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HOLY TRINITY 8 - winners announced!


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  • swiftie13


  • Fa1x intelectual


  • Dessy


  • Tsareena


I’ll post my reviews since it’s someones birthday ? and cause I already did them, poor other judges. I’m in the middle of working on a final project (well a lot of them) so bear with me.

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1 minute ago, swiftie13 said:

I’ll post my reviews since it’s someones birthday ? and cause I already did them, poor other judges. I’m in the middle of working on a final project (well a lot of them) so bear with me.

Take your time pastor!


I passed out twice yesterday trying to do final projects :dies:  

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I randomly listened to that Bella Thorne song a while ago for no reason, it’s so bad :rip: Anyway, the second person entry is interesting but the overall thing felt safe. The song choices didn’t make much sense to me, either. There wasn’t much progression, story wise.




This was topically safe but the entry itself was very heartfelt and sweet and it felt very personal. That always elevates an entry for me. I was impressed by the song entries, they tied in well and their moods felt appropriate for the stages. The “massages” thing was cute :laugh:


@Xedretinz Lododnz


First of all, amazing graphics! Impressive indeed. Your soundtrack choices were cute (albeit cheesy) and your explanations were very witty. You seem to start your story in the second stage which is kinda weird and then it all felt rushed.




I love your take on this! It’s much less a typical pokemon story and more from the inside of one’s mind. I found that genius. (Also, Intuition = MAJOR BOP ALERT!) I love how you incorporated the key words within the paragraphs as well. Your formatting was pleasing to the eye as well, and the content was very satisfying and well thought out. ( :laugh:  @ super effective). Your song choices were cohesive, boppy and very feminine, I loved it!




This was cute, but also a very safe interpretation of the challenge. It felt very list-y with the “for this I chose that” language. The song choices were solid, Lorde!! They all had something to do with fire, I see what you did there!


@Dessy Fenix


Wow, no pokémon! Good way to make yourself stand out even if unintentionally. It was also personal AND funny. Keep Ya Head Up is such a CLASSIc :jonny4: And I love how you tied it to your story, as a Mexican in America, I can relate to this a lot (although I recognize that the oppression for Blacks is far more deep in America.) The second song was a choice, but well explained. It definitely went with the mood. And you can’t go wrong with Beyonce for the next song, not only because BOP but because she is one of the best representations of overcoming as a Black woman in America. This left a lasting impression on me!


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So yesterday I asked for another page and silence for over 12 hours




I wake up only to find no one posted anything except a judge and it wasn't anything juicy. I go and focus on my final projects and BAM!





For some random ass reason, it's someone's birthday, we get like 10 posts in two seconds and the next page




So I do as promised, I post my reviews which have been PERCHED on the judge chat for HOURS




and what do I get?






I posted my damn reviews!!!




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"Thank you!!!!!!!!!" 


15 minutes ago, swiftie13 said:

as a Mexican in America, I can relate to this a lot (although I recognize that the oppression for Blacks) is far more deep in America.

No sis, we all in the struggle. They're just different issues. 

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12 minutes ago, swiftie13 said:

The song choices didn’t make much sense to me, either. There wasn’t much progression, story wise.


Um what? 
The song choices were perfectly fine :rip:  


I was actually basing this off Fifth Harmony.

They started off with the Better Together era which was very Disney, like how many artists start out. E.g. Ariana with "Put Your Hearts Up" etc.


Then they try to transition into a more mature sound (BO$$ for Fifth Harmony), but it doesn't always work out and can end up doing more harm than good (Like with Bebe who I actually used).


And finally they get the right balance and formula, find who they are as an artist and get a hit (E.g. Work from Home, like Fifth Harmony actually did)


And I wasn't aware we were supposed to be sending in essay's so that's why I didn't send a wall of text and tried to make it consumable and short :cm: 



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If I'm in the bottom again :rip: 

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17 minutes ago, swiftie13 said:

I randomly listened to that Bella Thorne song a while ago for no reason, it’s so bad

And also something else I disagree with.


The song is perfectly fine :) 

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11 minutes ago, Lukey said:

And I wasn't aware we were supposed to be sending in essay's

In the host's defense, Too much info is better than little info

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1 minute ago, Fa1x intelectual said:

In the host's defense, Too much info is better than little info

There wasnt little info though, there was just the basic information. Like I said, I wasn't aware we were to go into so much detail, so I will remember this for next time (if I make it through of course).

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  • ATRL Moderator
43 minutes ago, swiftie13 said:

This was topically safe but the entry itself was very heartfelt and sweet and it felt very personal. That always elevates an entry for me. I was impressed by the song entries, they tied in well and their moods felt appropriate for the stages. The “massages” thing was cute :laugh:

:heart2: thanks

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@Lukey I guess I see your point and Thorne’s song was a good place to start but overall I still don’t think the example itself, Fifth Harmony is a good example of progression or evolution. They’ve only subtly changed and in my opinion they haven’t fully evolved yet. In retrospect, the story makes more sense but I was still left underwhelmed. We’ll see what the other judges think! 

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8 minutes ago, swiftie13 said:

@Lukey I guess I see your point and Thorne’s song was a good place to start but overall I still don’t think the example itself, Fifth Harmony is a good example of progression or evolution. They’ve only subtly changed and in my opinion they haven’t fully evolved yet. In retrospect, the story makes more sense but I was still left underwhelmed. We’ll see what the other judges think! 

Like i said, I'll learn from this and put more detail into it next time


THanks !

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Just a friendly reminder that Mariah Carey is a skinny legend.


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Lémur is doing reviews right now, hopefully he'll be done by the time I'm home :gaycat4: 

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