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  1. How did you deal with that? What did you do to make yourself feel better and move past it quickly? I'm going through it right now. A bit of context, I was with this guy for 2 years and a half, and to put it shortly it was a very intense relationship. I ended things with him as he is now living on a different continent and things just weren't working as the relationship was already in a broken state before that. 2 years forward , we had been keeping in touch and talked almost every week, and even though we agreed both of us will move on with their lives, none of us have actually dated anyone else for these 2 years. I though that I was moving on. Then towards the end of last year he confessed he had been seeing a guy for like 3 weeks and he got very into him but it ended out badly, he felt hurt and wanted to open up to somebody - that being me. At first I didn't think much of it but this actually shook me and my feelings for the guy reignated - or perhaps they never left. I confessed to him, he said he was confused, I ended up flying to the other side of the world in February and we spent 2 weeks together, but the magic was gone and even though I was madly in love still, he didn't feel the same and told me we cannot be together anymore. Needless to say I was extremely heart-broken, and after I came back I decided to cut contact with him entirely in order to move on with my life as well. We haven't talked since. It's been a rough few months for me but I've finally started feeling better come summer. Last month however I saw him post a picture from a music festival and he was with a guy - I assumed just somebody he went there with maybe hooked up whatever, I shook it off. I unfollowed him so I wouldn't see more. But this morning instagram decided to pop up a post from the other's guy profile on my explore page in which they are together in vacation and there's even a pic of them kissing. I'm just feeling extremely heartbroken again, especially since he would never do that with me as since he was in the closet. Honestly I'm still so in love with this guy even though I tried to distance myself from everything and it's been years at this point. TL;TR: Still in love with my ex boyfriend I broke up with more than 2 years ago and feel terrible seeing he is with someone new. I know I'll feel better tomorrow and eventually it'll get better with time but right now I'm really down and just wanted to vent and take it out of my chest, and maybe read similar experiences from other people and how you've moved on past it.
  2. So first off, few disclaimers: -I do not wish to go into the details of what program, where, or other personal details about myself etc. All of this is just...tentative, anyway... -This is a serious thread. I can't stop anyone from saying "Stream Crash by Charlie Puth to manifest money " or something ddd, but try not to -The poll is to just see where (as in perspective) the responses might be coming from. -And of course, I am not literally taking financial advice from random strangers on the internet - again, I appreciate all perspectives but no single ATRL post will be enough to make me go "yes/no", of course. Just the nature of online forums. -A bit of a long read. A tl;dr would be that I got accepted into a "prestigious" institute (I don't put much stock into rankings, but still!) and being from a developing country in the Global South, financing this is a headache. I wasn't offered any financial aid (well, the department doesn't do it allegedly...it's not a STEM department/degree, I'd assume the grants go mostly to those) and the Cost of Living + Per Semester fees is....um, a lot Now, I have always spent my life fearing just the idea of loans. I got past one level of education without a loan, but it was still a financial drain & I feel guilty perpetually. Finance has been tough for my family despite "relative" privilege (no point in denying this) and dire personal circumstances that have chipped away savings to the point where one bad month can spiral the house. Luckily, my parents are covered by healthcare, but I am not. Should anything happen to me, well a LOT of things would... I fear loans because a) I am well aware of the predatory lending practices both via exposure on social media and just general awareness (and though currency conversion would make a difference, I would think predatory loan behaviour is uniform across Global North/South); b) I have seen close relatives spend the better part of a decade paying off a loan that they struggled to pay for, and all the mental anguish that followed and c) my mental health is in a constant, dangerous spiral and though this may not feel related, it is - because I know once I get on this cycle, there is no room for this in cold, hard money. To put it delicately, I do not know if I will voluntarily exist month-to-month - now if you tell me "you will have to for at least 10 years, pay it off or it goes to your family"...well... This brings me to the amount. It's a significant amount, but in the middle bracket of amounts I'd see people take online (per their admission). There is also /some/ not insignificant amount of money available to the family for this purpose, which is well, inherited from great grandparents (as in, some money they left behind after they passed). The decision to spend that is I fully intend to of course get a different job the moment I land (if I land), but students are bound to specific work hour limitations and retail/minimum wage might not cover me. This is during the degree. After the degree of course I am also going to be working, and hell I have been working (in many endeavours, with mixed results) in this Covid-clusterfuck anyway. So really, I do not know...also, I identify as a leftist, and am a firm believer in student debt forgiveness. With that said - and this sounds blackpilled - I know, trust and believe that no government is going to help me or even express any interest in forgiving loans, despite it being very popular. This isn't just the US, time and time again wherever country I've applied to shows this cynical attitude and I know should I say, be unable to pay or struggle or express hesitancy, a gaggle of individuals will show up to say "WELL, WHY DID YOU TAKE A LOAN YOU COULDN'T AFFORD?" I don't ever expect my loan to be forgiven by anyone across the world. Really the reason I'm considering this is because this could change my life, put me on the path to a better life etc. But I feel very skeptical of that happening anyway...The one option I am considering is maybe deferring admission, trying very hard to close the finance gap as much as I can, whilst also simultaneously applying for external bursaries/grants using the deferred option (I've confirmed this is possible). Thoughts? Thank you for reading!
  3. Like Lindsay, Bella got her start with Disney and starred in a bunch of family films such as Blended, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Alexander and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, etc. and then went on to teen films such as The Babysitter, Midnight Sun, and The DUFF (which was compared to Mean Girls). Now Bella is in her flop indie movie era. Bella also hangs out with a lot of heiresses/socialites like Lindsay did in her day and feuds with Nicola Peltz much like Lindsay did with Paris Hilton. What are your thoughts? In 10 years, will Bella be more appreciated/missed by the GP and will her contributions to the entertainment industry no longer be taken for granted?
  4. Idk if this was already posted but It’s been circulating but he kinda gagged him a bit. You just KNOW the other guy was saying all types of N word this N word that. We all know the type.
  5. I felt like this needed a separate thread ENDED Hermoine! Transpobe JK Rowling fuming somewhere!
  6. Revolution

