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  1. Biden's approval ratings have bounced up to 47%, up ten points from a just month ago. He’s now above where Reagan was at a similar point in his Presidency. Do we love him again?
  2. On this day in history, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a “treaty of non-aggression,” that recognized each other’s right to carve up Europe into spheres of influence. This led to the invasion of and eventual partition of Poland, the Baltics, and was the catalyst to WWII. This is the reason why the West remembers the Second World War beginning in 1939, as opposed to 1941 like the Russians do. For a long time, the Soviets lied and denied the document’s existence until finally coming clean in the 1980s. Now they brag about it: There are also essays written by Twitter communists about why this wasn’t actually bad, but I won’t include those and disrespect the victims of Soviet and Nazi aggression. As we can see, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not the nation’s first flirtation with Nazism.
  3. Here are the most iconic video game characters. As you can see, they are all white despite being brands of Japanese companies. Are you surprised by this?
  4. Anvarie

    Lastfm problems?

    Anyone else having problems with Lastfm’s scrobbles? I just looked at my library (history) and all my scrobbles from 2015-2021 are missing
  5. The chills down my spine when at the end the officer looks up, sees the person filming and points at them. Update -
  6. Let me start booking my trip.
  7. Sylvester Stallone, Dwyane Wade, Kevin Hart, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian. toughts? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-22/kim-kardashian-kevin-hart-california-drought-water-waste?_amp=true
  8. Doctors will soon be telling patients to 'get on your bike' or 'take a hike' as cycling and walking are to be prescribed by GPs in a health improvement drive announced today. It is hoped it will ease the burden on the NHS, as well as reduce congestion on the roads as people stop using their cars for short journeys. The Department for Transport said £12.7million has been given to 11 local authorities across England to fund the 'social prescriptions'. Health minister Maria Caulfield said: 'Getting active is hugely beneficial for both our mental and physical health, helping reduce stress and ward off other illness such as heart disease and obesity. The UK is leading the way in embedding social prescribing in our NHS and communities across the country.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11132435/Doctors-prescribe-walking-cycling-beat-heart-disease-boost-nations-wellbeing.html
  9. Whether you believe that there's "the one" or not... 1. How can you tell that the person you're current with is the person you want to keep in your life for the longest time? 2. What feeling/sensation/qualities does it take for you to realize "okay, I'm content with this and I don't want anything else. This is it, it's more than enough". 3. Have you reached this level yet?
  10. Mark ones in bold if you have it (either active/inactive). Strikethrough ones that you've deleted/never used. So these are the top 10 sites with the most users: Facebook/Messenger: Deleted my main. But I have an anonymous/fake account that I sometimes use to check stuff on there that requires me to login. TikTok. I'm only a lurker. Used to leave comments for the LOL's. WeChat. They're local, no one uses ha here. Instagram. My trinity of social media and my most active one (I like photography). This one I use to keep track of my friends' social life and follow inspiring people/pages (financial literacy, art/pop culture news, docu-news portals). No influencers allowed QZone. Local. Weibo. Local. Twitter. Same like Facebook anonymous/lurker, sometimes Twitter has the juiciest tea, and also for amateur porn (Telegram has better content nowadays). Tumblr. She's over the minute they decided to ban porn. Baidu Tieba. Local. LinkedIn. My second-most active social media. This is where I connect professionally whereas IG is more personal. Bonus other social media/popular instant messaging apps: YouTube. I don't have an account but I use the site frequently. QQ. Local. Quora. Same like YouTube. Telegram. I literally only use this for porn. WhatsApp. In my top 3 of frequently used social media/instant messaging app. Literally everyone uses this here. Signal. I never hear of it until now Apparently they debuted this year. LINE. It used to be very popular in my country until it spams people, the notifications don't show up, and it takes too much memory size. I deleted/abandoned it like everyone did. Snapchat. IG killed her. Though sometimes she made it to Top 10 with her quick cute filters that IG doesn't have. Pinterest. The only reason I had an account here is because they required me to signup for further pic-browsing but I never logged in again ever since. Viber. WhatsApp didn't leave any crumbs for her. Reddit. I only lurk here. Good stuff and occasional juicy tea though. Discord. I don't really play games anymore... so no. VK. Local. But weirdly sometimes they have free pirated stuff. Microsoft Teams. Because of workplace. What about you girls? What's your top 3 of these 24? Mine's Instagram, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.
  11. i know it's been only 2 years but by this time last decade we had the most anticipated team-up film of the history with multiple superhero franchises already launched (thor and cap), the hunger games, two nolan hits, acclaimed bo smashes like black swan. the decade before we had hp and lotr so far this decade we haven't had a new popular franchise, mcu is declining, horror genre is dead even Korean cinema which was peaking in the 2010s is giving us subpar rehashes, what happened?
  12. "After reunification, we will do re-education", says the Chinese ambassador to France https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4JFHjPXcz/ The Taiwanese do not want to sink into Chinese totalitarianism, apart from a few mafiosos paid by Beijing
  13. A New Zealand family bought a storage unit at auction. Inside they found suitcases holding the remains of 2 young children A New Zealand family found the remains of two children in a suitcase they bought at auction. The cases were inside a unit they bought from a storage facility without knowing the contents. Police said the remains had probably been there for several years before being noticed. The family purchased the mobile unit without knowing what was inside. They then brought it to their South Auckland home and discovered the two suitcases with bodies inside on August 11. A murder investigation was launched the next day, according to The Guardian. At a Wednesday news conference, New Zealand Police spokesman Tofilau Faamanuia Vaaelua announced that the remains belonged to children aged around five to 10 years old. The suitcases had likely been in storage three to four years, he said. The family who found the remains haven't been named. They are not considered to be connected to the deaths and were "understandably distressed," Vaaelua said. A nearby neighbor, who is a former crematorium worker, told New Zealand outlet Stuff that they immediately knew there were human remains from the "wicked smell" he noticed around noon on the day of the find. "I knew straight away and I thought where is that coming from," he told the outlet. Soon, the remains were moved into a forensic tent set up at the address, the outlet reported. The unit also held what Vaaelua said were "household items and personal items." He said police were trying to see whether those items could help identify the children. The storage company is helping in the investigation, Vaaelua said, but he wouldn't confirm whether police had spoken to the unit's former owner. He emphasized that the investigation was at a very early stage. Vaaelua said that police were reviewing security footage from the storage unit, but that it may be too late to find anything relevant. https://www.yahoo.com/news/zealand-family-bought-storage-unit-140735631.html
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