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  1. -Angry Tory MPs have hit out at a decision to invite Chinese officials to the Queen's funeral next week even though minorities in China's Xinjiang region are being subjected to genocide. -Russia, Belarus, Syria, Venezuela and Taliban-ruled Afghanistan and Myanmar have been banned. -North Korea, Nicaragua and Iran have been invited only at ambassadorial level. -China's Vice-President Wang Qishan is set to attend the Westminster Abbey service on Monday along with other world leaders such as US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron. Xi Jin Ping congratulated King Charles. -China's ambassador to the UK, Zheng Zeguang, is already barred from Parliament in retaliatory action for the imposition of sanctions on MPs and peers. Former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith -Said it was 'astonishing' that Chinese officials would be welcomed at the Queen's funeral -Described it as 'project kowtow all over again'. - Said "How can they ban Belarus, Russia and Myanmar and not say no to China? They have a huge record of human rights abuses, including what we believe to be genocide, smashing churches and persecuting Christians." Former Conservative MP Tim Loughton (sanctioned by Beijing) -Said "Inconceivable that at such an important and sombre occasion as the state funeral of the Queen, that representatives of the Chinese Communist Party should be invited to attend on the same basis of other nations who have not been condemned for their genocidal acts" -Penned letter demanding that Chinese officials not be allowed onto the Parliamentary estate during their visit. Number 10's Response -Number 10 today said invitations to the Queen's funeral were a matter for Buckingham Palace. -Said 'It is for them to set out their guest list and, as is convention, those we have diplomatic relations with are invited in the main,' the Prime Minister's official spokesman said. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11215315/Tory-MPs-hit-astonishing-decision-invite-China-Queens-funeral-Monday.html
  2. I don't know why but to me this is wild...
  3. Glass was having Car Trouble: -June 11 2022: Glass got his car stuck on a rural road near Silver Plume. After getting stuck on a dirt road in Clear Creek County in June, Christian Glass called 911 for help. -He sounded mentally unstable, paranoid and extremely scared. He told an operator his car was ensnared in a “trap” in a bush and he said he didn’t like the town he was in. “I’m in a 2007 Honda Pilot. I will not be fine on my own,” he told an operator. “You’re sending someone right? You tracked my location? My car is stuck under a bush … I love you. You’re my light right now. I’m really scared. I’m sorry.” -Glass was an amateur geologist and had some knives and a hammer in his car from a recent trip to Utah. “I have two knives and a hammer and a rubber mallet,” he said, in a slight accent (his parents are from NZ and UK) to the emergency dispatcher. “I’m not dangerous. I’ll keep my hands completely visible. I understand this is a dodgy situation.” -The dispatcher relayed that information to deputies. “I’m not having any luck clearing this party and he’s not making much sense,” the dispatcher told the deputies. When Police Arrived - Deputies said they didn’t want him to throw the weapons out of the car and instead demanded that he get out of the car. -Glass told officers with his hands up that he didn’t feel safe getting out of the car. He took the keys out of the ignition and put them on the dashboard and told them he was scared and wanted to stay in the car. He wasn’t suspected of any crime. “Please push me out, drag me out, I’ll follow you to a police station,” Glass told the officers. “I’m so scared.” Police yelled : You need to step out of the car now. Step out of the car. That is a lawful order. Step out of the car now or you’ll be removed from the vehicle. Glass: I’m so scared … You’re not communicating clearly with me. I don’t understand why I have to come out. Police: *Threatens to break window* step out of the car! Glass *can be seen on the body camera footage placing his palms together as in prayer and saying*: Lord, please don’t let them break the window! Police: *sees Glass’ knife and pulls out his gun* Glass: *throws the knife to the other side of the car and puts his hands up.* *Tells officers he smoked* *Makes heart shape with hands* Police to state patrol: Can you ask Clear Creek what their plan is? If there is no crime and he’s not suicidal or homicidal or a great danger, then there’s no reason to contact him. Is there a medical issue we’re not aware of? Patrol Trooper: No Increasing number of officers arrive on scene for 1hr 20 mins attempting to get Glass to come out of the car. A deputy climbed on to the hood of the car and shined a flashlight into his eyes and remained there, eventually drawing his gun and pointing down into the car at Glass. Police: We're poppin *attempts to break car window* Glass: *picks up knife* Police: He’s got a knife in his hand! Watch crossfire, watch crossfire. Police: *draw guns, break passenger window* Glass: *holds knife* Police: Drop that knife *shoots bean bags* Police: Impact, impact, impact *tells other officers to use a taser* Glass: * gets tasered, starts screaming* Glass: You can save yourself! You can still save yourself! Lord hear me. Lord hear me. Police: *Shoots him dead* Police Statement Deputies were able to break out the car windows and remove one knife. The suspect rearmed himself with a rock and a second knife. Deputies deployed less-lethal bean bags, and Taser with negative results. The suspect eventually tried to stab an officer and was shot. The suspect was pronounced deceased on scene. Glass Lawyer “These officers took a gentle, peaceful soul and extinguished it simply because it was ‘time to move the night on,’” lawyers Rathod and Mohamedbhai said, quoting some body worn camera video of the Georgetown Police Chief telling Glass that they didn’t want to stay there anymore. “From beginning to end, the officers on scene acted unconscionably and inhumanely. The Glass family agrees with Colorado State Patrol’s on-scene assessment that Christian had committed no crime, posed no threat to himself or others, and there was no reason for continued contact.” https://www.cpr.org/2022/09/13/clear-creek-county-deputies-shooting/
  4. Sweet Sexy Savage

