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  1. I feel like I'm serving Katy these days
  2. Which home exercise machine between these two is superior and why? They both seem boring but winter is coming and I don't want to be a couch potato so will need something that I do 30 minutes a day of at least
  3. Thoughts on sex offenders being rehabilitated into society? Do you think its possible? Should it become commonplace?
  4. FLAallday

    Terrifier 2

    Just saw this in theaters and I am ready to discuss! Have y’all gone to see? I keep seeing the headlines that people are throwing up in theaters from gore and intensity.
  5. suburbannature

    Movie/series recommendation?

    I've been a film buff for so long that it feels like a long time since I've been truly captivated by a film. Can someone recommend a beautifully-shot, female-led film or series that sticks with you for days after? Something like Lost in Translation, Under the Skin, Blue is the Warmest Color, 3 Women, Mulholland Dr, Millennium Mambo, Opening Night, Sunset Blvd. Extra points for a great score/soundtrack. I'm under-seen on Japanese/Korean cinema, so may be some gems in there.
  6. Britney's husband is from Iran and has been very vocal on social media about the current situation there.
  7. What are some things you’re reminded of every time you come across a post by a certain ATRL user? It might be their username that inspired it, or their avi, or just their general presence. It may remind you of a song, an album, a movie… anything. E.g. whenever I see a post by @Allday this song pops into my head:
  8. Demi Lovato

    What is your reason to live?

    Is it Money/Power/Glory Sex/Money/ what is it?
  9. which is the better and bigger console. Both sold over 100M systems WW and are critically acclaimed. Which do you prefer and what’s the bigger era overall in terms of impact and popularity.
  10. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/just-stop-oil-protesters-spray-aston-martin-showroom-in-londons-park-lane-with-orange-paint-12722003 Demonstrators from the Just Stop Oil environmental group also glued themselves to the road in Park Lane on Sunday. The latest protest comes after two women threw tomato soup over Van Gogh's Sunflowers masterpiece - estimated to be worth £72.5 million - at the National Gallery. It comes after Home Secretary Suella Braverman outlined plans to crack down on such protests as part of the Public Order Bill. soup milk paint spray glue what do you think will happen to all these London activists?
  11. Seems he will be re-elected in two years, I’m afraid.
  12. Weld_E

    I’m at the louvre!

    I was just sitting in a cafe and they were playing All Too Well…
  13. SmittenCake

    Retiring from ATRL

    I will be announcing my early retirement from ATRL effective as of right now. When I log out, there will be no logging back in for the foreseeable future. I know many on here are fans of the content I provide, and I see you and appreciate the support, but I must make my way out. Make sure to click on my profile and hit the FOLLOW button for any future updates!
  14. Do you guys ever actually see tweets that get embedded into ATRL posts? Is there some trick that I'm missing? Every time somebody posts a tweet, all I see is a black field with nothing to see or click on. And that's with Firefox and Safari. This is what I see:
  15. Photograph: Shutterstock There are more rats scurrying around NYC than ever before Sightings are up 71% since this time in 2020. Written by Anna Ratmanan Thursday October 13 2022 Specifically, citizens reported 12,636 vermin sightings at the end of September of 2020 through the 311 office. That number jumped to 18,601 just a year later and, at the end of this past September, the count reached 21,577. That's a lot. We're not surprised. Given the hefty amount of construction across town and the horrible trash collection methods that have come under scrutiny, it was only a matter of time until the rodents came out to play without a shed of embarrassment (yes, we know we're talking about mice here). Before you completely despair, we'd like to remind you that, back in July, four members of the City Council presented a five-point "Rat Action Plan" to try and solve the issue. https://www.timeout.com/newyork/news/there-are-more-rats-scurrying-around-nyc-than-ever-before-101322
  16. https://studentaid.gov/debt-relief/application
  17. On the day that the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to condemn Russia's illegal annexation of 4 regions of Ukraine, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas embraces Russian President Vladimir Putin and his stance on "international law."
  18. Kevin2803

    PTSD from friendship?

    I just want to clarify that i will go see a doctor soon, but until i will able to i just wanted to see if someone here maybe had similiar experiences. I had a co-worker i got very close with for a couple of months. We were in a similiar situation and bonded over that. We saw each other, outside from work, a good amount of time and also texted almost every day. I don't really trust many people, but for some reason, i trusted him and just felt very connected to him, although we didn't knew each other for that long. And one night, when we did go out, he just said to me that he never wanted to get that close and that he just had no one other to talk to (about the situation we bonded over) and because he was over that situation, our friendship also "stands and falls" with it. And i was just so incredibly hurt. I knew that he always had problems with letting people into his life, but i just felt so used and worthless in that moment. I lashed out, threw my drink in his face and said awful things to him. And after that, i saw him at work and apologized to him, but he was just so cold and acted like i was the bad guy (or atleast it felt like it). He didn't respond to any of my texts for a while and he switched shifts at work, so he didn't had to work with me. And i just had an extremely hard time getting over it. Not only did i feel bad for what i said, i also blamed myself for what he did. I even thought about hurting myself and i never had these thoughts before, atleast not in a serious way. There was a short time where i thought i was finally over it and then he quit anyway, so i didn't had to see him anymore, atleast not regulary. But he just showed up at work a few days ago, with some other co-workers, and everything came back. And for the longest time i thought this was just a phase i would get over and that this was normal, even though i never felt anything like this so heavily before. And then i found out that something like friendship PTSD actually exists and is caused when a friendship ends abruptly and in a bad way. And some of the symptoms just fit. Besides the thoughts of self-harm, i had a panic attack when i walked by the bar where everything happened, i have nightmares about it, if i can sleep at all, i have trouble concentrating, i burst out into tears randomly, i have flashbacks of the night it happened and i feel so emotionally detached to most of the people around me, even my nephew, who is the most important person in my life. I was in therapy before and i will see my doctor soon and talk to him about getting therapy again. Did some of you had similiar experiences? And if so, how did you deal with it?
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