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  1. Briahna Joy Gray, former Senior Political Editor of The Intercept and the Press Secretary of the 2020 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, confronted The Hill's editorial staff over the decision and covered the topic in a recent radar:
  2. It seems that almost everyone is pissed off at Netflix. Even before they raised their prices, started thinking about including ads and hinted at no longer dropping all episodes of their shows at once, everyone has a show they loved that netflix cancelled unreasonably soon. This created a lack of trust towards the streamer to the point that people don't even engage with a lot of Netflix's series anymore, since they are not worth the investment: Just as you got attached to a story and it's characters, the series is cancelled forever. If you were in charge of the company, what would you do to get it back on track and get back into people's good graces?
  3. With over 700,000 Russian men running away from Vladimir Putin’s mobilization orders, the Russian government debuted an ad to discourage people from moving abroad. Why? Because there are gay people, vegetarians, and because… equal rights for Black people? And before you ask, yes, this is a real, Russian government sanctioned advertising campaign.
  4. When you find spiders in the house, how do you deal with them?
  5. Nielsen Ratings released Sept. 29 paint a highly successful launch roughly compatible with Dragon (precise comparisons are nearly impossible because of several factors we won’t bore you with). One industry insider familiar with Amazon’s inner workings suggests The Other Fantasy Show’s performance is more anxiously followed than the company lets on. It was never about the critics, it’s all about consumers,” the insider says. “All Jeff cares about is consumer obsession. If you look at the history of Amazon, every division lived and died based on that … Dragon matters because all of a sudden there is a benchmark. It is their closest comp to success. When they saw Dragon grew in its second episode and brought in 20 million viewers, they were shitting their pants.” For Payne and McKay, Dragon is a wearisome topic. They were making Rings for years before HBO declared in March that its Thrones prequel was going to debut two weeks before their show. Suddenly, the media and fandom world wouldn’t stop talking about Dragon vs. Rings because, let’s face it, everybody loves a fight. “It dominates the narrative about how it’s received,” McKay says. “But it was not at all part of the narrative in how our show was conceived. Hopefully, we’re competing against ourselves.” The Hollywood Reporter
  6. From Variety: What do you guys think about this? Do you think she should be locked behind bars for longer, or this is long overdue?
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/05/health/diabetes-prevention-diet.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimes https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2022-01/NCCC Report to Congress.pdf
  8. In honor of spooky szn, I decided to take a deep dive and discuss this. My personal favorite horror movie villain is Michael Myers, but Freddy is truly the one who gave me the creeps. His whole vibe/aura/look has always creeped me out the most. If not Freddy, who’s your answer ATRL?
  9. Saudi Arabia backs raising gas prices ahead of the Nov election to punish Democrats and help Republicans. They will also be contributing to higher oil prices right before Europe's terrible winter.
  10. All iconic but there's a reason pancakes will always be THAT GIRL, as evidenced by this classic Sabrina The Teenage Witch episode:
  11. gustavothehuman

    Bolsonaro debuts satanic era

    As the presidential election's second round gets scheduled for October 30th, videos from Bolsonaro in a masonry starts to resurface. The institution is not satanic per se of course, but the evangelicals (one of Bolsonaro's main voting bases) beg to differ. The videos are spreading fast and now countless memes are going viral. The whole thing really bursted the opposition bubble and is making waves among conservatives, as Silas Malafaia (a well known homophobic and misogynistic Pentecostal pastor) steps up to defend Bolsonaro. The next chapters will be really fun to watch
  12. MadonnasBoyfriend

    Pepsi or Coke. Which one is better?

    The answer is Pepsi
  13. The way Sarah Jessica Parker just keeps on WINNING
  14. Not surprised at all: https://deadline.com/2022/10/dwayne-johnsons-black-adam-box-office-projection-1235135454/ Anyone expecting this to do Morbius numbers was def delusional but it will be surprising if it does better than 75M considering the Rock has never brought in more than that Mummy Returns gross opening weekend. Reminder that Black Adams budget is 185 million. So good luck to this.
  15. This question is for the male members of the site. I ask this because earlier today, I was walking to campus and along the route that I use sometimes, there is this secluded, narrow path surrounded by houses and some greenery. When I reached the path, I noticed a young woman coming in the opposite direction and she was on her phone. Once she saw me, she put her phone away and was walking towards me with this odd, sort-of-scared demeanour. Before we nearly passed each other, she looked away with some sort of anger on her face meanwhile I just paid her dust. I did notice her looking up at me as I walked past her. I do understand that women and girls can sometimes feel fearful or on edge in public because of their safety and what men can do, but are all of us expected to hide in a bush or something? No offence, but not every man is out to hurt a woman. Some of us just want to get from A to B in one piece and with a clear state of mind. Had I have said anything to this girl in order to appear as non-threatening, I would be seen as the problem.
  16. Not them making me feel old when Im in my early 20s
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