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The All Stars Color Game


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ugh low again. whatever. going to sleep.


well done to those through, there were a lot of good looks.



good luck :) 

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This was literally one of the looks Margot has that i was the most excited to submit and i get a safe... Some BS



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The clear winner and saving grace of the round for me.  The dress is gorgeous and perfectly tailored.  I like the way that each part of the dress has its own pattern going on, and she pairs it with a beautiful necklace.  She is also looking radiant, and fitting the theme of Metallic in her shiny silver outfit.



The picture is simple but captivating.  Taylor is looking washed out,  but it works in a concept of being chained in metals.  I like the little metal drops that fall from each tip of the pattern, and the first thing we think while looking at the outfit is 'metallic.'


:3rdplace:  Kitt

It's not a typical 'outfit' per say, but I think that it represents the Metallic theme really well.  Great photo shoot that visually strikes you with its silver shine, and a stand-out from the bunch.


4.  Legend E

The dress is very simple and expected with nothing much to comment on, but it fits the metallic theme really well.  


5.  sumthintoxic82

It's just a pretty dress for me, but the overall look  with the shoes and purse add to the metallic allure.  Also among those who sent gold, I think you did a better job.


6.  Speezy

I like this outfit better than half of the submissions, but I'm only placing you in the middle because I find it a bit dull compared to the ones that I'm placing above you.  The texture makes it appear more shiny as opposed to being metallic.


7.  Alena

It looks messy at first glance but it looks fancy once you make out that it's the design of a unicorn.  Although it looks a bit too character-ish compared to the classy or elegant look of your opponents, it's still different in a fun way and I like the fantasy meets metallic concept.


8.  Fenrir

She is embed in a metallic allure from head to toe, but I'd rather you sent a conventional metallic outfit instead.  I know that you sent your best metallic outfit last round, and it was great.  But this is obviously your second metallic option, and although it represents the theme - it's just too easy and too much at the same time.


9.  Rian.

It's very metallic, but it's not an attractive sight.  The dress isn't sitting well on her at all.  It seems loose and deformed and tied at the back just to keep it together. The patterns that expose her skin are weirdly twisted with various sizes and don't add much to the elegance that she was supposed to be.


10.  Lukey

These two shots look like you had no other options.  It looks like a simple, expensive bathrobe and the texture is a very compact form of metallic, and dulls in comparison to the other entries.


11.  ririfan21

Your entry fell out of the bunch for me because it felt too conservative and bland while others had more of a striking edge to better capture the metallic feel.  The dress itself is not that bad - I do like the patterns going on, but seeing it won't make me instantly think of Metallic, but a blend of gold, beige or nude with metal tints.




I just wanna say this round was very in the middle for me. Sorry for not going in depth with the critiques.


It's ugly, but I appreciate it for what it is.


It's pretty and her body looks great. That's all.


I'm indifferent. I hate it.. and I love it. 


Legend E
Gorgeous. Everything fits together Very Diana Ross.


Very boring.


It looks like a cheap version of Kitt's look.


Don't like the shoes with this outfit. Overall a very safe look.


This is cute. I really love the design of this dress.


This is cute. I really love the design of this dress.


I see the judges think you've been sending very safe looks and I can see what they're saying.. but I don't think it's the worst thing in the world to send safe looks. For me.. You're doing fine.


Body looks nice. Dress is nice. Very nice. 


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6 minutes ago, Kitt said:

When will I get a ****ing WIN tho. 

It could have been a tie this week, but I'm not about to have that


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2 minutes ago, ROADHOG said:

It could have been a tie this week, but I'm not about to have that


What happened to last seasons charting sheet, it doesnt work for me anymore :weeps:



Edited by Alena
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So I'm safe or up for voting?  


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Ugh I can never win. Guess I'm just not talented

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4 hours ago, Riri. said:


So I'm safe or up for voting?  



8 hours ago, ROADHOG said:

Ririfan21.. your mother of the bride aesthetic didn't go too well with some of the judges

  Hide contents

I'm sorry my dear, but you're up for public vote..


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well, glad at least that I was in the top half after last week...



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2 minutes ago, Stark said:

omg im #2??

No, you are in the middle, 


Kitt, Urban and Legend were top 3

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1 minute ago, sumthintoxic82 said:

No, you are in the middle, 


Kitt, Urban and Legend were top 3

lmaoo I read this



Congratulations you've won a lapdance from Staryu




and thought that was the top 3 and I was shook because I thought my entry was just meh :skull:  

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1 minute ago, Stark said:

lmaoo I read this

and thought that was the top 3 and I was shook because I thought my entry was just meh :skull:  

At least your safe...


Luckily us Season 2 contestants are ALL still here 




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