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  1. DTF

    Speak Now vs My December

    After experiencing massive career breakthroughs with their second eras, both legendary singer songwriters came back to the scene with self-written, emotional albums while wearing a dress. 15 years later: Which album is more impactful and has stood the test of time with regard to artistry as a statement after the massive commercial success?
  2. nostalgia

    What exactly do we want from Gaga?

    As Lady Gaga's career continues to evolve, music fans around the world find themselves wondering: what exactly do they want from the iconic artist? Over the years, fans have clamored for various elements of Gaga's artistry, ranging from electrifying pop anthems to stripped-down ballads that showcase her vocal prowess. Some eagerly anticipate her return to the dancefloor with infectious beats and catchy hooks, reminiscent of her early hits like "Just Dance" and "Bad Romance." Others yearn for deeper, more introspective tracks that delve into personal experiences and emotions, akin to her acclaimed album "Joanne." Amidst these diverse desires, one question lingers: what will Lady Gaga deliver next to captivate her ever-loyal fanbase?
  3. Back in 2010 she was called the new Michael Jackson, now in 2020 she is called the new Paula Abdul. Which of these repressents better her career?
  4. Which pop diva started her country era the best?!
  5. DRod93

    Hottest male country star

    Who do you think is the hottest current country star? PARKER MCCOLLUM RILEY GREEN KANE BROWN WILLIE JONES SAM HUNT
  6. And it's still serving consistency in streaming.
  7. Will Ms Cardi B's new single prove to be a lasting top 10 SMASH? Or will it tumble down like her peers' latest efforts? Bonus question: Do you think Miami will be above or below Sexyy Red's new single during their 2nd week?
  8. A Million Lights

    Predict Mariah's next album debut

    How much will the elusive chanteuse debut w/ her next album? Her 2018 album, Caution, debuted with 51K units
  9. Should artists be forced to switch lanes and produce genre's of music they are not feeling (or simply don't like) when market research/ focus group research panels conducted by their own record company clearly indicate that by adopting a specific genre (or approach) to music that the artist at the centre will find a greater degree of international and commercial success in a music market larger than their own domestic home market? Say (for example), you happen to be a fan of the artist at the centre and your answer is yes, how would you then feel if your fave ended up secretly hating you (but used their media training to hide it), for applying pressure on them through social media platforms to work against their own musical instincts and creativity to fulfill a record contract they are locked in to (because you personally love the sub-genre of music the artist hates)?
  10. The song is great but do you think the song would've been even better if it featured Taylor Swift instead of Miley Cyrus?
  11. Queenyoncee

    Best/worst song on Cowboy Carter

    Choose the best and worst song on the album
  12. Rumours circulating around that Act II: BEYINCÉ was the original plan for Renaissance follow up but Bee (or her team.. who knows) changed it the last minute to COWBOY CARTER and added more tracks. This explains why the physical copies are missing some tracks and cowboy carter ain't written anywhere in the physical album. My question is, which do you prefer? The original Act II: BEYINCÉ with shorter track listing or the extended COWBOY CARTER?
  13. Well, now that we've had time to digest act II
  14. Which one was better? (Judge based on their parts not the whole song)
  15. Cast your vote and see you in the future..
  16. Which of these acclaimed songwriters do you prefer?
  17. Rarely does a successful female artist take a risk in re-branding themselves in the extreme way Camila has, whether that re-brand is solely focused on switching to a wholly unexpected sub-genre of music or an extreme switch up in visual aesthetic (or both in the case of Camila). Of all the female artists who collectively form the current generation of MPG's, I don't believe that prior to this era anyone would have put money on (let alone have identified Camila) as being in possession of the intuition required to commit to a re-brand as successful as Hyper Pop. Artist's spend much of their career courting particular personalities within various media platforms that are formatted around their sound and image, with "I Luv It" and "C, XOXO" Camila has risked alienating those gatekeepers. There is no doubt "I Luv It" has polarised netizens, but generally it appears people are being won over by Camila's exploration of and take on the Hyper Pop genre. As I ponder Camila's reinvention and seek to process it (placing it in context of the pop culture lexicon), I am reminded of past examples by female artists demonstrating the same bravery and willingness to reinvent with zero nostalgia for former versions of themselves that they have left behind. So I wonder, am I the only one who believes Camila is undergoing a transformation that is on a par with these? Or am I being fanciful in my belief that Camila has unexpectedly revealed herself to be the biggest shapeshifter of her generation of MPG's? Architect of Reinvention One: Madonna Evolutionary Stage A: Evolutionary Stage B: Evolutionary Stage C: Evolutionary Stage D: Architect of Reinvention Two: Kylie Evolutionary Stage A: Evolutionary Stage B: Evolutionary Stage C: Evolutionary Stage D: Architect of Reinvention Three: Camila ? Evolutionary Stage A: Evolutionary Stage B: Evolutionary Stage C: Evolutionary Stage D: [To be revealed ..]
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