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  1. Read more here https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-08-22/california-racial-discrimination-cases
  2. The government’s student loan sites are crashing after debt relief announcement Source: https://www.theverge.com/2022/8/24/23320250/student-aid-fafsa-sites-down-debt-relief-announcement
  3. Daydream

    Have you written a will?

    It might not be something you want to think about doing - but a lot of people die without having left a will in place. And you never know when your time will be up so it's better to plan for what you want to happen to your estate/who the beneficiaries will be. Especially if you own property. I'm curious to know how many ATRLers are well-organised and have written/signed a will.
  4. Under the Nielsen method, this translates to about 3.75M viewers. A hit, I fear
  5. Are you one of those people who are texting 24/7, or one of those who just talk once a week?
  6. Everytime i go to the club and see a jock or beefy/muscular or sporty white guy, they usually have an ass? its drives me crazy. Ugh its too many hot guys and it sucks because u know they wont be interested. I hate looking a them. Keep in mind im talking about straight clubs.
  7. The way every election lost by a Republican is gonna be called stolen for the rest of our lives
  8. LesFleur

    Post Your Avi Source

    - Post the source of your avi - Tag someone whose avi you want the source of I'll begin AVI SOURCE TAGGED @Katamari please.
  9. You can pick up one or two for each: Mine: Fruit: Peach and cherries, Vegetable: Tomatoes and mushroom. Grain: Rice and corn.
  10. You wake up, and its New Years day 1st of January 2020. What do you do now without looking like a lunatic?
  11. Thoughts? (Preferably if there are any trans or nb folks here on ATRL, their opinion would be the most welcome) Please keep it cute and civil.
  12. https://www.idrlabs.com/sexual-orientation/test.php
  13. On this day in history, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a “treaty of non-aggression,” that recognized each other’s right to carve up Europe into spheres of influence. This led to the invasion of and eventual partition of Poland, the Baltics, and was the catalyst to WWII. This is the reason why the West remembers the Second World War beginning in 1939, as opposed to 1941 like the Russians do. For a long time, the Soviets lied and denied the document’s existence until finally coming clean in the 1980s. Now they brag about it: There are also essays written by Twitter communists about why this wasn’t actually bad, but I won’t include those and disrespect the victims of Soviet and Nazi aggression. As we can see, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not the nation’s first flirtation with Nazism.
  14. https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-sunday-8-21-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html The new Targaryen show’s first airing got 2.17 million viewers on HBO. Some other shows on Sunday: ABC World News Tonight 5.58 million, America’s Funniest Home Videos rerun 3.98 million, Celebrity Family Feud 4.54 million, $100000 Pyramid 4.10 million, Equalizer rerun 2.396 million, Nascar Cup 2.56 million. For scripted cable this year, the last Yellowstone got 9.34 million. The S11 Walking Dead premiere got 2.22 million. No Sansa, no live TV viewing I guess. Good thing it's a Main Streaming Girl. Season so far: 2.17 2.26 1.75 1.81 1.83 1.86 1.88 1.73 (New Low) 1.56 (New Low)
  15. Wall Street Journal - A middle-income family might spend more than $18,000 a year on average, as inflation hits food, housing, haircuts and sports, Brookings analysis finds. https://www.wsj.com/articles/it-now-costs-300-000-to-raise-a-child-11660864334?mod=hp_lead_pos5 Here is a non-paywalled MSN version of the WSJ reporting What are your thoughts? Do you plan to have children? Or is the double income no kids (DINK) life the one for you?
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