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Big Brother ATRL | Queen Conchita won


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  • Pomick209


  • Fa1x intelectual


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  • mike3009


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Just now, Kathlen said:

Tf did i do to you 



Nothin' but you should be more humble by kendrick lamar

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Why can't I win s*** to save my life


Also what are the alliances?

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they call me maraj begins the nomination ceremony.


Speezy, you are safe.


Chevysus, you are safe.


Pendulum, you are safe.


KsEllie, you are safe.


Diarrhoea, you are safe.


Kylie Jenner, you are safe.


mike3009, you are safe.


they call me maraj has nominated Queen Conchita and Satin.

they call me maraj: Sorry, Queen Conchita, but we are not connected very well. Also, Satin, I feel less close to you than the others.

Queen Conchita has no reaction.

Satin has no reaction.

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In the Balance

The Houseguests enter the backyard to see six empty baby mobiles on one end and a pile of stuffed animals on the other end. They must fill their mobile with the correct sized animals to make it perfectly balanced. The first Houseguest to do so will win the Golden Power of Veto!

Queen Conchita finishes last.

Satin finishes 5th.

they call me maraj finishes 4th.

The competition comes down to Kylie Jenner, KsEllie, and Pendulum.


Kylie Jenner finishes third.


Pendulum finishes second.


Congratulations, KsEllie! You have won the Golden Power of Veto!


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Veto Ceremony


Queen Conchita and Satin state why they should be saved.

Queen Conchita makes a joke for a speech.

Satin: I am a loyal player.


KsEllie does not use the Power of Veto.

KsEllie is not aligned with or close to either nominee.

Queen Conchita is unphased.

Satin has no reaction.

Final nominees are Queen Conchita and Satin.


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1 minute ago, Pomick209 said:

they call me maraj begins the nomination ceremony.


Speezy, you are safe.


Chevysus, you are safe.


Pendulum, you are safe.


KsEllie, you are safe.


Diarrhoea, you are safe.


Kylie Jenner, you are safe.


mike3009, you are safe.


they call me maraj has nominated Queen Conchita and Satin.

they call me maraj: Sorry, Queen Conchita, but we are not connected very well. Also, Satin, I feel less close to you than the others.

Queen Conchita has no reaction.

Satin has no reaction.

Sorry Satin, but this time you'll have to go

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they call me maraj attempts to blame and call out Queen Conchita for certain actions in the house and how Queen Conchita deserves to leave.

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Queen Conchita and Satin wait for eviction results.

By a vote of 5 to 2...

Satin, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

She leaves the house in good spirits.

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2 minutes ago, Kathlen said:

Scrihming, Maraj really hates you Satin



Can't help that I'm that b



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Just now, Pomick209 said:

they call me maraj attempts to blame and call out Queen Conchita for certain actions in the house and how Queen Conchita deserves to leave.


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Alien Abduction

The Houseguests enter the backyard to see a two podiums with buzzers on them, each surrounded by various alien statues. Each round, Julie Chen will ask a question based on various items that have been removed from the house the past night during strange alien visits. Two Houseguests will face off. The winning one will move on and must choose the next two to face off, while the losing one is eliminated. The last Houseguest remaining becomes the new Head of Household!

Queen Conchita finishes last.

She tried to throw the challenge.

Kylie Jenner finishes 7th.

She tried to throw the challenge.

Diarrhoea finishes 6th.

She tried to throw the challenge.

KsEllie finishes 5th.

Chevysus finishes 4th.

The competition comes down to Pendulum, mike3009, and Speezy.


Pendulum finishes third.


mike3009 finishes second.


Congratulations, Speezy! You are the new Head of Household!


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Nomination Ceremony


Speezy begins the nomination ceremony.


mike3009, you are safe.


Diarrhoea, you are safe.


KsEllie, you are safe.


Queen Conchita, you are safe.


Chevysus, you are safe.


they call me maraj, you are safe.


Speezy has nominated Kylie Jenner and Pendulum.

Speezy: Sorry, Kylie Jenner, but we are not connected very well. Also, Pendulum, I feel less close to you than the others.

Kylie Jenner has no reaction.

Pendulum is unphased.


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PoV Competition


Feeling Knotty

The Houseguests are each tied to a metal bar by a rope. In order to reach the Power of Veto located several feet away from them, the Houseguests must untie a series of knots in their rope in order to create slack. The first player to touch the symbol will win the Power of Veto.

Speezy finishes last.

He tried to throw the challenge.

they call me maraj finishes 5th.

He tried to throw the challenge.

Pendulum finishes 4th.

The competition comes down to KsEllie, Kylie Jenner, and Queen Conchita.


Kylie Jenner finishes third.


Queen Conchita finishes second.


Congratulations, KsEllie! You have won the Golden Power of Veto!


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Veto Ceremony


Kylie Jenner and Pendulum state why they should be saved.

Kylie Jenner: I am less of a challenge threat than Pendulum.

Pendulum gives a short speech to get the ceremony.


KsEllie does not use the Power of Veto.

KsEllie is not aligned with or close to either nominee.

Kylie Jenner has no reaction.

Pendulum has no reaction.

Final nominees are Kylie Jenner and Pendulum.


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Diarrhoea and Speezy bond extremely well.

Queen Conchita finds they call me maraj creepy and tells the other houseguests.

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