    Rate my La Rosalía drawing

    I remember working on the MOTOMAMI album cover when she dropped the album release week for a few days, but I always end up starting on drawings and never finishing due to frustrations I have along the way with attempting to draw details
  5. So I am officially getting closer to mid twenties and I'm starting to panic cuz I'm not in a relationship and only dated like two guys in total (one long term and one short term..not counting hook ups lol). That said, I have a few gay friends who are in their late twenties and some of them are single and they keep telling me to get into a relationship now otherwise I wont be getting as many opportunities to be in one when I am in my late twenties or early thirties. Though I know they are mostly joking I'm starting to low key panic so I'm chronically on tindr and sometimes grindr trying to snatch me a hot / cute man while I still look cute enough. Hoping to get something long term and not just hook ups. Can some of you older gays comfort these anxieties by telling me if you are still dating around, or managed to start your long term relationship in your later years or are you finding it actually difficult in the gay scene to do so? Is the 30 year old gay death sentence thingy actually real?
  6. People are demanding that the "fixed" version be released on torrents ***** let me watch this movie multiple times in the hall to spite psychos like this
  7. What is this I can't take this waiting any longer SJWKEJBGSLJGBZ
  8. Sherri is the new talk show hosted by Sherri Shepherd, that replaced the Wendy Williams Show. Join us over at the SHERRI show base https://atrl.net/forums/topic/401233-sherri-sherri-shepherds-daytime-talk-show/
  9. Why Nicki is so jealous of Cardi b & Megan fame ? She’s feeling competitive , she would like to be The only successful female rapper in the music industry and would like them all at his feet ….. that’s a mature behavior …….
  10. Im no fan of this Twitter account but are the gays this messy to not care enough to appropriate their wardrobe to be kid friendly? The themes here!? Smh. I’ve been seeing allot of cringe outrage from conservatives lately and oddly allot of it seems to be about drag queens but it seems some members in our community are doing the most too and attracting this negative energy and imo it’s not fair to other drag artists. Is This ok ?
  11. https://www.newsweek.com/putins-key-man-artic-found-dead-after-falling-overboard-1742218
  12. iheartaronsamuels

    AI Art is just amazing

    It's incredible how fast this has advanced in just the last year. I know it's probably been in the works for a few years already and it's only now being released to the public but still. I just made these typing the prompt 'Lana Del Rey as Daenerys, high detail color sketch' and it's just incredible. I'm obsessed.
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