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Liar Game : Season Three (Bid Poker)


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  • RandomName


  • Alldeezy


  • Queen Conchita


  • Dibbles


Left with one person to vote! I see very interesting things going on :eatpopcorn:

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Downsizing Game - Round 1 (Results)



Participant Votes Received Bonus Total
@Queen Conchita 3 1 4
@M A R N ✮ 2 1 3
@Dibbles 1 1 2
@Fruity 4 1 5
@Kathlen 2 1 3
@mike3009 3 0 3


Rankings as of round 1:

1st - Fruity

2nd - Queen Conchita

3rd - Tie between MARN, Kathlen and Mike! 

Dibbles is currently in last place! Werk it!


Note: Mike has not submitted his ballot. I will add 1 to the votes of the other 5 participants as a bonus.


Voting for round 2 will commence. Please submit your votes by 17 July 2017, 1200 EST. (~48 Hours from now)



1. Rule 2 is up to your interpretation. :fan:

2. You are free to ask me any questions on what you can/cannot do.

3. The votes will be cumulative throughout the rounds.

    E.g. if Dibbles receives 6 votes next round, her total would be 8 at the end of round 2.

4. The votes can be sold for Tokens, which would be important in the last game.


Apologies if I cause you any confusion!


I will do a reveal of who voted for who at the end of round 5, and also some ideas on how this game could've been played.

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I have made a minor but VERY Important edit to the results post.


To clarify, an example of a contract/agreement could be the following:

  • 2 or more participants decide they would like to conduct a mini game with Tokens/Votes on the line.
  • Kathlen will exchange 2 votes earned in return for 50 tokens from Fruity, which would be paid at a certain point in time.


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Hi all!

I have to clarify that the ballot of 3 slots MUST be filled fully with proper names.

To those that have submitted your ballots and want to make changes, you are free to do so. If not, please confirm your ballots with me again! 


Apologies for any confusion. 


Thank you!




@M A R N ✮


@Queen Conchita



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Downsizing Game - Round 2 (Results)


Player Round 1 Bonus Round 2 Bonus Total
Queen Conchi 3 1 2 0 6
MARN 2 1 4 1 8
Dibbles 1 1 2 1 5
Fruity 4 1 0 1 6
Kathlen 2 1 4 1 8
Mike3009 3 0 3 1 7



Found it really interesting how Fruity went from 4 votes to 0 this time round. :rip:

Conchi did not submit thus everyone else gets a +1. 

Although an improvement, Dibbles is still ranked last!


Reminder that at the end of 5th round, tokens will be added/subtracted from your total.

1st Place +100 Tokens

2nd Place + 50 Tokens

3rd Place + 20 Tokens

Last Place - 40 Tokens


Use your tokens wisely. :eddie:


I see none of you have caught my hint in the previous result post. So here's another shot at it. :priceless:

You have 3 votes, you cannot vote for yourself.


@Queen Conchita @Denis Stoff @Dibbles @Fruity @Kathlen @mike3009

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Next deadline! 19 July 1200 EST (Countdown

If everyone submits early, I'll post the results earlier too!

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Downsizing Game - Round 3 (Results)


Note: I will be speeding up Rounds 4 & 5 to 24 Hours each.



Player Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bonus Total
Queen Conchi 3 2 2 2 9
MARN 2 4 0 2 8
Dibbles 1 2 6 3 12
Fruity 4 0 2 3 9
Kathlen 2 4 1 3 10
Mike3009 3 3 4 2 12


This time, Marn has not submitted her vote :'( Are y'all scheming something.


Dibbles and Mike is tied for first place now with 11 votes!

Marn is last place with 8 votes.


You have up till 20 July 2017 1200 EST (Countdown) to submit your ballots!





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20 minutes ago, Queen Conchita said:

I like my new name of Conchi



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Scrap that, I just looked at the definition.



I'll re name my self Queen Conch.


edit: CTFU that's slang for part of a vagina, lemme just stick to Queen C :-*

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How are we tied, I don't mind tho :eli: Team talent coming through today :alexz: 

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Welp, realized my fail now. :cm: Apologies!

The total scores were not the correct sums as I left out the bonus column

Dibbles & Mike are tied. But Marn is last place.

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I will be posting Game 2 details now for better understanding & planning.

It does not start until round 5 of game 1 ends.


Contraband Game




  • Players will be split into teams of 3 (A red and a blue team)
  • Each team receives 600 Tokens in their bank. (200 per player)
  • The bank is situated on the opposite team
  • During each turn, the two teams will nominate one person from their team to be either the smuggler/inspector for that round.
  • Smugglers are allowed to smuggle a maximum of 100 tokens each round.
  • The inspector may pass or choose to inspect the smuggler.
  • If the inspector chooses to inspect, he/she must call the amount smuggled. E.g. Inspect 100 tokens.
  • No. of rounds. 12 (6 smuggling & inspections for each team)


Inspects and amount called is more than tokens smuggled. E.g. Calls 100 but smuggler attempts 50.

Amount is blocked.


Inspects and amount called is LESS than token smuggled. E.g. Calls 50 but smuggler attempts 100.

Amount goes through.


Inspects and smuggler attempts to not smuggle. E.g. Calls 100 but smuggler attempts 0

Amount called is given to the smuggler.



  • Earned Tokens in round 1 can be used to form agreements. (If Tokens are involved, I must be informed to enforce it)
  • You can smuggle on behalf of anyone. (I must be informed by both parties before commencement)
  • At the end of the 12th round, any unsmuggled tokens in the banks will be split within the team that the bank is situated in.
    • E.g. Red team has 200 tokens left unsmuggled in their bank, The 200 will be split within the BLUE members

This game might seem to be based on luck, but find the strategy to win it. :)


Feel free to ask me any questions!


Also, please be reminded to submit your round 4 ballots for the Downsizing game!

@Denis Stoff @Dibbles @Kathlen @Fruity @mike3009 @Queen Conchita


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sorry been sick as a dog and completely forgot

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I will not be updating the results for round 4 today. Still waiting on a last vote. 

Is game 2 understandable or is anyone confused.

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