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How Can You Tell a Relationship Has No Future?

Strawberry Bubble

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Another thread of me doubting the people around me and hating on them, lol. Do you have any subtle or obvious signs that a relationship has no future?

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Silence or barely small talk....

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When he doesn't stream Halsey's fifth studio album, 'The Great Impersonator', featuring hit singles such as 'The End', 'Lucky', 'Lonely is the Muse', 'Ego' & more(!), out October 25th.


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You just feel it or you don't 


Their energy simply shows 


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7 minutes ago, AshleyLovescats887 said:

When he doesn't stream Halsey's fifth studio album, 'The Great Impersonator', featuring hit singles such as 'The End', 'Lucky', 'Lonely is the Muse', 'Ego' & more(!), out October 25th.


Girl, that's obvious. Any relationship worth it wouldn't ignore Halsey. :party:


I'm looking for more subtle signs.

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When they never match your energy and criticize you for being yourself instead. 

Example: Miley & Liam

Edited by CherieMoon
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5 minutes ago, bad guy said:

Friendship or romantic? There's different answers for both.


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When the relationship feels more like a dead-end job you're not even being paid for.


this goes for both friendship and romance imo. Maintaining a relationship shouldn't feel like manual labor. If it does…. Sorry…. But it's a sign to move on 

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there's an energy change when either you or your partner stop giving the same level of attention or care anymore. you know when you know. 

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you just know it, but of course you will try to be a martyr and ignore the signs. Only after when you finally get out of that relationship and you look back that all the signs were right there all along.

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1 hour ago, Strawberry Bubble said:


Friendship: When it's always you reaching out, you making plans, you putting in the effort, you being excluded if that person hangs out with other people you're friends with. You can just tell if someone is a friend for the moment and who are your friends for life. For example I just finally finished my undergrad this past May and I had a core friend group of about 8 people, and then outside of that individual friendships not tied to them (work friends, class friends, etc). I suddenly had to move out of the city my school's in and move back home. Maybe half of my core group has reached out to me since and who I actively still speak to. This showed me that the other half of this group were just circumstantial friends or friends that if I see in passing will catch up with but not my true best friends. And that's fine. When my previous work/class friends DM me on Instagram asking me how I've been doing and you don't it's also pretty clear :rip:


But then I also have a few friends from middle school/high school that I won't talk to for years but if we meet up it's like no time is lost. I feel like you just know if things are legit or not.


Relationship: This is easier to know because it will be obvious. If they change their entire demeanor out of the blue and aren't as attentive to you, that's sign #1 to communicate what the issue is. If they acknowledge that they're being distant and can explain why (maybe they have a personal issue going on) you can work through that and can make the relationship stronger. If they can't give you an answer or worse, deny they're acting different you are headed for a break up eventually. Because in order for a romantic relationship to work there has to be a foundation of honesty and trust. That doesn't mean you have to know every single secret they hold, but if they intentionally keep things from you or tell you the sky is green when you know it's blue then it's a wrap. I mean you can keep pushing if you really want it to work but if they aren't budging then just cut your losses. People get too caught up in the idea of what a person can be and not look at the person for who they are and end up wasting their time.

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2 hours ago, AshleyLovescats887 said:

When he doesn't stream Halsey's fifth studio album, 'The Great Impersonator', featuring hit singles such as 'The End', 'Lucky', 'Lonely is the Muse', 'Ego' & more(!), out October 25th.


your posts and gif are giving So Fetch!.

OT: when you don't care about the other person anymore...like a turn off.

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When you stop visualizing your future together or if it's completely different than what you both envisioned. Also when the "spark" is gone when you come home and/or kiss and hug your partner. 

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