base talk Madonna's best/worst 3rd single
What is Madonna's best 3rd single off a studio album?
70 members have voted
1. What is Madonna's best 3rd single off a studio album?
Holiday (Madonna)4
Angel (Like a Virgin)3
True Blue (True Blue)3
Cherish (Like a Prayer)2
Bad Girl (Erotica)12
Bedtime Story (Bedtime Stories)11
Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Ray of Light)9
What It Feels Like for a Girl (Music)5
Nothing Fails (American Life)10
Get Together (Confessions)8
Miles Away (Hard Candy)2
Turn Up the Radio (MDNA)0
***** I'm Madonna (Rebel Heart)0
I Rise (Madame X)0
2. What is Madonna's worst 3rd single off a studio album?
True Blue1
Bad Girl0
Bedtime Story1
Drowned World/Substitute for Love0
What It Feels Like For a Girl0
Nothing Fails1
Get Together0
Miles Away0
Turn Up the Radio37
***** I'm Madonna10
I Rise14
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