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  1. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/31/weather/hurricane-august-no-named-storms-forecast/index.html https://twitter.com/SteveWAFB/status/1565164339895615488 Crazy!! We'll see what September brings as the peak month... but a completely quiet August is very very bizarre.
  2. Kia ora sistren - just wandering what the dear folx of ATRL know about my nation? Intrigued cause I know a lot of Australians, despite being our nearest and most similar neighbors, tend to know next to nothing about NZ. Do you know our biggest city? The capital city? What we export? That we're not part of Australia? How far we actually are from Australia? True size compared to Europe / USA:
  3. Obviously the right answer is all of them but as of right now I really really really wanna try West African and Ethiopian food It looks so rich and flavourful. I also need to go to an authentic Turkish place too just to try Knafeh and Dolma. Please share your culinary bucket list, I need inspiration
  4. First time in 50 years a Democrat has won.
  5. The U.S. military is facing uncertain waters: A diminishing pool of eligible applicants, low unemployment and the public's fading trust in the institution have made recruiting much harder then in previous years. The Army has been especially hard-hit by these issues, and currently faces a massive recruiting shortfall. "The Army has to recognize that there's been an evolution in that young population," said U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif, chair of the Subcommittee on Military Personnel. "And if you're going to target that young population for service, you've got to make it appealing to them."
  6. The way TikTok making these girls trembling in fear
  7. https://www.insider.com/southwest-pilot-threatened-going-home-because-people-were-airdropping-nudes-2022-8 do y'all side with the pilot in this situation? or do you guys wish you were a passenger on that flight?
  8. I cannot understand the obsession with sandals. Every time I see a gay wearing them it’s an instant turn off. No one wants to see your fugly feet. A guy wearing some sexy new sneakers is so much hotter. Agreed? It’s always the gays too..
  9. Look, I know they are people. But I just can’t agree with their lifestyle. God made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve. And I know deep in my heart what they do is wrong. It’s disgusting how they prance around, forcing their sexuality down our throats. I cannot have my children seeing things like that and turning into a heterosexual.
  10. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/08/31/1120192583/life-expectancy-in-the-u-s-continues-to-drop-driven-by-covid-19 2021 Life Expectancy per Ethnicity Native Americans - 65 Years (Native American men drops to 62 Years) Black Americans - 71 Years (Black men remains below 70 2nd year, dropping to 67 Years) White Americans - 76.5 Years Hispanic Americans - 78 Years Asian Americans - 83.5 Years
  11. And what percentage of your shift is occupied by your face being in your phone and not" working". I work at a call center knee injection ?company and all our sups are in NY and we are in FL. One one person around today that's an upper and he's a young gay guy who stanned my new tablet (he asked me if it folded lol I'm like I wish ?) so it's officially OK to watch it and no1curr. My job is mad slow so I'm 80% or more on my phone all day waiting for calls cause it's slow. And now with my tab I watch movies all day! Other places have been awful. I got fired from a job for plugging my phone in the computer they said its "stealing electricity in the rules ?" and I've gotten in trouble at almost every job over being caught on phone so glad this company treats us like grown ups. And yall?
  12. When somebody else smokes near me it makes me feel kinda a little bit sick. (like a little bit of a headache) I don't smoke obviously. I am not sure if others feel this way.
  13. Have you ever been a victim of targeted white men ads? like, for example, my youtube/insta algorithm is PUSHING this white man as if there's no tomorrow and I truly have no idea who he is has this ever happened to you and who was the man to blame as
  14. So I have a flat belly BUT it's not flat enough for my abs to be visible. I understand that this means I will have to lose some weight for the abs to be chiseled and show BUT this will mean general body fat loss and this can mean losing some of my precious booty fat How does one target stomach fat but still maintain all your ass fat (or at least most). I am in the process of losing the thin extra layer covering my abs and already noticed some of my butt fat has decreased and this is concerning me since my booty is literally one of my best features. Any advice would be helpful as I googled and most articles are not helping in this regard. They are either doom-ish saying you must lose your ass in order to get abs OR they are not answering my full question and simply answering portions of the question. Please only serious answers I know this is kind of silly but I dont want to be ridiculed. I'm having a crisis and dilemma at the moment. I want my abs to be visible but not at the expense of my derriere. Thank you.
  15. Can Biden deschedule marijuana through executive order? Yes! Just like how Biden used executive authority to instruct the Department of Education to interpret the legislation of the 2003 Heroes Act to apply to the era of COVID and forgive $10k in student loans, Biden is the one who sets the agenda and makes the hires across the executive branch. Though it would fall on a combination of the Attorney General, Secretary of HHS and the DEA Administrator to begin the process of descheduling weed as outlined in the Controlled Substances Act, just like it fell to the Secretary of Education to begin student debt relief, it is Biden who hires all of these positions: https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/no-president-biden-cannot-legalize-weed-or-deschedule-it-even-with-an-executive-order If Biden doesn't decide to desechdule weed, can he set in motion mass clemency? Yes! The US Pardon Attorney has said Biden has the power to order her office to prepare an order of mass clemency to people with cannabis convictions:
  16. For me it's the girl scout pretzels. What about you?
  17. ProudLBS

    Things to do in Israel

    שלום חמודים I’m going to the Holy Land for 2 weeks in October I’ll be staying at my boyfriend’s place in Tel Aviv, but I’m also planning to go to Jerusalem, Haifa, the Dead Sea, etc. Maybe Petra as well, but it’s not set in stone yet. Any things I can’t miss? Tips are also appreciated! Please, no dark rooms, orgies, settlements, areas near Gaza or Lebanon, or hotbeds of terrorism PS: DM me if you’d like to hang out
  18. Truly the TV series smash of the year The way this clobbered the VMAs
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