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  1. Should we let the government handle the audit of these publicly listed companies' financial statements instead of these "independent" private companies?
  2. Both arguably the biggest shows to be released during the 10s but which one was bigger? And which show is better in your opinion?
  3. Sylvester Stallone, Dwyane Wade, Kevin Hart, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian. toughts? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-22/kim-kardashian-kevin-hart-california-drought-water-waste?_amp=true
  4. “House of the Dragon” drew in 9.99 million viewers across HBO and HBO Max after premiering with one episode on Sunday, according to Warner Bros. Discovery. This viewership tally includes linear airings, as well as HBO Max streams during premiere night. OH WOW Well deserved, the premiere was a cultural reset!
  5. Biden's approval ratings have bounced up to 47%, up ten points from a just month ago. He’s now above where Reagan was at a similar point in his Presidency. Do we love him again?
  6. I had a list with AMC a-list pre pandemic where you pay 21 bux month and can see 3 films a week but after I tried the Regal unlimited and its like a dollar cheaper but you can see unlimited movies and food discounts . I must say it's nice to see everything that's out in a weekend (I can really do 3 movies a day at most) but it feels a bit like where I used to work for them and could see whatever I wanted for free. Beats sitting at the apt all the time lol. Have yall gotten a movie pass before?
  7. Production_101

    What is an appropriate stan age?

    These stan groups feature people kid aged all the way up to millenials and older. Its bizarre for a 12 year old to be debating a 30something about chart stats and throwing insults and shady memes but thats the age were living in
  8. Doctors will soon be telling patients to 'get on your bike' or 'take a hike' as cycling and walking are to be prescribed by GPs in a health improvement drive announced today. It is hoped it will ease the burden on the NHS, as well as reduce congestion on the roads as people stop using their cars for short journeys. The Department for Transport said £12.7million has been given to 11 local authorities across England to fund the 'social prescriptions'. Health minister Maria Caulfield said: 'Getting active is hugely beneficial for both our mental and physical health, helping reduce stress and ward off other illness such as heart disease and obesity. The UK is leading the way in embedding social prescribing in our NHS and communities across the country.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11132435/Doctors-prescribe-walking-cycling-beat-heart-disease-boost-nations-wellbeing.html
  9. Mark ones in bold if you have it (either active/inactive). Strikethrough ones that you've deleted/never used. So these are the top 10 sites with the most users: Facebook/Messenger: Deleted my main. But I have an anonymous/fake account that I sometimes use to check stuff on there that requires me to login. TikTok. I'm only a lurker. Used to leave comments for the LOL's. WeChat. They're local, no one uses ha here. Instagram. My trinity of social media and my most active one (I like photography). This one I use to keep track of my friends' social life and follow inspiring people/pages (financial literacy, art/pop culture news, docu-news portals). No influencers allowed QZone. Local. Weibo. Local. Twitter. Same like Facebook anonymous/lurker, sometimes Twitter has the juiciest tea, and also for amateur porn (Telegram has better content nowadays). Tumblr. She's over the minute they decided to ban porn. Baidu Tieba. Local. LinkedIn. My second-most active social media. This is where I connect professionally whereas IG is more personal. Bonus other social media/popular instant messaging apps: YouTube. I don't have an account but I use the site frequently. QQ. Local. Quora. Same like YouTube. Telegram. I literally only use this for porn. WhatsApp. In my top 3 of frequently used social media/instant messaging app. Literally everyone uses this here. Signal. I never hear of it until now Apparently they debuted this year. LINE. It used to be very popular in my country until it spams people, the notifications don't show up, and it takes too much memory size. I deleted/abandoned it like everyone did. Snapchat. IG killed her. Though sometimes she made it to Top 10 with her quick cute filters that IG doesn't have. Pinterest. The only reason I had an account here is because they required me to signup for further pic-browsing but I never logged in again ever since. Viber. WhatsApp didn't leave any crumbs for her. Reddit. I only lurk here. Good stuff and occasional juicy tea though. Discord. I don't really play games anymore... so no. VK. Local. But weirdly sometimes they have free pirated stuff. Microsoft Teams. Because of workplace. What about you girls? What's your top 3 of these 24? Mine's Instagram, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.
  10. Here are the most iconic video game characters. As you can see, they are all white despite being brands of Japanese companies. Are you surprised by this?
  11. The chills down my spine when at the end the officer looks up, sees the person filming and points at them. Update -
  12. Hi everyone! So lately I've been stuck in this awful dilemma where I have to choose whether I wanna stay in my country for my undergraduate, or if I wanna go overseas to the UK. The university that I can go to in my country (which is in my city) is a pretty highly ranked within my country, even if it's not super high ranked globally. I am going to be majoring in history here, and it's a four year programme. The perks of staying here are that I don't have to leave my family or my home (I am already getting homesick at the thought of leaving), and it's actually super cheap compared to the other option. The drawback is that the course I have here, history, may not lend itself well to future employment opportunities (at least that's what I think). The other option I have is of going to the UK, to the University of Manchester, which is a much higher ranked university globally (ranks in the top 25/30 according to most rankings), and the course there (Modern History with Economics) gives me a lot more flexibility for job options/post-graduate degrees in the future. It's also one year shorter, so I might even be able to my post-grad there and return home before I would even get to finish my undergrad here. The problem is that it's way more expensive (although my family is in a good position financially and they think they can afford it comfortably), and that I'll have to leave my family and move thousands of miles to live with strangers in a brand new country all by myself. I've never lived without my family before, and this process seems very daunting to me. I am very close to my family, and I'm scared I'll miss them too much. At the same time, I also want to go because I feel like I'll be wasting my potential by staying here and pursuing a degree in a generally unemployable field that will eventually force me to go out for my post-grad. My family is very supportive, though most of them get emotional at the thought of me leaving. They also worry that 18 is too young an age for me to live all on my own, but they also want me to do well in life and choose what's best for me. I've been very torn lately and in a state of near constant confusion. Any words of advice/encouragement? What would y'all choose if you were in my place? Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm actually going to start taking classes at my local uni starting tomorrow, and I have till 31 August to decide what I wanna do. I'll drop out from here if I wanna go to Manchester, I guess.
  13. General & Casual Politics Thread UPDATED APRIL 2023 Feel free to post here with anything politics-related globally and not having to do with the U.S. 2024 Presidential Election, which will go in the other thread. Thank you.
  14. It looks like this is going to be the worst winter of our lifetime. Let’s just hope that temperatures don’t drop too low otherwise
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