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The All Stars Color Game


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If your team were to be the winning team who do you think should take the win.

If not me, @Speezy Should take the win on my team. She did the write up but I reviewed it for spelling/grammar.


and if your team were to land in the bottom who do you think should you be eliminated?

@Lukey , It was so hard because I really didn't know who this artist was and she didn't have THE LOOKS. The theme is  based off of her because this is the only best look she had and we had to find something similar to her outfit. Lukey was out of town which is understandable but I had to do the extra mile to dig for this artist considering she is some UK judge.

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5 hours ago, Kitt said:

I'll send later.



Why you quoting me as Devon, bitch? 



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6 minutes ago, Fenrir said:

Why you quoting me as Devon, bitch? 



omgg :toofunny2: idk how that happened.

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If my team were to win, either Speezy or Riri should take it since they both did the work.


If my team were to lose, sadly I'd have to be the one eliminated due to not being able to assist with the challenge as I was away in Paris. 

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If my team were to win, Fenrir, because I feel like he was the most invested.


If my team were to lose, me because I don't really like the look I sent!

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7 hours ago, Stark said:

If my team were to win, Fenrir, because I feel like he was the most invested.


If my team were to lose, me because I don't really like the look I sent!




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I'd say both Stark and Fenrir have strong looks here with Fenrir definitely stealing the show since his music is solo and fits with his look well.. I'd say the theme is the least creative and the looks as a whole are not that cohesive. 

Fantastic looks here and an good theme. Formatting is also lovely, but It's bare.. and although Kitt didn't have this round her season.. This should have been checked by Alena -- Look wise.. I'm most impressed with Legend E.. Both your looks are just extremely gorgeous and unexpectedly polished. Same with Kim.. Alena... I'm not a huge fan of the dress.. it's a bit.. Meh.. and the suit's length is a bit weird.   

Although the formatting is not the best.. I ****ing love this as a whole. Reading it I felt like I was there. You set the tone and I'm blown away. Sadly my opinion isn't the only one here, but Speezy you'd definitely be my winner, baby. The looks are cohesive and all look great together. Well done everyone although I'd say the weakest look would be Riri's.. It's a bit.. boring.

Wizard of Oz
I love this. It's very unique and it's not something people would automatically think about.. This is the kind of approach I wanted from everyone and you guys did that. Well done. Urban, your look is fantastic. 






:1stplace:  WIZARD OF OZ

I'm a sucker for fantasy and I think that you guys nailed the concept.  It was simple, yet magical, with a nice font and characterization for your celebrities.  I'm placing your team 1st because of how well executed the theme and presentation is, and the fact that all three of you seem to stem from the same universe.  That's a proof that there was a nice communication and planning, and shows great team work.  Despite working well as a team however, I think that sumthintoxic82 and Rian. didn't shine as bright individually outfit-wise as compared to your opponents.


1.  Urban

I placed you 2nd last round, but you took the top spot for sure this week.  Kudos for consistency, and also nailing the theme.  I instantly thought of a Tim Burton character when I saw this picture, and I'm glad that you associated it to 'the wicked witch.'  Beautifully tailored at the top, and spread out nicely at the bottom.  I like how the outfit also forms a necklace around her neck and the sleeves seem adorned as well.  She fits as an evil Disney character and the whole look is maleficent..uh I mean magnificent. 


11.  Rian.

This reminds me of last season when you sent a snow-y and silver outfit for Jennifer Lawrence and it was one of my favorites.  I think that you did a mistake by sending two shots because this is unlike the Masc4Fem theme where they had a dual concept.  The one on the left looks too edgy for a good witch, so I think that you should have sent the one of the right only which really captures the icy look - but even then it melts in comparison to your opponents.


12.  sumthintoxic82

I know that it is the theme, but it is a look that we have seen before in this game.  It is too reminiscent of last round's outfit and it's becoming a bit redundant.  Effie has worn many outlandish outfits, so I think that you could have chosen one which was a bit different and choose another character instead.  Besides, despite showing a picture of the full outfit, I still would have liked to see her in it to see if she really rocks it well.


~ || ~


:2ndplace:   MASC4FEM

The most simple-looking presentation of the bunch, but also really compact and precise.  I really appreciate the dual theme and I can tell that there was a communication behind the scenes.  I like how the 'masc' is in black and your masc outfits are black or white, and the 'fem' is pink to match the colorful fem outfits.  You did decent individually - but nothing too outstanding with your outfits - and I'm placing you in the Top 2 for having thought of something different and showing a good team effort, but I thought that another team did a better job presentation-wise.


3.  Kitt

You nailed the dual concept.  You have the best suit and best dress from your team, and the combination stands out overall.  I like the satin edge on the suit, but she messed up by not wearing black shoes.  The dress is gorgeous, and I love her hair in both shots.


