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  1. For those of you who have been or are currently in relationships, how do you deal with the stagnant periods especially after long periods of time being together?
  2. Hannah John-Kamen will no longer play Red Sonja but instead Matilda Lutz - Millennium Media also confirmed a previous report that the film has found a new director, officially revealing that Solomon Kane (2009)’s M.J. Bassett would be taking the reins from previous helmer, the non-binary-identifying and self-declared feminist Joey Soloway, who notably replaced Bryan Singer in the role after he was hit in 2019 with the latest lawsuit to accuse him of having sexually assaulted a number of underage boys.
  3. President Biden has just signed the Inflation Reduction Act bookending a series of operational and legislative achievements in the first part of his 4 year term. His achievements include: Forgiving $10k in student loans Distributing 200 million doses of COVID vaccinations Passed a $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill 3.5% unemployment, the lowest in 50 years Passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill Unifying NATO (now including Sweden and Finland) against the forces of evil Ended the 20-year War in Afghanistan Took out al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Confirmed a liberal Supreme Court Judge Appointed more federal judges than the last 5 Presidents Passed a gun control bill Passed the CHIPS bill to boost semiconductor manufacturing jobs in the US Passed the PACT act to give veterans more healthcare benefits Passed an historic $369 billion investment in climate change Passed a bill to reduce the price of prescription drugs Passed a bill to cut the US budget deficit and reduce inflation by raising taxes on the rich and corporations Despite claims by many uninformed detractor that “nothing would fundamentally change” in a Biden presidency, it appears that Biden and Democrats have managed to deliver on a range of their promises despite a hung (50-50) Senate. All the while Republicans are scrambling to handle the fallout of their leader Trump’s FBI investigation. Why? Is talent winning? Did you expect Uncle Joe/Biden the Builder/Dark Brandon to be so successful?
  4. The way every election lost by a Republican is gonna be called stolen for the rest of our lives
  5. Under the Nielsen method, this translates to about 3.75M viewers. A hit, I fear
  6. The government’s student loan sites are crashing after debt relief announcement Source: https://www.theverge.com/2022/8/24/23320250/student-aid-fafsa-sites-down-debt-relief-announcement
  7. It looks like this is going to be the worst winter of our lifetime. Let’s just hope that temperatures don’t drop too low otherwise
  8. Hi everyone! So lately I've been stuck in this awful dilemma where I have to choose whether I wanna stay in my country for my undergraduate, or if I wanna go overseas to the UK. The university that I can go to in my country (which is in my city) is a pretty highly ranked within my country, even if it's not super high ranked globally. I am going to be majoring in history here, and it's a four year programme. The perks of staying here are that I don't have to leave my family or my home (I am already getting homesick at the thought of leaving), and it's actually super cheap compared to the other option. The drawback is that the course I have here, history, may not lend itself well to future employment opportunities (at least that's what I think). The other option I have is of going to the UK, to the University of Manchester, which is a much higher ranked university globally (ranks in the top 25/30 according to most rankings), and the course there (Modern History with Economics) gives me a lot more flexibility for job options/post-graduate degrees in the future. It's also one year shorter, so I might even be able to my post-grad there and return home before I would even get to finish my undergrad here. The problem is that it's way more expensive (although my family is in a good position financially and they think they can afford it comfortably), and that I'll have to leave my family and move thousands of miles to live with strangers in a brand new country all by myself. I've never lived without my family before, and this process seems very daunting to me. I am very close to my family, and I'm scared I'll miss them too much. At the same time, I also want to go because I feel like I'll be wasting my potential by staying here and pursuing a degree in a generally unemployable field that will eventually force me to go out for my post-grad. My family is very supportive, though most of them get emotional at the thought of me leaving. They also worry that 18 is too young an age for me to live all on my own, but they also want me to do well in life and choose what's best for me. I've been very torn lately and in a state of near constant confusion. Any words of advice/encouragement? What would y'all choose if you were in my place? Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm actually going to start taking classes at my local uni starting tomorrow, and I have till 31 August to decide what I wanna do. I'll drop out from here if I wanna go to Manchester, I guess.
  9. Hello, ATRLsties. I hope you are having a good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever. I have/had a friend, let's name her Z, for 3-4 years. We were extremely close at one point, but like people do in life, you sometimes grow apart from each other, for no particular reason (I feel as if this was beginning to happen to us, as we'd sometimes go a month without talking to each other). I recently texted her asking if she wanted to meet up soon, and how she was. She never got back to me, so I just asked if everything was alright again, and she got back to me the next day saying how I forgot it was her birthday and that she felt like "****" because she thought we were "closer than that". Now, admittedly, I do not have social media to keep up with what everyone is up to, let alone knowing when everyone's big day is. I explained to Z that I simply forgot as I have been busy as she has been and things were 100 between us. I made sure to completely reassure her that. She told me thank you for my apology, but never got back to me after I asked how she has been. I understand that people are allowed to hold grudges and be upset, but we are pushing into our mid 20's. I simply forgot a date, and I admitted that I was wrong and that I was sorry. I tried to make it up to her, but she's still not talking to me. Should I just move on and "let sleeping dogs lie" as they say, or should I try and reach out to her again? I miss her as a friend, but I understand that people change and that not everyone stays in your life. I don't want to lose a friend over this.
  10. Three weeks ago I met my colleague from another department at a corporate party. Before that, we only said "hello" in the hallway and never talked. Since I recognized a familiar face at a party, I decided to chat with him to spend at least some quality time. It seems that we are interested in each other. We began to regularly exchange various interesting films (it turns out that we watch the same thing), meet more in our company, talk. Yesterday we decided to go with him to the film festival and I had a great time. I noticed that I was interested in listening to him, and he listens to me very carefully. In general, he is quite progressive man. It seems to me that we are attracted remotely to each other, yet without physical overtones. We are constantly looking for an excuse to talk to each other. Are there ways to develop an organic relationship with a guy? I feel like we're in the same league (special movies, TV shows and music), but I don't want to slide into mediocre sex and lose that connection.
  11. You can pick up one or two for each: Mine: Fruit: Peach and cherries, Vegetable: Tomatoes and mushroom. Grain: Rice and corn.
  12. Production_101

    What is an appropriate stan age?

    These stan groups feature people kid aged all the way up to millenials and older. Its bizarre for a 12 year old to be debating a 30something about chart stats and throwing insults and shady memes but thats the age were living in
  13. Revolution

    What if we were str8?

    As you know, we are not str8. But what if we were? How would things be different? What kind of str8 would you be? Who would we be listening to instead of pop girls? Discuss!
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