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King of Spain heckled while visiting flood-hit area

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The bigger picture is that all systems in Spain failed their people. @Antisocialites @Illyboy Focus on what people of power- from all sides- and media, are doing to you. They're scared sh*tless of what just happened so creating conflict between you is the exact distraction they want from you. Prime example is how Pedro Sanchez was quick to point the finger and blame his attack on "marginal" people, after he refused to send any help until the Valencia President would and I quote "ask for it".


Spanish political parties will keep drowning in their failed bipartisanship and comfortably throw the ball on each other's court while the people united are literally in the mud doing the right thing to do: help.

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Spicy Pisces said:

The bigger picture is that all systems in Spain failed their people. @Antisocialites @Illyboy Focus on what people of power- from all sides- and media, are doing to you. They're scared sh*tless of what just happened so creating conflict between you is the exact distraction they want from you. Prime example is how Pedro Sanchez was quick to point the finger and blame his attack on "marginal" people, after he refused to send any help until the Valencia President would and I quote "ask for it".


Spanish political parties will keep drowning in their failed bipartisanship and comfortably throw the ball on each other's court while the people united are literally in the mud doing the right thing to do: help.

I've literally been quite critical since the beginning of this event of all the political parties. I don't like Pedro Sánchez, I don't like PSOE, god forbid I ever stan PSOE. he should have done more than he has done in this situation. but let's not act dumb; there's always one side that frankly acts worse. PP and Mazón are not taking any blame, they are not reflecting or even acknowledging the fact that THEY KNEW this Dana was coming up, they are basically acting as if they weren't the ruling government of la Comunidad Valenciana and lying about everything, shifting the blame to the state organization of meteorology, who had been warning about the extreme rain for several hours prior to the incident. it's what they are known for— killing hundreds of people and covering it up. it's not the first time, nor the last.


and what happened yesterday it's very obvious, and everyone acting oblivious is complicit of it. VOX and multiple nazi organizations are stirring the conflict by putting Pedro Sánchez at the front while also not recognizing the facts: they eliminated public organizations that guaranteed help and colaboration when weather emergencies happen, they have been building apartments in places they shouldn't be, they are still denying climate change. I repeat this: Mazón and everyone in his team, including politicians from VOX since they are in his team, KNEW the Dana was coming, and NOBODY did anything. they are as responsible as the PM, if not more. 


I'm tired of all this "all sides are bad". surely, in Spain right now we lack a strong left party with real and valid actions in favour of the working class but there's always one side that's worse: the one that sides with neonazi groups.


Edited by Antisocialites
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Posted (edited)


29 minutes ago, Spicy Pisces said:

Prime example is how Pedro Sanchez was quick to point the finger and blame his attack on "marginal" people, after he refused to send any help until the Valencia President would and I quote "ask for it".

I have no idea if you're from Spain, but the president of la Comunidad Valenciana has quite literally ask for it and he hasn't done it, instead he has rejected multiple help from military and firefighters of Catalunya. it's literally illegal for the PM to impose things in the comunidades autónomas because that's how it works, they have different governments and different rules.


Mazón, prior to talking with PP's Feijóo who probably told him to stay silent and let the civilians be mad at Pedro Sánchez, thanked Pedro for his quick collaboration and help, by the way.

Edited by Antisocialites
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Pedro didn't say that his attack come from "marginal" people, he said he understands the despair of the civilians and that some minimal violent people won't make him lose focus of the situation. and again, the far-right publications and neonazi groups and followers are the ones twisting the words.



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1 hour ago, Antisocialites said:

la realidad es que NUNCA son 3 fachitas, ayer la extrema derecha y los neonazis, que básicamente son lo mismo, se aprovecharon de una tragedia para esparcir más polarización.


lo llevan haciendo desde el martes poniendo tweets incendiarios y echando la culpa únicamente al gobierno central cuando ellos son los que han decidido eliminar organizaciones meteorológicas, los que niegan el cambio climático, los que deciden edificar en zonas inundables… mientras tanto se dedican a difundir odio sobre inmigrantes usando demagogia barata y fake news.

Que yo sepa la aemet sigue existiendo, y ha gobernado la izquierda desde 2019 así que cómo podrían haberla eliminado xD

1 minute ago, Illyboy said:

Que yo sepa la aemet sigue existiendo, y ha gobernado la izquierda desde 2019 así que cómo podrían haberla eliminado xD

okay, QUIEREN eliminar organizaciones meteorológicas que han avisado de esta catástrofe durante horas y HAN ELIMINADO servicios de emergencia que podrían haber ayudado a miles de personas. así mejor.

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The thought of living in a monarchy in the 21st century is actually insane to me :rip:

3 hours ago, Antisocialites said:


I have no idea if you're from Spain, but the president of la Comunidad Valenciana has quite literally ask for it and he hasn't done it, instead he has rejected multiple help from military and firefighters of Catalunya. it's literally illegal for the PM to impose things in the comunidades autónomas because that's how it works, they have different governments and different rules.

Okay that's true, las competencias en protección civil están transferidas a las comunidades autónomas.

Posted (edited)

No se quien es el presidente de españa actual o gobierno pero que desastre. Que destituyan a todos.
Como se maneja algo asi tan mal?  


Edited by AvadaKedavra
On 11/3/2024 at 6:05 PM, Ger said:

No surprises on this coward trash.

Things got too violent. They hit him with a stick, and this is how his car ended up with him inside. 




Many right extremists are out there taking advantage of this situation. He did the right thing or who knows what else could've happened. 





Posted (edited)

Nos enteramos hoy que el vecino de mi tia y amigo de la familia murio en estas inundaciones atrapado en su carro :emofish:
El habia ido a españa a ver a su hijo unos meses :emofish: estaba en sus 50s
De milagro mi primo tampoco murio. Me entere que el esta alla en valencia. :giraffe:

Edited by AvadaKedavra
Posted (edited)

El mariquita nazi con el avi de la Addison estoy TIESA lmao

Edited by Aramis
On 11/4/2024 at 10:51 AM, Spicy Pisces said:

The bigger picture is that all systems in Spain failed their people. @Antisocialites @Illyboy Focus on what people of power- from all sides- and media, are doing to you. They're scared sh*tless of what just happened so creating conflict between you is the exact distraction they want from you. Prime example is how Pedro Sanchez was quick to point the finger and blame his attack on "marginal" people, after he refused to send any help until the Valencia President would and I quote "ask for it".


Spanish political parties will keep drowning in their failed bipartisanship and comfortably throw the ball on each other's court while the people united are literally in the mud doing the right thing to do: help.

Sin echar ninguna alabanza a la gestión del gobierno de la catástrofe, decir que Sanchez no dijo "si necesitan ayuda que la pidan", es un asqueroso bulo más como puede verse en la intervención completa del presidente.


Mazón estaba DE COMIDA PRIVADA ( en un hotel en una más que probable relación extramarital) a las 18:00 cuando su consejera y la delegada del gobierno estaban intentando LOCALIZARLE para gestionar la que se venía encima, ni hizo caso de las 3 alertas que la CONFEDERACION HIDROGRÁFICA DEL JUCAR emitió, sobre todo la última que ya indicaba que se podía producir un "flash flood" ni los 7 avisos previos especiales que el aemet llevaba emitiendo desde el viernes día 25. 




gather those asses who work only for themselves and not for the people



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