9.  Legend E

I like the shiny black suit, but I think that you should have picked a dress for the fem outfit to match Kitt and Alena.  It does look feminine - I really like its design and the fact that it's pink, but it would be a whole lot different if we didn't see her in a pants and top again like we've seen her in the masc section.  Overall, your combination didn't really stand out that much and it's just there for me, but it's still decent.


10.  Alena

I found your masc and fem combination to be really bland.  I have found some classy suits that Robbie has worn, but this all-white suit pales in comparison to Kitt's and Legend E's which have an edge to them.  It is nicely tailored though, so points for that.  Also, your dress is too good-housewife looking for a fashion show and it is the weakest dress in the whole bunch.  It's your luck that two other contestants butchered their submissions, so you're not Bottom 2.


~ || ~


:3rdplace:  METALLIC

I really love metallic themes, and you did not disappoint.  You kept it simple, and the theme kept shining throughout.  The two songs choices worked well.  Heavy Metal Lover is a nice introduction, and I love the change of pace with Rockstar 101 to represent Rihanna.  I think that you did really well individually, and although I want to place your team in the Top 2, I think that two teams had a better concept and presentation.  


4.  Fenrir

The pictures are a bit too dark for me to fully grasp the notion of the outfit, but in context of the theme, you nailed it. She is metallic, shining through the dark and showing off her metallic purse.  She is also looking fierce and that's the type of rocking attitude that we expect from such a concept.  Despite not seeing much and judging from the second shot, I think that you did better than most of the contestants. The outfit looks radiant and I like the scaly texture.    I love how covered she is and still looking hot.  


5.  Stark

I have the same comment as last round.  I really like the dress, but I don't think that Taylor pulls it off that well.  It looks nice on some shots, but on others it looks like the dress is wearing her and not the other way around.  I think that it's because she's a bit awkward but you still shone brighter than most this round.  You fit your theme, and it's one of the most exhibit-worthy dresses in the bunch.


6.  Loveyoubxtch

This is the second week in a row that I'm placing you 6th.  I remember last season when you used to blow everyone's mind and you were a big threat.  What happened to that Loveyoubxtch?  Nothing wrong with this outfit, but you are in the middle because it's just there and nothing note-worthy.  I like the necklace and the outfit is slick, but it's time to stop being pretty and start being a bxtch.


~ || ~


4.  LACE

Your team had the most all-rounded idea.  You thought of the runway, the music, the promo, and even a description.  That was what I was looking for in this round and despite being the only one to tick all these boxes, you did a messy job with the presentation.  Seeing the runway and Youtube URLs is not an attractive sight, and the description is too much.  You should have let the visuals speak more than words, and the pictures are also disorganized.  I think that you did great individually compared to your opponents based on your outfits alone, but you failed at managing a fashion show as a team.


2.  Speezy

You are being very consistent for me.  Your team mates didn't sell the lace theme to me, but you showed that lace outfits can still look good.  I like how it seems like a triple-layered dress.  The patterns are subtle, and the shiny spots make it a great night party dress.  


7.  Lukey

The outfit seems nicely structured on her body when she sits, but not too much when she is standing.  The scales give it a reptilian outlook, but even then it's not a very good representation.  It's too pulled together that it feels suffocating.


8.  Riri.

This outfit looks nice at certain angles, but really cheap at some.  She looks like a female batman in lace and the patterns are just too much.  I don't think that it's bad, but I don't think that it's good either.  It's too polarizing for me to place you higher, and the reason I didn't place you too low on overall is because at least your outfit will spark some discussion as opposed to a few of your opponents.







Metallic - This was a cute concept and my second favorite team overall. The looks were nice and even Taylor Swift was lowkey slaying which is something I thought would never happen. The weak link in this entry was Rosie Huntington. It’s not a horrible entry but it turned out too basique compared to the other two. Rihanna looking great per usual, I loved that you included the gif because I love that scene! 


Masc4Fem - My favorite team of this week. All three of you did well. Love Kim’s femme look the most out of this. Her masc look is looking good as well. Margot’s masc look is stunning but I wasn’t a big fan of her femme look because the dress is just there. It didn’t really add to her beauty. Solange’s femme look was very interesting, I liked it. Her masc look was bland. Overall I was impressed.


Lace - I don’t know who put this entry together but I’m gonna admit that I was totally lost. I didn’t know what was going on. So please work on the organization next time. Make it cleaner so we can follow it easier. The looks didn’t impress me either. Karlie Kloss had the best dress out of the three. Delta’s dress looked pretty from the front but a mess from the side. Carrie Underwood is just such a bland artist and woman. She has yet to impress me this season.


Wizard of Oz - Urgh, I loved this THEME but it was executed messily. URBAN pulled through for the three of you and ended up as my favorite look of the week. Without him this could have been my least favorite entry out of all. Heidi was cute but I don’t understand why she was two looks? Which one of the two is your entry? And I’m so tired of seeing this Hunger Games woman with the same metallic look every ****ing week. Change it up or I’m gonna rank her lower and lower.





