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  1. ANTIclimatic

    How do I give up a dog?

    Last Friday while my parents were a away and I was working 2 of my siblings went to Walmart but came back with a dog. Someone in the parking lot was selling dogs and my brother who is 17 got the bright idea to buy a puppy. My sister who is 22 and should have known better basically helped him buy it. I was upset because they brought a living creature into an environment where I knew it couldn't properly be cared for. Me and one other sister basically opted out on caretaking for the dog and told my other siblings that they would eventually have to give it up. Now not even three days later they all decided to rehome the dog but there is limited shelters and services in our area. I was thinking of putting up an ad on craigslist but is there anything else I could do to find a better home for the puppy?
  2. I used to watch the show in the late 2000s and early 2010s and it was hot mess entertainment. I recently heard that they’re relaunching the show on Paramount+ which is a bad idea lol. I get that some of us used to watch the show but I think a show like bad girls club needs to be left in the previous decade. The show has never depicted women in a positive light. The producers and editors always made them seem overly emotional and unhinged. I just don’t see the new series having much success Do you guys think the show will see some success?
  3. Two weeks before the finale, and Ms. Marvel is 404 not found in the Nielsen ratings. Another BOMB for Marvel. The never-ending nightmare continues. Will Ms. Marvel's director and the MCU stans have another meltdown? https://www.nielsen.com/top-ten/
  4. (the 2nd tweet is a repost, the og has like 100k likes) these are some of the viral 9/11 memes that have gone viral as of late. do you find them funny?
  5. One of the worst openings of all time for a 4000 theater wide release. Another BOMB for DC. The never-ending nightmare continues. Should Warner sell DC to other studio (Netflix?)? Will The Rock have another meltdown?
  6. so me despierto en tu zona, cada dia mas culona
  7. Inspired by this recent podcast from former Bernie Sanders national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray on Biden's lack of reaction to Russia using its similar drug laws that saw Griner plead guilty to drug trafficking during her time within the country. Discuss
  8. https://mustsharenews.com/man-loses-35kg/?utm_source=telegram
  9. My friend is around my same age (we're in our mid-to-late twenties), and I'm a gay cis-male while he's a trans male-- this is an important detail to the story. Anyway, my trans friend got outed at work, and obviously that was wrong and should have never happened. And even me and his therapist told him he should report the person who did it to HR. However, he said he got panic attacks constantly being at work, almost was not going to go to HR, and he even had to miss work for days (that were potentially not paid for, to make a situation worse). He even told me he told the manager he had to switch locations. And he's not working until his manager finds a new location for him, which I think he did. Now, on this site, I pride myself about being considerate and reserving judgment, but that might go out the window for a second. While I'm sympathetic of my trans friend feeling unsafe at work (and being outed sucks-- happened to me, it's almost a dissociating feeling-- I get it), I think not showing up to work until your boss can find an alternative place to work is a bit much. Being cis, I can't pretend like I know what it's like to be outed as a trans-male, but if he wants to live independently (which he's expressed interest in many times), he can't skip days like this and let these bullies win. Or at least try to snag a job in the meantime. Not to mention, his other jobs he'd take off quite a bit of days for migraines, and they suck, but he seems to think they were anxiety-induced migraines. When I mentioned Zoloft, he said he was too anxious to try that. Based on this story alone, you might think I'm a terrible person, and so be it, but maybe this will help you see my perspective of him being overdramatic? He says he's going to delay getting his driver's license until he gets his legal name changed-- and he said this before he had a court date. I get it's triggering to see your dead name on a license, but you could ALWAYS change your license after it gets legally changed. And I can tell you as someone that regularly carded passports/DLs/IDs, I did not even look at the name. If it looked like a real ID, face that matched the person's I'm looking at, and the DOB was 21+, you were golden. I live on my own now, but when I offered to roommate with him, he said he had to include his mom (so, suggesting a town-home idea), because he can't "leave her alone," despite his mom being in her 50s, able-bodied, etc. It just seems like he has Peter Pan syndrome, like, I can just drop work. Or, I'll just wait until everything perfectly aligns in my universe (name change -> surgery -> possibly bottom surgery -> then goals you meant to start actually starts). Being a gay male (and Latinx at that, although I'm part white and more white-passing) in a very machismo, homophobic, Bible-belt family, and I can learn to be comfortable in my own skin (even though I can feel uncomfortable in social situations, but I'm smart and I let it roll off of me, because they're just strangers. They don't know me). And I feel like just leaning into who I am and tuning out the noise has given me a confidence I really wish and would hope my trans friend could get. That's the frustrating part about all of this: I really try day in and out to be a trans ally. I always ask about trans terms he uses, I've met his trans friends (including nonbinary), have been consistent in pronouns-- including to transphobic people, I would even make purchases with my ID because he felt uncomfortable he had his dead name on them. But I also want him to get a thicker skin. Am I terrible?
