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  1. Hello fellow ATRL members! I'm currently in my final year of university studying Media and Communications. As part of my final year I need to do a dissertation. This is basically a 12,000 word research report on a topic related to my field of study. I've chosen to do mine on fan loyalty and artist image between two of the biggest names in Pop music in recent years – Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. Both are major Pop icons with hyperactive fanbases, which makes them suitable for my research. As part of my research I've chosen to do a questionnaire. This will allow me to get a better understanding of the dynamics between each artist and their respective fanbase. The majority of the questions are multiple choice, with a few open-ended as well. It should only really take 5 minutes to complete. Your response will be completely anonymous, and no personal information will be collected. Please note that you must be 18+ to participate. I would be so eternally grateful if you could take the time to complete this, as it will be very beneficial to my research! Thank you! You can find the questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/Ha87hFRNA4HRweKZ7
  2. she KILLED her performance last night ... such an effortless performer her performance is also getting rave reviews ... MOTHER! she's here to STAY!
  3. When there is an election in your country, in your province, in your state, in your city, do you vote ? For me, since I'm 18, I vote at every level of political (federal, provincial and municipal)
  4. Coming out this fall during Oscar season. Best supp actress contender? Jlo is an amazing dramatic actress and this is quite a different role for her.
  5. Which one of the big 3 movie/TV streaming services has the best catalog?
  6. Often times on ATRL I see posts with simple opinions like "I don't like x song" "x album isn't good" getting downvoted. The post will not even be disrespectful or dragging an artist/music yet it will still receive downvotes. Is this a valid use of the downvote button? Are people who downvote opinions wrong to do so? Discuss.
  7. I would say Amanda Seigfred. I think I heard her say it herself in an interview besides when she played Elizabeth Holmes. Every interview she gives Karen from mean girls imo. Also Nicolas Cage feels samey throughout. Anyone else?
  8. Mine are - Paul Walker dated a 16-year old when he was 33 - Angelina Jolie mouth kissing her brother while wearing Billy Bob Thornton's blood around her neck - French President Emmanuel Macron met his wife when he was 15 y/o and she was in her 40s. - Neil Patrick Harris serving Amy Winehouse corpse cake at a party right after she died
  9. Has there even been a time you tried a new look/hairstyle and everyone in your life told you it wasn't giving what you thought it was giving but you stick with it out of delusional rebellion? I'm kinda going through that and I empathize with Katy circa 2017
  10. I have a 2 year plan in which I wanna lose weight slowly and HEALTHY. I dont need to lose it fast, and I also don't want to have a strict diet. I am doing CICO and I am mindful of what I eat everyday as long as I don't overdo my daily caloric intake. But what are some tips and tricks that helped yall? How did you deal with cravings, losing motivation, lacking discipline, setting goals, etc. Discuss! Also I don't wanna hear none of that low-carb ****. I know it works for some but I've tried it in the past and it absolutely is NOT for me.
  11. For an ice cold slurpee?? I am https://corp.7-eleven.com/corp-press-releases/7-eleven-2024-bring-your-own-cup-day-on-april-13
  12. You cannot deny the artistic beauty of this.
  13. hey mamas, i want to get into anime... as a non-watcher who's last time seeing an animated character was several years ago, what are thee recommendations? i luv a good story, comedy OK, romance OK, scary OK
  14. cuz when i see this irl I wanna run, it's disgusting
  15. Like 2 men fighting over you or you fighting another bottom with tired acrylics over a top, etc.?
  16. As the temperature rises and the days get longer, there is no denying that summer is just around the corner. And with summer comes the "Song of the Summer," a title given to the catchiest, most-played and ubiquitous song of the season. From "Despacito" to "One Dance," the summer anthem has become a staple in pop culture, often defining our memories of the season. But what exactly makes a song the "Song of the Summer"? Is it just a catchy beat and repetitive lyrics? Or is there a science behind it? Some may argue that the formula for a perfect summer hit involves a dash of nostalgia, a sprinkle of carefree vibes, and a pinch of escapism. Others may say it's simply a matter of timing and luck. What do you think? It's time for... ASK ATRL!
  17. would you have accepted a Trump milkshake?
  18. So. Self-explanatory title. When you reflect on your life and see the unique ways (this may or may not be the case for you) in which life has screwed you over — mental health, debilitating losses, crippling body/self-loathing, etc., and you see how, for whatever arbitrary reason, this is not the case for a lot of people in your circle who — without realizing it — have been blessed by not having to go through what you've gone (at least to the capacity you know)...how do you not become a misanthropic, jaded, people-hating person? And is it bad — or rather, are you a bad person — for resenting people for having access to time that you, again, arbitrarily lost? You don't wish suffering upon people, but you resent your own when stacked up against others. How do you not become borderline vengeful and people-averse? Discuss from whatever angle applies to you — be it coming out (presumably) in a homophobic, conservative society and having to endure a whole roster of needless pain and suffering because of that (as compared to people who were raised in liberal and accepting societies who live with a carefree attitude you could simply never adopt), or otherwise.
  19. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 3 months. Everything is going well, he's a doctor and a good person.. and recently it was my birthday and he told me that for my birthday he would give me 2 gifts. And today I received a delivery message telling me that I will be delivered in an hour and when I googled the name of the package it brought up a car website. And right now I'm taking my driving test and my boyfriend knows about it and I'm afraid he gave me a car as a gift. And that scares me because we've only been together for 3 months.... I'll find this gift too huge and expensive... and that worries me a lot because it would be weird to receive such a big gift when we has been together for a short time... I am supposed to receive the gift by delivery in 30 minutes/2hour. I hope it's not a car and I'm wrong... I'm hoping for a bouquet of flowers. But at the same time, I wonder if it's not more of a scam or a mistake because I didn't order anything.... I'm afraid. EDIT : OMG I'M ABOUT TO FAINT, The delivery message changed and it is reported for tomorrow : "estimated date of delivery 03/21/2024 from 08:00 to 13:00". I have to wait until tomorrow ? I'm working tomorrow.... I'm going to die, I swear...
  20. I had a very….surreal experience the last few months. I met a man online, who became the first man I ever did anything with. I was obsessed. Hoping, praying, stressing he'd come back. He'd text me out of the blue once every few weeks, and it would make my entire day. I started becoming depressed and insecure when I didn't hear from him. 2 weeks ago, he hit me up out of the blue, and I went back and hung out with him this past weekend…..and my attraction to him has suddenly completely disappeared Now: there was never going to be a future between us, but I never want to put myself through the mental torture I went through stressing over this man ever again. Some helpful advice would be needed to avoid this in the future!
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