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  1. Disney+ Adds 14.4M Subscribers To 152.1M, Beating Forecasts; – Deadline
  2. Led by Senator Manchin, Democrats just passed the biggest investment in combating climate change in US history.
  3. https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/07/30/former-bolivian-president-evo-morales-calls-for-a-global-campaign-to-eliminate-nato/
  4. There is debate over this.
  5. This idea that they have the right to speak for everyone, get offended on everyones behalf, and seem to think they know what’s best for everyone. You even see it on Atrl. And it’s not just one group, class or race. It’s all of them.
  6. Docter Strange In the Multiverse of Madness is the biggest film of the year, grossing $880 Million in under a month of it’s Theatrical Release. Disney & Marvel Studios have officially confirmed to submit the film for award Season. Giving Elizabeth Olsen & Benedict Cumberbatch potential as Award Nominees. Docter Strange 2 will be Released on Disney + June 22nd.
  7. SmittenCake

    anti-imperialist convention

    which is more cringe? CPI or CPAC? CPAC:
  8. I just don't think it's possible
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-62440155 More sources (x) (x)
  10. Democrats' abandoning their big healthcare items part of Biden's original agenda comes as they face current criticism for their proposed "Insulin Co-Pay Cap" that would only impact those who have private insurance (where insurers could simply shift the cost over to premiums) when many of those who can't afford insulin are disproportionately poor and do not have have health insurance.
  11. Let's see everyone's taste Just got done with this one https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0gexEg8SfKPR7dUiFMXO0T?si=DdN17_VmQnmKbgXxLLnWBg&utm_source=copy-link
  12. hours, days, weeks, months, years? I read you
  13. Armani?

    Is 2016 overrated?

    A lot of my generation(Late Millennial/Early Gen Z) see 2016 as the Golden Year where everything was perfect for us Is 2016 the best or is it overrated? Discuss
  14. I have a friend who is negative about everything or makes up excuses for plausible/realistic solutions. He complains that his mom is in his business/is annoying. At first, I'm sympathetic, but as he keeps bringing this up, I ask him, "Have you ever thought about moving out?" "I'm saving to buy a house." "I can't leave my mom." "It's too expensive." All are his excuses. He's shared how much he has in savings-- he absolutely can afford to leave. He complains that where we live isn't trans-friendly. Being cis, I try to be sympathetic, and then I ask him, "Have you thought about moving to a more LGBTQ+ accepting neighborhood?" "Have you thought about working at a more LGBTQ+ accepting workplace?" My friend says the jobs I recommended were too far (he doesn't drive/have a license), it's too expensive to live in the more queer-accepting neighborhoods, etc. I then ask if he's thought about driving/getting his license, although, he'll find every excuse: "My mom (and/or dad) doesn't take me driving enough." "I'm getting operated soon." "After I get operated." And I really only posed getting a car as an alternative because he'll complain about having to get up early for the bus or about having to Uber home. Then every conversation, he'll tell me about how some trans person in X state can't get the proper healthcare, how much he hates the U.S. When I suggest hanging out, almost always something comes up-- his binder is making him uncomfortable, his mom needed him for something, etc. My friend suffers from PTSD, has attempted in the past, so not sure if this has anything to do with it. He also transitioned (FTM) pretty late, so it could also have something to do with it. The straw that broke the camel's back for me is when my friend sent me a paragraph about how I was hurting him for just suggesting if he wants bottom surgery that badly (he's having top surgery soon), that I know surgeons in our area that perform it, and I even asked if going overseas or even if going out-of-state was an option. He was like, "I want it. But it has complications. The success rates are low. I find it hurtful you keep bringing it up." I just don't know how to win with this person. Our last phone conversation, I was frankly so miserable hearing for the 50th time how he can't vape/use THC/drink before his surgery, how some stranger in Texas can't get the proper healthcare, or how his mom is driving him nuts. I get that being trans is something I'll never understand and it's not easy, and I fortunately don't have PTSD, but I'd think you need to change something-- whether it's your perspective, location, etc. How can someone live like this? I think it doesn't help he basically has no other friends, and when I had him meet one of my other queer friends, he was like, "Yeah. Your friend is too much of a negative Nancy to hang out with." And this wasn't even inspired by anything I told my other friend. Thoughts?
  15. 1. If you have, why? 2. If you have cheated, what did your partner do to/about you? 3. Do you think it's impossible to NEVER cheat ONCE during your entire love life? 4. Would you forgive your partner after cheating on you? Why or why not? Ok so we all know cheating is wrong, even the cheaters know it, so save the shaming/attacks. This isn't to justify/excuse cheating. But I just wanna know if you have cheated, what's your reason?
  16. There’s a question about snatch game on the application and “Why do you want to compete to be [country]’s FIRST DRAG SUPERSTAR?“
  17. If so, do you have any stories to share? I love reading this kind of stories.
  18. what an embarrassment to NATO. But that’s what this corrupt and dictator-appeasing organization deserves. ? Also this
  19. skwonderfactory

    Don’t ever trust or love anybody

    People suck and will always turn against you no matter how much you’ve given. Continue to ride random D ATRL, because it’s better than anyone who can hurt you. XOXO
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