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I don't think the world difficult is even fitting. I would say it's just not overly inspiring to me. And that's perfectly fine. Everyone is their own breed of writer 

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31 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:

I don't think the world difficult is even fitting. I would say it's just not overly inspiring to me. And that's perfectly fine. Everyone is their own breed of writer 

stop asking me for this

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12 minutes ago, Citrus said:

stop asking me for this

I can't help that I have a kink for guys who wear mesh, sorry :fish2:

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3 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:

I can't help that I have a kink for guys who wear mesh, sorry :fish2:

I know someone named Robbie who would be great for you

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3 minutes ago, Citrus said:

I know someone named Robbie who would be great for you

I said guys not whatever that thing is

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I might do Florence or Amy depending which I vibe more when getting inspiration from their music.

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I love scrapping concepts :flower:

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I'm actually shocked I didn't scrap a single song yet for any round. Kinda surprising for me because I always scrap stuff when it comes to writing stories, or making new Sims save files lol.


I would have done Dolly because I'm actually digging into her music, but I'm like, 65% done with my Amy song :emofish:


I'll try to incorporate her into my next entry :flower:


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I'm doing Amy too. She's such a legend :heart2:

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2 minutes ago, Gastrodonatella said:

i got hit with inspiration so hard yesterday that within an hour i had my concept, my choruses and two verses and i haven't written ONE word since :rip: the words just aren't coming to me tbh

At least you have some things working for you. Me? I still have to write a word. I. NEED. HELP.

Edited by KatyCatPH
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Yes, me and Citrus are going to (try to) do each other's artists this week as well to give you some examples :eye:


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4 hours ago, feelslikeadream said:

Oh wow, lowkey a slay. I like the repeated lines in parens, esp. considering the subject of the song. The 'kiss could never reach' part was nice and the pre-chorus was giving me FKA Twigs teas. I think some small parts of it are overwritten; sometimes it seems like you go for ~unique~ wording at the expense of clarity (Narcissus wouldn't quite see himself AMIDST a sea?). And this felt a TAD overstuffed with references (Echo, Midas, Atlantis, etc.; they're not even from a shared source). But from what I remember from the past, it seems like you've grown a lot as a writer and some of this was quite good.

Thank you! :heart2::weeps:  I kind of needed this little boost after the **** day I've had today :'(  


I agree with everything you said except for the Echo part since she actually is from the same source and I think I incorporated her name quite well without it sounding too forced :fan:  ("I wouldn't echo it back to them, they weren't worthy enough")

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I decided to take a different approach by just writing lines about what I want to say in the song, and I have like, 4 pages of lines in my compisition book lmao. The majority have either 8 or 6 syllables per line. 


Got my chorus ready and now I'm gonna try to make verses and a bridge out of these lines. 


I actually like this type of writing. I feel less paranoid because I do actually have a lot of lines (some probably won't make it through), just need to match them together. 


I feel like my rhymes are more natural now, and some aren't total rhymes but they have a cute flow to them. I already feel much more confident about this entry compared to my last 2 :duca:


Last round I didn't get a single line down until like, 2 hours before the deadline :rip: NOTHING worked for me omg. I tried writing a friendship song between a boy and his dragon, but I just couldn't get it right. My imagery is awful. Guess I'll try to tackle that theme once I get more experienced. 


I also have far more storytelling in this song. It actually goes somewhere in terms of lyrics. 


My concept feels like something up Amy's alley. I may or may not have curse words in my songs since Amy's wasn't shy of them. She even has a song with ****ery in the title. I don't really use curse words often so this will be an interesting experience for me. 

Edited by PoKiTaurus
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26 minutes ago, Gastrodonatella said:

hello platinum hit, gastrodonatella here, um... todays topic for todays, um... post is going to be what i think of fake ass people, and um there is a reason why i decided to make this the post for this week and it's because i hate fake ass ppl..? umm there was actually, i actually had an encounter with a fake ass bitch, and... she knows who she is, and, idk maybe some of the people who follow the thread might know who this fake ass bitch is as well.. im not going to call out any names but im sure you guys know who im talking about, um... *sigh* so this fake ass bitch was supposed to, we made an agreement that we would have a peer review, and that we would critique our songs, and i already had the PM made, and all of a sudden this fake ass bitch decided she didn't want to have a peer review with me anymore, so there goes my deposit! and its just like, idk... the fake ass bitch who im talking about knows who she is and i hope shes reading this right now and i hope she knows that i think shes a fake ass bitch... so idk i dont mean to have a heated post but that's all for today's post and i hate fake ass.. ****ing people, thats what i think of fake ass people i ****ing hate them and theyre pieces of **** and, ****ing... i hate that stupid bitch


thank you



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Hello yes I will continue to complain about these challenges because my KOALATY is never appreciated in these challenges. They always flop because I do too good of a job and that's hardly a reach :shakeno: 

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Backwoods Barbie is a bop of a Dolly album. :jamming: 


Also Dolly's cover 'The Banks of the Ohio' :'( 

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4 hours ago, Gastrodonatella said:

hello platinum hit, gastrodonatella here, um... todays topic for todays, um... post is going to be what i think of fake ass people, and um there is a reason why i decided to make this the post for this week and it's because i hate fake ass ppl..? umm there was actually, i actually had an encounter with a fake ass bitch, and... she knows who she is, and, idk maybe some of the people who follow the thread might know who this fake ass bitch is as well.. im not going to call out any names but im sure you guys know who im talking about, um... *sigh* so this fake ass bitch was supposed to, we made an agreement that we would have a peer review, and that we would critique our songs, and i already had the PM made, and all of a sudden this fake ass bitch decided she didn't want to have a peer review with me anymore, so there goes my deposit! and its just like, idk... the fake ass bitch who im talking about knows who she is and i hope shes reading this right now and i hope she knows that i think shes a fake ass bitch... so idk i dont mean to have a heated post but that's all for today's post and i hate fake ass.. ****ing people, thats what i think of fake ass people i ****ing hate them and theyre pieces of **** and, ****ing... i hate that stupid bitch


thank you


what is this :skull:  :lmao: 

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@ultraviolence.xx sis your review is done! :heart2:


29 minutes ago, ceremonials said:

is no one doing florence :'(

Don't worry I am (and I'm pretty sure like 85% of the contestants are :skull:)


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