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  1. Her tone is distinct and uniquely her own. No one sounds like Lana! Her sound is her own! So does she have the most unique tone among the main pop girls?
  2. This is so messed up. When I met him the first time he was very friendly, he would take me to dinner and sometimes he would do sus stuff like holding my hand and trying to get me drunk at his apartment (so that we make out?)...eventhough Im into him, I wouldnt show it cause Im closeted myself and this lead him to believe that the reason Im not hooking up with him is because Im a straight man. Today when I see him he gets angry for no reason, calling me a *** and not shutting up about how much he actually LOVES WOMEN and that he doesnt hang out with f words like myself. I mean...all of this makes me believe hes actually gay and projecting. What do I do? Weve had such a strong bond and I feel like Ive ruined a friendship and lost a potential partner over being uncomfortable with coming out.
  3. She’s currently going viral and this video was even retweeted by two politicians on Twitter from what I saw, which is also currently trending. Her personal and business-related social media pages are a mess right now.
  4. And why is it Scream?
  5. I wanna buy my first deck, give me some suggestions please
  6. enchanted0

    Do you journal?

    Thinking about try it (for the 837418934 time) and suddenly I got curious about how others do it Do you journal? How often? How you do it? Do you write or use something like iPad? What kind of notebook (or diary?) do you use?
  7. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CfQA3K1p9TN/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  8. I've noticed that ALOT of DL men love putting that in their bio on Grindr, they're also really bold in letting you know they have wives/GF's, yet they still successfully get laid on that app because alot of gay men think it's cute... There was one on Twitter yesterday talking about how alot of straight women need to know that their husbands have a f*g on the side, literally bragging about the married "Chad's" he's had, and you can tell he thought he ate What's cute about being a "straight" man's (and I use that word loosely) sidepiece? He'll never claim you, will continue to act like you don't exist outside of when he wants his d*ck wet, and you're essentially this hole he can go to when he pleases because he knows you lack the self respect to call him out on it... Is it low self esteem? Or just the feeling of having a "straight" man? it's weird.
  9. Let's say your fave leaves their next album/era all for you to decide. What would be your plan? For Lana, I would let her indulge more into the Living Legend/Thunder sound and bring back the rock-ish Ultraviolence style that's been going viral on TikTok. Probably a invest a little more on the album cover since most of her sales depend on vinyls. Let her poem album be a joint-release with the album. Etc.
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10954039/South-Africa-police-investigating-17-deaths-East-London-tavern.html At least 20 found dead in South African nightclub: Police probe deaths at Cape Town venue amid claims victims were 'poisoned' . The Eastern Cape provincial community and safety department official Unathi Binqose ruled out a stampede as cause of death. He said he understood the patrons were students 'celebrating pens down, a party held after writing (high school) exams'. However, regional newspaper DispatchLive reported claims those who died were exposed to some kind of poison. Empty bottles of alcohol, wigs and even a pastel purple 'Happy Birthday' sash lay strewn on the dusty street outside the double-storey Enyobeni Tavern, according to Unathi Binqose, a safety government official who arrived at the scene at dawn. Local media also reported: 'Bodies are lying strewn across tables, chairs and on the floor; with no obvious signs of injury'. Unverified pictures shared on social media showed bodies with no visible signs of injuries, strewn on the floor of the club.
  11. So we know Xmen 97 cartoon is coming out next year and its going to be a continuation of the uber popular Xmen the animated series cartoon of the 90s that was a ratings juggernaut. I keep hearing that an Xmen movie will not come out until 2025 and honestly thats too far awau. Im scared that by the time Xmen is released the superhero hype will have died down THE AVENGERS were d-listers before disney made them into household names. All the attention that they got and currently get should have been what the Xmen should be getting because they were already known before the movies and were already A-listers. Bryan Singer and Fox never did the Xmen justice and never understood it, so i cant wait until Marvel finally does Xmen like its suppose to.
  12. “Anti-abortion activists should be concerned with other issues that can threaten life, such as easy access to guns, poverty and rising maternity mortality rates, the Vatican's editorial director said on Saturday. In a media editorial on the United States Supreme Court's ruling to end the constitutional right to abortion, Andrea Tornielli said those who oppose abortion could not pick and choose pro-life issues.”
  13. ConceptD

    Music Makers Thread

    I thought it would be great for the musicians of Atrl to have a place to come together and chat, listen to each others stuff, get feedback and even collaborate on projects. This is for everyone. Whether they’re singers, songwriters, producers or whatever else.
  14. What do we think? Is there hope for us ladies?
  15. According to Daily Star, an industry source said: “It has been decided that the time is right to bring X Factor back. It’s really exciting. Everyone who will be working on the new series can’t wait to get started.” Father-of-one Simon is said to have being having secret conversations with a production company about his plans and has reportedly "struck a big-money deal". However, it's unsure if the new series would air on ITV or perhaps a different channel. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/breaking-x-factor-set-return-27328357 ..
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