Team Metallic

This concept isn’t terribly inspired, but your outfits all certainly fit. Disappointed that you literally just lifted a previous challenge.


Loveyoubxtch – I’m a sucker for pants on the red carpet, and this mostly works. The shimmer is gorgeous, as is that weird, stress stick looking necklace she has. Where this doesn’t work is in the belting, the extra wide, wavy strip segments her body and makes her upper pelvic area look awkwardly long and flat.


Stark – No shade but did Taylor borrow this from Nicki after they made up? It’s not ugly but it’s…It’s too much, I think. Metallics are difficult to pull off as statement piece, let alone as an entire outfit. The draping over her lower half draws attention to the weird fit on her ass, and I can’t get over the fact that the bust looks like a female, hentai version of C3PO.


Fenrir – To be honest, it’s hard to judge this without better photographs. The coloring is difficult to see and I can’t look at the fit on her lower half as much as I’d like. That being said, she looks great (aside from that ugly ass uncircumcised neckline).


Team Masc/Fem

Immediately, I was intrigued by this concept. As a fem-shaming, masc4masc total top, this really appealed to me and helped me realize why I hate DripDrip so much. Very creative, and I love that you provided a second look seeing as how similar the silhouettes are on the first batch.


Kitt – Business Kim looks like a porn star, but that’s her schtick. Not sure how I feel about the deep V, but it isn’t bad. What is bad are the nude heels. Great other than that. Her dress is gorgeous and reminds me of the reality television woman in all of DOM’s avatars.


Alena – Love the white suit! The peekaboo toes on the shoes are a little cheap looking, but it’s a minor gripe. No complaints. Her dress, however, is fugly. It looks like something Elle Fanning would wear in a movie while playing a cult member. The weird octopus cut of the hem, awkwardly-placed curtain ass mid section…Yikes! You still scored very well though, so don't fret. Just don't pick another dress like that.


Legend E – Your fem look should’ve been your masc one, because it’s different from the other two power suits. It looks flowery, yes, but the pants alone make it more masculine because we live in a patriarchal society. The black sparkle suit is alright, I like the shoe choice for once. Cute.


Team Lace

Y’all certainly chose an…interesting theme. Lace is constantly on the border between classy and tacky, and I’m not sure all of you straddled that line well. But we’ll get to that. The collection is cohesive, if, again, uninspired. It was a lazy choice.


Speezy – I like this gown. It reminds me of Venom in Spider Man, and it hugs her body like tar. It’s a little trashy looking, but in a high class way? I use it more than I expected to. RIP her toes trying to jump outta those shoes tho.


Lukey – Aaaaand here’s what I meant by tacky. She looks like a Barbie doll forced into a doily by an unfashionable 7 year-old. I like the neckpiece, but that’s about it, I’m afraid. The fit is too loose, especially in the torso.


Riri – Black Widow teas. She looks like an old folk superhero. It’s extremely gaudy, and not in the fun, drag queen way. It looks a bit better with the cape, but then it’s also just a huge mess of unnecessary lace overlay. If the cape was solid and the bodysuit was half sheer. Idk.


Team Wizard of Oz

My second favorite theme this week, which tbh wasn’t hard to do because two teams were boring as hell. But! This was still super cute and I appreciate the thinking outside the box. I think some of your individual outfits suffered because of your adherence to so strict a theme, though.


Urban – You have one of, if not the, best outfit this week. I love pretty much everything about this, though I don’t know what shoes she’s wearing. I’ll trust that it wasn’t an ankle strap.


Sumthintoxic82 – This is what I meant when I said some of you suffered to fit the theme. If I’m not mistaken, this is something from the Hunger Games? You should not be pulling fashion from the Capitol. I don’t know where to start, but I know where this outfit will end: the garbage.


Rian – I’m not sure which outfit is the one you’re submitting, because these are different, yes? The one on the right is better, so I’m going with that. It looks more ice princess than good witch. Ultimately, it suffers because the mullet cut is not flattering with such a jagged edge but such clean hair/makeup/jewelry. It’s a little too punky of a dress cut for the rest of her to be that put together.

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i picked the dress cos it was super feminine to me, but i kinda knew u guys wouldnt like it so i shouldve picked another one :deadbanana2:

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YAS! Will be staying up for this. Hopefully i'm not in the bottom :/ I'm never a bottom tbh

Edited by Alena
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2 minutes ago, Alena said:

YAS! Will be staying up for this. Hopefully i'm not in the bottom :/ I'm never a bottom tbh

I totally thought you were a girl 

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Just now, Valentina said:

I totally thought you were a girl 


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Will be at my uncle's wake at 6pm so will see rihsults later. 

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