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  1. Oktober Knight

    Things to do in Dublin/Ireland

    I'm studying abroad in Ireland this summer and will arrive in a few days. I was wondering what you all recommend doing there on my days off. I'll primarily be staying at UCD but we also go to Galway and Belfast for a couple days for class. I'm willing to travel quite a ways on weekends if something seems worth doing so. I'm a big drinker too, so any nightlife/pub tips would be great!
  2. AlanRickman1946

    Which Came First: Chicken or Egg?

    https://me.me/i/well-i-guess-that-settles-that-old-argument-who-came-892a36edb03f43128de8dfbcaf83ba61 Sorry dont know how to insert pic on mobile.
  3. Like how I read it on twitter today and i can't stop thinking. What makes it more tragic is that they never found the father
  4. I literally tested positive for the first time in two years two days ago. I’ve been feeling like absolutely ****. Thank god I’m boosted but this is the shittiest I’ve ever felt. why is everyone not wearing a mask and waiting for Rihanna outside a barbershop? Why are they going to Paulina’s undersold concert with no mask? Do you know?
  5. https://www.indiewire.com/2022/07/baymax-transgender-man-right-wing-outrage-1234738417/amp/ These ******* snowflakes getting triggered by everything Some other great representation on the show:
  6. Do you have any ghosting experiences and how did you cope with it? A few weeks ago, I hit up this hot 43-year-old guy (so 16 years older than me) on PlanetRomeo, had a nice chat back and forth and then decided to meet up at his place. We had a great conversation over a drink and we then spent some time together in the bedroom. He knew just what I liked and even called me sensual (which no one had ever called me before). We continued talking on Whatsapp the next two weeks and as he kept sending me really sweet messages, I kinda became infatuated with him (butterflies in my stomach, etc.) which I had not really experienced before in that way. But after he agreed to meet up with me a second time, he just completely ghosted me, both on the day I wanted to meet and afterwards. I let it sit for a few days and then just decided to send him a goodbye message and removed his phone number and convos. Although it stings being ghosted by someone I thought I really connected with, I took it as a learning experience in that I should resist becoming infatuated with someone too quickly and take things much more slowly. It's been getting harder for me to separate sex from feelings as of late so I should probably just make my intentions clear before meeting up with guys who aren't looking for anything serious.
  7. Operation Mobilise 6:30 UK will take up the burden in Europe to free the US to protect UK's values and interests in indopacific.
  8. Was this season of Stranger Things worth the long wait?
  9. TV shows are becoming increasingly more expensive, and the quality is exceptional. Long ago, being on a TV show was considered second rate but following the success of big spectacles like Stranger Things, Obi Wan, Squid Game, and even Game of Thrones as well as the upcoming Lord of the Rings show the lines have blurred with epic TV sagas. Is film losing its right of being #1?
  10. The past 2 years specifically have been riddled with theories and spoiler-Culture increasingly effecting films and tv. For example Multiverse of madness cameo expectations, Stranger Things Deaths, Euphoria events, Ect. Many netizens feel that Spoilers and theories are effecting thier experience more then ever. Do you feel this is a problem of the industry or are Fans ruining thier own enjoyment? I think fans overreact when their “theory” don’t come true. Disappointment in events are valid criticisms. However, should we take random twitter users takes over professional screen writers? How much FanService is too much? Have you noticed this discourse in franchises recently? For example there weren’t really spoiler leaks other major films and shows pre-2019. Can Hollywood tackle leaks and spoilers for anticipated films?
  11. the record breaking Cultural Phenomenon continues to be a Historical Event. Thank you Kate Bush & Millie Bobby Brown for your contributions to History. Vol 2. Of Netflix’s Flagship Show is Now Streaming.
  12. Or even as much praise as love simon. Mysterious Skin is a much better movie than both those boring ones. Not too mention its much more real and dark. It sticks with you forever and is a movie you can never forget. The soundtrack is also fantastic, damn. How did joseph gordon levitt not get an Oscar for it?
  13. The German government on Thursday presented plans to make it easier for transgender people to legally change their name and gender, ending decades-old rules that require them to get expert assessments and a court's authorization. Under the planned “self-determination law,” adults would be able to change their first name and legal gender at registry offices without further formalities. Under plans for the new proposed law, an adult applicant can go to their local registry office and declare the change. Children aged 14 and over would also be allowed to do so with permission from their parents or legal guardians. A number of other European countries, such as Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland, already allow legal gender status to be changed through self-declaration. Germany unveils plans for simpler legal gender change process | News | DW | 30.06.2022 Some countries regress, others progress
  14. Not trying to sound disrespectful but Ive come across many men who say theyre bi-curious and my whole thing is: You cant be straight and want to get with a man. Youre either bi or a gay in denial. Thoughts?
  15. AlanRickman1946

    British Army Recruiting Ad

    Is it a good ad?
  16. Prue: vs Buffy: Examples of their skills and abilities:
  17. A lot of spotify threads lately but this shows your most played artist of all time, 6 months or monthly. Post ya all time or monthly plays here. https://volt.fm/ My all time & 6 months
  18. I've been thinking about going by my middle name. I like it so much better than my first name. My first name is Hebrew and means something about god. Not really my thing..... my middle name is Marcus which is Latin and based off the Roman god of war and means "warlike". It's so much more badass. I wanna be a Marcus lol plus my dad has the same first name as me so I don't feel original
  19. https://icebergify.com/ Read more
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