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  1. First Shannen was fired from the show because of her feud, and then in later years Rose dragged her for being a "lizard person" and "Me Too fraud". Was she the problem?
  2. Not sure how realistic it would be. But could a vehicle utilize solar power to start the engine (while storing extra power in a battery) and then use turbine energy it harvests while the vehicle is in motion driving down the road to keep a vehicle energized?
  3. After seeing so many people at vidcon doing meet and greets and literally no one showing up to their meet and greet it really puts into perspective. Having 1 million on tiktok is not the same as 1 million on youtube or instagram I see tiktok going the way of Vine in the next 2 years.
  4. the graphics of these games are atleast a decade behind PlayStation. Why?

    What's next for Demi?

    All her rock singles massively tanked, her last album underperformed and her new single shows no interest in being a smash. What's next for Demi? What sound she bringing back? Can she recover from her all the past years of being panned by the media?
  6. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3183424/chinese-breakthrough-lets-human-brains-beam-radio-waves Watch ATRLers use this tech to block radios from playing songs from popgirls they dislike
  7. Update 7/7/22: Update 7/1/22: --- https://www.democraticunderground.com/100216869761
  8. Some users here literally hide who they stan. No avatar No sig Username means nothing They are on ATRL so they CLEARLY have some favs. Why hide? Are they ashamed of their faves? Is it a cheap way to avoid counterattacks?
  9. Appearing before the foreign affairs committee at a NATO summit in Madrid yesterday, Miss Truss said: 'There is always a tendency, and we've seen this prior to the Ukraine war, of wishful thinking, to hope more bad things won't happen and to wait until it is too late. 'We should have done things earlier, we should have been supplying defensive weapons into Ukraine earlier. We need to learn that lesson for Taiwan. Every piece of equipment we have sent takes months of training, so the sooner we do it the better.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10963343/Now-Liz-Truss-says-Britain-send-weapons-help-TAIWAN-amid-fears-invasion-China.html
  10. I don’t use social media anymore, but I jump on every now & again to check things. Has yours updated? How do you feel about this change? One more reason to delete it, tbh.
  11. dwuw

    Germans help me

    sooo i'm from spain but i'm moving to köln in september and i'm trying to find a wg-zimmer/1-zimmer-wohnung but it's literally impossible??? i'm trying to look on wg-gesucht.de but NO ONE ever replies and i'm desperate so if anyone knows any other website or anything i'd be thankful THANKS
  12. Some of you may recall this thread: The fallout from this continues to be... Putting aside the large international backlash from Muslim-majority countries (x), the country had also erupted into protests domestically (x) over the comments (which called Prophet Muhammad a pedophile on a news channel.) The same comment has also now lead to a man being beheaded in broad daylight (x): Would not recommend anyone to look up the videos, they've apparently been widely circulating.
  13. Often named as one of the greatest TV shows of all-time, after breaking U.S. ratings records and constantly receiving critical acclaim. Haven't watched it yet, but why was so great and "genius" about it? Why and how did it become in such a reference in pop culture?
  14. UGH my work tasked me with leading their new entry to the "decentralized" world, a project I've been working on for a couple of months now, and the more I've learned and got educated on it the more I'm firm in my belief that it is all useless BS with nothing but a very loud cult propelling it as the future. Lets start; Web 3? Doesn't make sense babes. Sounds like a straight to DVD sequel. It's all about "owning" your site and the content on it, away from ICANN and common law, however it doesn't actually operate like that. It is still mostly subject to law and at the mercy of where it was registered - at least right now in this half baked sense. But anyone who thinks they'll genuinely be able to have a free-for-all without government involvement in the future web 3 space is a complete idiot which is again, why I'm convinced the idea is only propelled by a cult of racist, homophobic and misogynist neckbeards who want a place to plan a massacre. NFT's? Me dont fink. Talk about a GRIFT. This community really wants you to believe buying an NFT means they actually own it in every sense of the word. They want you to believe the tech is like, so out of this world and futuristic and is going to solve world hunger, when really it's a bunch of sad stay-at-home bromies hoping that pic of a penguin with a propeller hat is going to be worth 100k next week. The more I learn about them, and the marketplaces their sold on, and the "sacred" smart contract that doesn't actually mean anything valuable, the less I see any foreseeable real-world use they'll have. People are like, "someday you'll be able to buy a house via smart contract" and its like....uh a.) good luck buying that house you speak of but b.) you can...already do this? There's this implication that cutting out the middleman is the future when it's just a new middleman taking its place. It makes 0 SENSE Crypto? chile lemme get my purse. It's just stocks for middle-aged terminally online men who don't want to wait through the small gains of the corporate stock market. Very few crypto coins are actually executing any of the idea's they have (ETH) while the rest are just a gamble on empty promises we've seen failed over and over again (cardano anyone?). Also, how exactly is crypto the currency of the future when its still valued by federally backed cold hard cash? Imagine trying to sell someone on this idea that decentralized money is more valuable, the key to the future, and then panic selling it the second you see it drop a few cents because you know its gunna dip biggie and you're going to be out your life savings? Really? Why dont you hold....too scared? Or is it because the actual value of this monopoly money is tied to your value of USD? PUHLEEEEASE And blockchains are just a new host with a different name. An engine to play with your fake money that doesn't operate any different than our current capabilities. I'm just SO done having to read about this everyday. The majority of the tech industry is like, "well...we all think its a scam too but if we're wrong about it, we don't want to be behind, so lets invest too much into it and hope it pays off." Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries. Lemme hop on my linked in and look for jobs at a non-profit before my watch tells me to practice mindfulness again
  15. I have recently just bought a couple show tickets completely solo. I have friends but my social circle is fairly small, and we're all busy and have full time jobs (thankfully no children yet), and my boyfriend is introverted and not into the same music as me so I wouldn't feel right dragging him to every single show I want to go to, so I came to the realization that if I want to go to a show, or even see a movie in theaters, I can go by myself rather than sitting and home being sad nobody went with me. What is your experience doing this ATRL? Is it awkward? Or even better because you're not worried if your friend/partner is into it? Do you meet up with strangers or stick to yourself?
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