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  1. The way this woman utterly dismantled these old Southern religious bigots, ate and left zero crumbs She speaks with more power and conviction than literally any member of the US Congress "I've never been sexually assaulted at a drag show, but I have been at church - twice!" The power of this line https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/10/angry-mom-goes-viral-giving-anti-lgbtq-commissioner-hell-public-meeting/
  2. Dog runs down street with a HUMAN HEAD in its mouth after snatching it from grisly crime scene where human remains were dumped at Mexican ATM booth with message warning 'the next head is yours. The head was left on a cardboard placard with a message apparently signed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), one of the most feared cartels in the world headed by El Mencho, the most-wanted person in Mexico. The message named an adversary belonging to the Operativo MZ cartel and read: 'The next head is yours.' Before police were able to establish the crime scene and investigate the killing, the stray dog made off with the corpse's head. A video posted on social media showed the dog trotting down a darkened street, holding the head by the neck in its jaws, apparently intending to take it to a safe place to eat it. Police then had to wrestle the head back from the dog. www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11364579/amp/Dog-runs-street-HUMAN-HEAD-mouth-snatching-cartel-crime-scene-Mexico.html
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/10/26/indonesia-python-snake-eats-woman/ The first sign that something was wrong was his discovery of his missing wife’s sandals, jacket, headscarf and knife on the forest floor. The second sign was a heavily bloated snake, encountered by a search party looking for Jahrah the following morning. “During the search the team found a giant python, measuring 7 meters [22 feet] in length, which we suspected had preyed on the victim,” the local police later said in a statement, which had referred to the victim simply as “Jahrah,” in line with the Indonesian custom of going by just one name. “The team captured the snake.” The search team killed the reptile and sliced open its stomach, where they discovered Jahrah’s remains completely intact. ☠️ “The victim’s body was not destroyed when we found her inside the snake, meaning that she had only been recently swallowed whole,” the police said, after they found the reptile near the village of Betara in Indonesia’s Jambi province, located on Sumatra island. Now I understand Anti-Hero’s weight scale scene in a much deeper level
  4. Folklore89sm

    PEP: your experience.

    Hi, I’m making a post I never thought I would make. My sister was raped after going to a birthday party in a bar and having her drink spiked early on Friday morning. I feel sick and angry but I’m just trying to be there for her. Can anyone share their experience of using PEP in the past? I’d be really grateful.
  5. So I used to be twink and then I moved on to a twunk by working out and eating more protein and ish and I think that has been my peak but now that I am nearing my mid 20s in a couple years I think I need to transition to full blown jock. At the same time I am mourning the loss of my cute youthful element. Like through my teens and early 20s I coasted on my youth a lot but now people are using words like "you're welcome sir" at cash registers and ish which got me thinking like ok to society I am now starting to be a proper adult and not a kid anymore. It's kind of cool but at the same time I'm mourning it. We spend most of our lives old so transitioning from being a young adult to a proper adult is sort of scary cuz it indicates the other part of my life is begining which is cool but also frightening. How do you deal with that and do any of you have tips on that? Also how do I fully move from twunk to jock? Is it just a matter of gaining even more muscle mass? If so, what has been the most effective workout for you to do that as well as diet and when did you start the transition yourself? How long did it last and when did you achieve optimal results? Thanks in advance!
  6. Do you think this brings more harm than good? Share your opinion. Stay classy and please no trolling
  7. New limited series starring queen Zoe Saldana. Based on a true story Honestly one of the most beautiful dramas I've watched in recent years and the acting is so top-notched
  8. The DCEU is dead and being reborn as the DCU. Hard reboot incoming? DCEU = Hamada/Snyder Era DCU = Zaslav/Gunn Era ?
  9. "The heavy-duty drones can deliver combat dogs, to be directly inserted behind enemy lines and spring surprise attacks on weak links. They can also be placed on the rooftops and work with troops on the ground to ambush enemies inside buildings." The weapon mounted to the robot dog's back is capable of firing 650 rounds per minute A source: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-machine-gun-mounted-robot-dog-black-mirror-2022-10?amp
  10. A bunch of ATRL profiles with no photo or with low quality photo with less than 20 posts since 2009 with no post acitvity have randomly and suddenly visited my profile, I'm scared now because why the random visits to my profile page? anyone else having similar experience that ATRL bots have randomly started visiting your profile, each in span of just several minutes from each other. I am confused why that is because I didn't do anything to gain such traction to my profile page.
  11. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-active-users-absolute-decline-internal-report-2022-10?r=US&IR=T Is Twitter dead ?
  12. Taylor has deleted the scene with the ‘Fat’ on the bathroom scale on YouTube now as well Apple Music due to the issue raised by people on twitter. I have had ED in the past as a guy, and I was 50kg which at my height, I was thin thin. The reason was that I had body dysmorphia and at the time, every time I had looked in the mirror, I saw the fat showing in my midsection, which I now consciously understand is something everyone has. Watching the Antihero MV, I honestly related to Taylor feeling like she was fat even though she was stick thin during the 1989 era. You can tell from the Blank Space MV that she was practically skeletal and her ribs where showing. The issue raised by ‘fat activists’ on twitter was that seeing the word ‘fat’ is triggering them and claiming that showing ‘fat’ in the MV is giving a negative connotation to the word. To me, this is exactly what Demi did during the yoghurt thing. Project your struggles upon others by invalidating theirs is peak privilege. If you tell me that when I was having ED that seeing myself as fat in the mirror was fatphobic, I will punch you in the face no matter who you are.
  13. I had a bad experience with a retail worker last month where a big German shoe store sold me a faulty product and when I took it back for an exchange 5 days later and I had the receipt, she was not willing to swap it for another product. I became enraged for days. I could have written to customer service but I know the people in there are powerless, at most I could get a refund and be done with it. But it wasn't about the money, more about the disrespect. So instead I found her Company's CEO, CFO & HR manager on LinkedIn. I connected with them and they even accepted the request. I complained to each of them over the next few days, which they were surprisingly interested in, I guess because they don't know what goes on in the ground floor of their stoors. So I was able to give them a detailed account of what happened. Well, today the HR manager wrote to me saying that they fired the person who did this to me. Which is nice, but also not a satisfying since you can find another retail job easily. I just don't know how to move on from the anger over her behaviour. It wasn't even a pricy item and she still wasn't willing to exchange it for another that doesn't cause foot pain. How to move on?
  14. I have a friend who is amazing - I can laugh with them for hours and have really deep conversations. I90% of the friendship is good vibes and 10% is brutally honest comments that can be unintentionally rude that make me feel some type of way but I do brush it off because it happens so rarely. No one is perfect and everyone's personality is different, but interested if other people have similar experiences (or are the friend who's brutally honest lol)
  15. Adele won over Beyonce last 2017 Grammy's. But that now Adele's 30 is not that successful compare to 25 do you think Bey have now a chance to finally win an AOTY Grammy? I think Beyonce would win over Adele. Discuss..
  16. Frank Deliu cites Parents' Rights Bill in suit demanding flags be removed https://www.wpbf.com/amp/article/florida-pride-flag-lawsuit-classroom/41769607
  17. Disney will continue to develop stories for all people and Audiences❤️
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