    Humans have peaked. Agreed?

    FACT: The world population will shrink mid-century. FACT: Climate change is coming to kill us all with heatwaves, wildfires, droughts, etc. FACT: There are many diseases coming out of nowhere like COVID and Monkeypox. With these FACTS in mind, do you agree that humans have peaked? TF: 3000 BC-1500 (rise of civilizations) TFM: 1500-2020 (industrial revolutions) ARTPOP: 2020-present (climate change)
  7. I usually refer to him as babe or hayate (my life) or albe (my heart).
  8. All this for a man who could care less about his supporters. Amerikkka is coming to an end.
  9. If you want a simple cup of caffeine, what do you make/order? I was going to include ice-coffee but there are so many more options for cold coffee so just hot.
  10. Distantconstellation

    Sorrybut men dont age better than Women.

    I dont know who started that lie. You may prefer a man that looks older with a wrinkled forehead, gray hair, receding hairline and beer belly but that doesnt mean hes aging better than women. Women age much better than men because MOST care about their appearance and use sunscreen, moisturizer, retinol/tretinoin while most men dont. Side note: i HATE when people crinkle/scrunch their forehead. It looks painful. Im like ahhhh u are giving yourself deep set wrinkles.
  11. The title says cancelled but in reality HBO Max only ordered 1 season for the show and currently there are no plans for a Season 5. Source
  12. I take a bath more than twice a day, mostly cold showers and bubble bathtub at night how about you?
  13. Context: France has declared a drought in some parts. While residents cannot water their gardens or wash their cars in the worst-hit municipalities, golf courses have escaped the nationwide restrictions. During a water shortage, rich people can play golf on dead grass
  14. Season 6 Part 1 premiers Tuesday 19th April | 100% Rotten Tomatoes, 93 Metacritic **** me up Vince Gilligan. One of the top 10 shows of all time, why?
  15. Am i the only one who does this? I will be in the bathroom peeing, washing my hands… but the moment someone comes in and heads to the stall, I RUN out of the bathroom before I start hearing poop sounds. I don’t care if my hands are still wet, I refuse to hear the sound of someone farting, moving their bowels. if I unfortunately need to poop in a public place, I will always flush whenever my ass makes any sort of noise to hide the sound. but no one else seems to be a corteous as I am
  16. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-62547503 It looks like when there was a human detected in Monster Inc
  17. It's a new gay drama/comedy show on Netflix, it stars Neil Patrick Harris as the lead and it has A LOT of gay stereotypes. I honestly thought it was a cute show but it's a bit cringey (every gay person in the show has a crush Neil and they all like his big d ) Did you watch it ? was it good ?
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