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  1. And what percentage of your shift is occupied by your face being in your phone and not" working". I work at a call center knee injection ?company and all our sups are in NY and we are in FL. One one person around today that's an upper and he's a young gay guy who stanned my new tablet (he asked me if it folded lol I'm like I wish ?) so it's officially OK to watch it and no1curr. My job is mad slow so I'm 80% or more on my phone all day waiting for calls cause it's slow. And now with my tab I watch movies all day! Other places have been awful. I got fired from a job for plugging my phone in the computer they said its "stealing electricity in the rules ?" and I've gotten in trouble at almost every job over being caught on phone so glad this company treats us like grown ups. And yall?
  2. When somebody else smokes near me it makes me feel kinda a little bit sick. (like a little bit of a headache) I don't smoke obviously. I am not sure if others feel this way.
  3. Have you ever been a victim of targeted white men ads? like, for example, my youtube/insta algorithm is PUSHING this white man as if there's no tomorrow and I truly have no idea who he is has this ever happened to you and who was the man to blame as
  4. So I have a flat belly BUT it's not flat enough for my abs to be visible. I understand that this means I will have to lose some weight for the abs to be chiseled and show BUT this will mean general body fat loss and this can mean losing some of my precious booty fat How does one target stomach fat but still maintain all your ass fat (or at least most). I am in the process of losing the thin extra layer covering my abs and already noticed some of my butt fat has decreased and this is concerning me since my booty is literally one of my best features. Any advice would be helpful as I googled and most articles are not helping in this regard. They are either doom-ish saying you must lose your ass in order to get abs OR they are not answering my full question and simply answering portions of the question. Please only serious answers I know this is kind of silly but I dont want to be ridiculed. I'm having a crisis and dilemma at the moment. I want my abs to be visible but not at the expense of my derriere. Thank you.
  5. Can Biden deschedule marijuana through executive order? Yes! Just like how Biden used executive authority to instruct the Department of Education to interpret the legislation of the 2003 Heroes Act to apply to the era of COVID and forgive $10k in student loans, Biden is the one who sets the agenda and makes the hires across the executive branch. Though it would fall on a combination of the Attorney General, Secretary of HHS and the DEA Administrator to begin the process of descheduling weed as outlined in the Controlled Substances Act, just like it fell to the Secretary of Education to begin student debt relief, it is Biden who hires all of these positions: https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/no-president-biden-cannot-legalize-weed-or-deschedule-it-even-with-an-executive-order If Biden doesn't decide to desechdule weed, can he set in motion mass clemency? Yes! The US Pardon Attorney has said Biden has the power to order her office to prepare an order of mass clemency to people with cannabis convictions:
  6. For me it's the girl scout pretzels. What about you?
  7. ProudLBS

    Things to do in Israel

    שלום חמודים I’m going to the Holy Land for 2 weeks in October I’ll be staying at my boyfriend’s place in Tel Aviv, but I’m also planning to go to Jerusalem, Haifa, the Dead Sea, etc. Maybe Petra as well, but it’s not set in stone yet. Any things I can’t miss? Tips are also appreciated! Please, no dark rooms, orgies, settlements, areas near Gaza or Lebanon, or hotbeds of terrorism PS: DM me if you’d like to hang out
  8. Truly the TV series smash of the year The way this clobbered the VMAs
  9. I like sideburns and wish fellas would start wearing them again
  10. https://deadline.com/2022/04/charli-damelio-to-star-in-thriller-home-school-for-ryan-kavanaughs-proxima-1235010195/
  11. Beast (last week) & Three Thousand Years of Longing "Three Thousand Years of Longing,” which co-stars Idris Elba as a Djinn and Tilda Swinton as the scholar who gets three wishes, cratered in its debut with $2.87 million from 2,436 locations. It’s a terrible result for a movie that’s playing in thousands of theaters across the country Given its $60 million production budget, MGM and United Artists Releasing’s “Three Thousand Years of Longing” is shaping up to be one of the year’s biggest bombs. https://variety.com/2022/film/box-office/the-invitation-box-office-slow-weekend-1235352792/ Damn . He should go back to TV. Luther season 6 when?
  12. Amazon has put big money into its new series based on J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" book trilogy. The 8-episode season of "The Rings of Power" has cost the company $715 million, or more than 5.1 million annual subscriptions to Amazon Prime, according to the Wall Street Journal. Last year, Amazon said that it had more than 200 million subscribers to Prime. A subscription to the service costs $139 per year. The Journal reports that other streaming companies, including Netflix and HBO, were interested in buying the TV rights of the much-loved book series, but only Amazon shelled out nearly $250 million, beating out the competition. It's been widely reported that Amazon spent nearly $500 million on the show's production in New Zealand and tens of millions of dollars in marketing and promotion. Despite the fact that the show's massive cost only comes to about 0.15% of Amazon's 2021 revenue, according to the Journal, "The Rings of Power" is a gamble for Amazon. One former senior Amazon Studios exec recently told Insider that the show could be make-or-break for the studio. "If we can't take this piece of IP and make it successful, why is Amazon Studios even here?... It has to succeed. There's no option," they said. The Journal reports that Amazon hopes the show will grow to be successful enough to spawn spinoffs and merchandise, similar to HBO's "Game of Thrones." Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, a Tolkien fan himself, recently tried to reassure potential fans that the e-commerce giant is producing the show for more than just the big bucks. "I hope we do Tolkien's work justice," he told Time magazine earlier this month. Source: Amazon's Lord of the Rings Show Costs 5.1 Million Prime Subscriptions (businessinsider.com)
  13. D.M.F