  10. Absolute TRL was founded in 1999, as a fan site of MTV's TV Show Total Request Live. In 2005, the main site was closed in favor of the forum. It got renamed to PopFusion in 2006, and retained that name for a year. In 2007 it was renamed to ATRL. Despite the cancelation of Total Request Live in late 2008, it continued operating as a general pop culture forum. In 2017, ATRL gained media attention when a member of the forum discovered hidden artwork, and incomplete tracklist of Taylor Swift's then-upcoming sixth studio album, Reputation (2017), ahead of the official announcement on her website.[2][3][4][5] In a BuzzFeed article on pop fandom culture, ATRL is described as a "space for fans to argue in favor of their chosen artist with statistics and ideas about cultural impact".[1] ATRL - Wikipedia Interesting ATRL's most iconic moment is Taylor-related
  11. A limit of money for every person since it’s disgusting that there are people that are dying of hunger and others are taking their jets because they wanna go home to sleep on their own bed
  12. With two months to go till the deadline, Does this have a shot? What do you think? And what are some of your choices?
  13. President Biden has once again tested positive for COVID. This comes following criticism that his administration's plan for handling the ongoing pandemic relies too heavily on just vaccines and other treatments as paxlovid to reduce the harm of infection, submitting to the strategy that all Americans "will eventually get COVID-19, even multiple times".
  14. Are you taking a road trip somewhere? Just staying in and chilling? Going for a massage?
  15. Apparently he has an OnlyFans and it's Top 3%. Does anyone recognize him? Which one of you's is this? The supporting Taiwan comment then being racist asf lowkey took me the **** out
  16. For me i listen to upbeat songs about self love, partying, feeling good etc. I want something that'll put me in a good mood. Examples: https://open.spotify.com/track/5k5fWendNngd89O8JKoE8L?si=iWTXiY8fSUubFglgYe-9Mg&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/6jF1nHIMESqft9p33tQYPn?si=TNLznMPpS4CGVitekhZsTA&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/3TcL0dyCMyr0kyTTc4NLgI?si=wv3ZHGixS2uOs3h0CqJrYw&utm_source=copy-link I want to be lifted up. I hate being depressed and the faster I get out of it the better for me cause depression for me is not fun.
  17. I don’t post here quite often, but I’m trying to see how other people cope when they are hit with depressing news and maybe learn a thing or two. This week has been the worst week of my life. On Monday, I found out I got a job offer from my dream company. Of course, I was ecstatic and the only plan I had was to celebrate with my family and take them out to a nice dinner. However, two days later, my mom, who is my world, was diagnosed with stage III cancer. My life just felt like it stopped once I found out. I’m trying to be strong and hopeful. It’s a bit easier to stay positive during the day, especially as I’m conducting my research on her disease and reaching out to support groups for resources and contacting the top cancer hospitals for appointments. However, nighttime is exceptionally difficult, and each and every pessimistic thought hits me and I struggle to fall asleep. How do you deal with this, especially at night?
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