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  1. https://deadline.com/2022/10/box-office-lyle-lyle-crocodile-amsterdam-margot-robbie-1235138175/
  2. gustavothehuman

    Bolsonaro debuts satanic era

    As the presidential election's second round gets scheduled for October 30th, videos from Bolsonaro in a masonry starts to resurface. The institution is not satanic per se of course, but the evangelicals (one of Bolsonaro's main voting bases) beg to differ. The videos are spreading fast and now countless memes are going viral. The whole thing really bursted the opposition bubble and is making waves among conservatives, as Silas Malafaia (a well known homophobic and misogynistic Pentecostal pastor) steps up to defend Bolsonaro. The next chapters will be really fun to watch
  3. It seems that almost everyone is pissed off at Netflix. Even before they raised their prices, started thinking about including ads and hinted at no longer dropping all episodes of their shows at once, everyone has a show they loved that netflix cancelled unreasonably soon. This created a lack of trust towards the streamer to the point that people don't even engage with a lot of Netflix's series anymore, since they are not worth the investment: Just as you got attached to a story and it's characters, the series is cancelled forever. If you were in charge of the company, what would you do to get it back on track and get back into people's good graces?
  4. I was just reading about zoos and aquariums being unethical on Reddit and I started thinking about the old meme images of aliens walking around a ‘human zoo’, so I googled it. This **** used to exist with rich white people going to look at fenced in black people. I’ve honestly never heard of this before and I obviously knew who black/brown people have been treated in history, but every time I read up about it things just seem to get worse. From the wiki: ‘Ethnological expositions’ Jesus Christ. Anyways I thought it was interesting how I and probably millions of others have never heard of these things so here’s the Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_zoo
  5. Inspired by a sticker someone sent me on whatsapp. Would you?
  6. So I'm not even mid twenties just yet but I already have a few undereye wrinkles. Nothing too visible but it does bother me. I have them I think from not sleeping enough, drinking too much coffee, working all day in front of a screen and because i tend to squint out of habit for some reason. Are there any treatments other than botox? Like I'm not at a point where I need botox and I heard botox in such a sensitive place like under eyes is NOT a good idea. I heard retinol is good but it is the softer version of retinoid which needs a prescription. However, I am skeptical about all topical products tbh. It feels like it prob would not work at all. Any advice girlies?
  7. Created by the Emmy®-winning writer from “Schitt’s Creek,” this hilarious new musical flips the script on the greatest love story ever told. & Juliet asks: what would happen next if Juliet didn’t end it all over Romeo? Get whisked away on a fabulous journey as she ditches her famous ending for a fresh beginning and a second chance at life and love—her way. Opening to critical acclaim in London's West End in 2019, the show was nominated for nine Laurence Olivier Awards in 2020, including Best New Musical. Three of its performers — Miriam-Teak Lee, Cassidy Janson and David Bedella — won Oliviers for their performances of Juliet, Anne and Lance, respectively. It also received a record-breaking thirteen nominations at the 2020 WhatsOnStage Awards, winning six, including Best Actress in a Musical for Lee. Trailer: **** I've seen this musical 4 times in Toronto at the Mirvish Theatre I'm still as obsessed as ever. They end their run here on August 14. Initially, the shows were doing okay, but word-of-mouth caught on and their last few shows have been sold out. It's been difficult to find tickets. For those going to see this on Broadway, I suggest going in blindly and being delightfully surprised by the story and the playlist. It's a very, very fun musical and the people coming out of the theatre after each show have been passionate about their response. I might plan to fly to New York to see it again.
  8. Briahna Joy Gray, former Senior Political Editor of The Intercept and the Press Secretary of the 2020 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, confronted The Hill's editorial staff over the decision and covered the topic in a recent radar:
  9. Saudi Arabia backs raising gas prices ahead of the Nov election to punish Democrats and help Republicans. They will also be contributing to higher oil prices right before Europe's terrible winter.
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/05/health/diabetes-prevention-diet.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimes https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2022-01/NCCC Report to Congress.pdf
  11. MadonnasBoyfriend

    Pepsi or Coke. Which one is better?

    The answer is Pepsi
  12. From Variety: What do you guys think about this? Do you think she should be locked behind bars for longer, or this is long overdue?
  13. I just took a bath in my bathtub for the first time since I was a kid and its horrible. I got red like a tomato and it feels too hot. Had to take a cold shower afterwards. I don't know why people choose baths, its too uncomfortable. Showers on the other hand are superior, you can adjust the temperature at the moment and you are not swimming in your own sweat.
  14. abrahamjmr

    All About HIV

    Post your questions, girls. Let's get educated today. There was a thread about it in oldtrl. If there was another one created before, I'm sorry.
  15. i’ve always been interested in true crime stuff but a few years ago i started watching videos about it on youtube and recently i got into podcasts and subreddits as well ngl it creeps me out sometimes but i feel more aware now… if that makes sense
  16. The situation where cannabis was illegal and got thousands and thousands of people arrested and imprisoned for possession, dealing, growing, etc was not an acceptable thing. The enforcement of the war on drug was a political tool and was not enforced fairly or equally, so in that sense decriminalizing cannabis was a good thing in my opinion. But, I am not sure that it is a good thing for people. People use it too much, spend too much money on it, and get addicted to it, psychologically if not physically. Tests seem to indicate that marijuana is not physically addictive, that is, there is no withdrawal, or if there is it is about equal to quitting drinking coffee ... headaches, or irritability, or short term mild depression. So, if cannabis legalization has been a good thing, what about decriminalizing or legalizing other drugs? What drugs do you think should be legal, and what about drugs that have not been discovered or invented yet?
  17. Not them making me feel old when Im in my early 20s
  18. The way Sarah Jessica Parker just keeps on WINNING
  19. Not surprised at all: https://deadline.com/2022/10/dwayne-johnsons-black-adam-box-office-projection-1235135454/ Anyone expecting this to do Morbius numbers was def delusional but it will be surprising if it does better than 75M considering the Rock has never brought in more than that Mummy Returns gross opening weekend. Reminder that Black Adams budget is 185 million. So good luck to this.
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