    Are you a manager?

    I fell into this job last year as a manager. Are you one as well?
  14. I feel like nowadays there's a bunch of new "sexual orientations" that at the end of the day are the same as the ones listed in the title. Like for example "Demisexual" is supposed to be a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexually attracted to someone only after they've developed a close emotional bond with them, but girl that could literally be classified as gay, straight, bi or whatever, depending on who you're attracted to, i don't think there needs to be a new label for that. "Graysexual" is literally Asexual. "Monosexual" which includes people who experience romantic or sexual attraction to people of one sex or gender, like girl you have to be kidding me, just say your straight or gay, no need to come up with new words. "Sapiosexual": A word used to describe those who experience attraction based on intelligence, rather than sex or gender. That literally sounds like bisexual to me. what do you think guys? are all these labels necessary or are people just trying to find new ways to feel unique and special?
  15. Be honest, if given the opportunity would you shagg your favorite artist?
  16. EuroPride 2022 will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from September 12th to 18th, 2022. These past few weeks there's been a lot of heat in Serbia about the upcoming EuroPride, with far right parties demanding for it to be cancelled. The opposition spewed the usual homophobic **** (child abusers, family values, etc.) and they also claimed Serbia gave €40 million to the organizers, despite EuroPride not receiving any funds from government. Here's a short timeline of what went down this month. August 12th - Serbian Bishop calls for violence at EuroPride “I will curse all those who organize and participate in something like that, I can do that much. If I had a weapon, I would use it, I would use that force if only I had it, but I do not."
  17. The situation where cannabis was illegal and got thousands and thousands of people arrested and imprisoned for possession, dealing, growing, etc was not an acceptable thing. The enforcement of the war on drug was a political tool and was not enforced fairly or equally, so in that sense decriminalizing cannabis was a good thing in my opinion. But, I am not sure that it is a good thing for people. People use it too much, spend too much money on it, and get addicted to it, psychologically if not physically. Tests seem to indicate that marijuana is not physically addictive, that is, there is no withdrawal, or if there is it is about equal to quitting drinking coffee ... headaches, or irritability, or short term mild depression. So, if cannabis legalization has been a good thing, what about decriminalizing or legalizing other drugs? What drugs do you think should be legal, and what about drugs that have not been discovered or invented yet?
  18. I just rewatched The Rock and Connery oozed movie star gravitas - he’s tall, deep voiced, with big hands, and although he’s a likeable character you instinctively wouldn’t mess with the guy. Movie stars of his era had a level of testosterone that you simply don’t see anymore. Where the hell did it go? What explains the physical degeneration?
  19. The “male friendship recession” is having dire consequences. Full Article Here
  20. For me. There is a guy that I have a crush on and send him signs, and he sends me signs as well, but nothing has happened yet.
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