 1.6M Hawkeye - 1.5M Ms Marvel - 775k
  4. Gorjesspazze9

    How to Save the DCEU?

    Ok it’s a Dramatic title, but how would you change the DCEU to be a more competent and beloved cinematic universe. Starting in 2013, they are still in thier Phase 1?With Multiple Major blockbusters, DC fans have been discontent with thier consistency and Output. Critically, they do have several Successful Films that have made the DCEU the 11th biggest film franchise. Yet, fans are still divided. with The Flash confirmed to Reboot the DCEU next year, What Films or characters can elevate the DC extended Universe? 2022- Peacmaker, DC Super Pets, Black Adam, AquaMan 2 2023- Blue Beetle, Shazam 2, BatGirl, The Flash TBA- Wonder Woman 3, Zatanna, SuperGirl Fan Un-Certified Rumors: Black Superman Reboot, Green Lantern Corps, Gotham Knights
  5. & reincarnation is real. Given that you can choose, what would you come back as? I would come back as a Capybara. Lazy and cute little fellas.
  6. The first few years of each decade tend to point the musical trend that will dominate. Now, major artists are releasing more and more Dance and Disco music; Madonna (2019), Kylie Minogue (2020), Doja Cat (2020), Dua Lipa (2020/2021), Bad Bunny (2021/2022), Drake (2022) & possibly Beyoncé. Will the 2020's be the decade of modern Disco/Dance?
  8. State of Grace.

    Do you listen to sleep aid sounds?

    Curious to see if any other girlies here use them? I feel like I'm at a point where it's very difficult for me to fall sleep without putting on rain sounds or sometimes brown noise.
  9. These types. Yes or No? Good or bad?
  10. It’s all over social media
  11. I can't describe how much I love this scene and this movie. This clip has 407 million views
  12. Currently 97 Degrees F in Atlanta . Any of y’all getting some cool weather?
  13. As you know, Europe and Asia are not literally physically separated like the other continents but Europe is a cultural term invented in the 700s when Christians were fighting Muslims. Now that Europeans are fighting Russia instead and Putin is telling Russians to look East, should Russia be removed from the continent?
  14. Experienced ATRLers, share your tips for getting a hit thread.
  15. slik

    Maggie (Hulu)

    This looks really cute
  16. Go to your Last.fm profile, click on "More tracks" under your Recent Tracks section, scroll down and click the last page in your track history to see the first track you scrobbled. What was your first song? This was mine:
  17. Does anyone else occasionally get a muscle cramp/strain a muscle in their jaw when they yawn? Doesn't happen all the time but super painful when it does.
  18. Turkey is basically trying to finish off what ISIS started. Disgusting.
  19. I mean... Post some more amazing ones
  20. Ezra Continues to disturb the peace with a Harassment Prevention order against 12 year old Child. On Wednesday, a mother and her 12-year-old child traveled to their local courthouse in Greenfield, Massachusetts, and were granted a temporary harassment prevention order against Ezra Miller after alleging that the actor menaced their family one evening in their downstairs neighbor’s home and acted inappropriately toward the nonbinary youngster. The news comes on the heels of a number of other disturbing allegations that have surfaced against the 29-year-old, best known for their turn as The Flash in Justice League. (Miller is also nonbinary). Ezra has a history of Violence against women, Disorderly conducted with Public Authorities, 2nd Degree Assult. and Supplying a Minor with illicit Drugs. Ezra is currently wanted for restrain orders, and Allegations of Minor Misconduct. will this be the nail in the coffin to Catch the Flash? Will this behavior escalated to a tragic ending? Will WB or DC make statements for Ezra?
  21. i'm getting 503 error 10 times a minute
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