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Taylor hangs out with MAGA Supporters at US Open - the megathread

Teen Spirit

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1 minute ago, PoisonedIvy said:

I'm not trying to police your feelings. Especially after your sharing your Chilean heritage and the threat of you & your family from the Trump administration. I sympathize wholeheartedly with you. I actively despise everything his campaign wants to do if they somehow win the presidency this fall. In the real world, I am doing what I can to promote, endorse, and uplift Kamala because that's the only chance we have of keeping Project 2025 from becoming a reality.


All of that aside, I'm not asking you to "not say mean things about Taylor swift." I just think you guys assign too much importance to her most minute actions (hugging someone that is basically just a spouse of her partners coworker) while simultaneously assigning too little mercy to her perfectly rational political silence (the Vienna terrorist attack was a very real threat to thousands of innocent lives. No one should die at a concert just because Taylor's, at the peak of her social notoriety, decided to take a political stance.)

Hugging the woman that was personally shouted out by one of the most dangerous men to have walked this earth four days after said shotout in the middle of a huge event when she's aware there are thousands of cameras pointed at her is not a "minute action."

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Also, I forget this site is global. If you're not from the US and literally LIVING this right now, you can't understand it the same way we do. Gay people here feel like there is a countdown to their rights being ripped away just like Roe v Wade was.


This is a pick a side time in history, period.

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3 minutes ago, Oxygen said:

Is she a silly little pop star or The Music Industry? I seriously doubt you think she has no influence on her supporter base. 

She's the music industry. The music industry is just entertainment. Its influence on world politics is negligible. Noticeable, but negligible. She's a silly little pop star in the grand scheme of world politics. But in that silly little pop star world, yes she is at the pinnacle.


She has -some- influence over impressionable young minds, sure, but those are usually people too young to vote. Everyone 18 and older has, for the most part, been raised and nurtured into their political values and beliefs already. Without the aid of Taylor Swift, one artist of many that listen to.

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She's probably democrat lol

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the only time she has supported anything was when she could use it as PR or when it has directly affected her


probably votes republican for her money's sake

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2 minutes ago, PoisonedIvy said:

She's the music industry. The music industry is just entertainment. Its influence on world politics is negligible. Noticeable, but negligible. She's a silly little pop star in the grand scheme of world politics. But in that silly little pop star world, yes she is at the pinnacle.


She has -some- influence over impressionable young minds, sure, but those are usually people too young to vote. Everyone 18 and older has, for the most part, been raised and nurtured into their political values and beliefs already. Without the aid of Taylor Swift, one artist of many that listen to.

An article for your consideration, including tangible influence from Taylor Swift herself back in 2018: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/celebrities-impact-elections-harvard-study-finds/story?id=112806120

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2 minutes ago, More Than A Melody said:

Hugging the woman that was personally shouted out by one of the most dangerous men to have walked this earth four days after said shotout in the middle of a huge event when she's aware there are thousands of cameras pointed at her is not a "minute action."

Dude. As you said. Brittany Mahomes is a nobody. Who the hell knew or cared that Trump mentioned her in one random one off social media post. It's speculative at best to assume Tree Paine would have seen that and warned Taylor about it.

Also, that "shoutout" was not some State of the Union national address. Brittany isn't suddenly emblematic of the Trump campaign, she's still just some athlete's wife. She has no public sway, and that hasn't changed. If anything most of the NFL fans seemed to hate her even before Taylor came in the picture. Come Election Day, Brittany's support for Trump will have an impact equal to 0. Taylor's cordiality with Brittany will also have an impact equal to 0.

For 2024, sure Taylor hasn't endorsed Kamala. But she also hasn't endorsed Trump. However, HAS spoken out against Trump in the past. She HAS endorsed Kamala (via Biden 2020) in the past. The odds are in our favor that she will use her voice for good when the time is right.


I understand your frustrations until then, but I'm choosing to hold out hope, while also not really caring if she chooses to remain silent because the safety of thousands of innocent lives is priceless. 

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I'm the furthest thing from a Taylor fan, but what's so shocking about a rich White woman bumping into Trump supporters in her social circle?  It's bound to happen. Is she supposed to just ignore and publicly disapprove each and every one of them within her social circles?  If you say yes to that , you're likely too chronically online. I honestly feel bad for her. At her height of celebrity it's damned if you do or don't. The unhealthy parasocial relationship with her fans and the haters as well is scary.  Not really defending her and I agree with some points. But it's disingenuous to hold her to these petty standards. In all her years of White feminism, I'm sure Swift is not voting for Trump.  No one has any space for nuance anymore. It's always an all or nothing approach to holding people "accountable". And she didn't even do anything earth shattering. Just socialized with Trumpies, the horror!! 

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13 minutes ago, Devin said:

no, im more disgusted at u allegedly being a black woman lashing other black users to defend of this white woman. and suddenly THIS is the benediction for u to unstan. 


keep ur ass over there with the swifties.


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Also, sure trying to dodge a hug would be weird and highly public (a good or a bad thing depending on where you stand, I wish she would publicly reject Mahomes and all she stands for). But she could simply ask to be in a different box or not associate with them at all, like not have them over at her house. I don't understand why her bf runs in these circles and she has to be put in this position if she is the staunch democrat you claim her to be. Sure, we all have to endure the MAGA uncle but these people are not our actual friends. As people said about Billie and her manager, the people you associate with paint a picture about you.

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1 minute ago, Jay07 said:

Also, sure trying to dodge a hug would be weird and highly public (a good or a bad thing depending on where you stand, I wish she would publicly reject Mahomes and all she stands for). But she could simply ask to be in a different box or not associate with them at all, like not have them over at her house. I don't understand why her bf runs in these circles and she has to be put in this position if she is the staunch democrat you claim her to be. Sure, we all have to endure the MAGA uncle but these people are not our actual friends. As people said about Billie and her manager, the people you associate with paint a picture about you.

Patrick, from my knowledge of him, seems to be aligned with leftist ideologies. Brittany, probably due to her upbringing as a midwestern white woman, seems to align with right wing values. If Patrick and Travis are great friends, the one black sheep in the equation (Brittany, as a MAGAt) should not be allowed to create a rift between Travis and Patrick just because of Taylor's public notoriety. That is not how friendships/partnerships/associates coordinate their lives in the real world. Travis and Patrick invited their spouses to this event, Taylor saying no or asking Travis to not hang out with Patrick, who seems to have political values aligned with Taylor & Travis, would be ridiculous. 

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tbh Taylor being forced to come out as a Trumpster would be the most 2024 thing ever, I want it to happen I'm shaking 

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3 minutes ago, More Than A Melody said:

Trump: I love Brittany Mahomes!

Tree: Taylor, Brittany just got shouted out by Trump

Taylor: (texting) "Hey Brit, you know I think you're a great girl, and I respect your ideology and whatnot. You go girl! But I actually think Trump is the devil and dangerous and he recently claimed that I endorsed him. Tbh I rather not have to deal with people thinking I support him, y'know? Nothing personal. We can hang out privately. But maybe not publicly. You get it right? Okay. Have a nice day!"


Then Brittany won't go for the hug. And you know what? Maybe then Brittany will even rethink her support for Trump (cause clearly she LOOOVES the Taylor clout). 2 birds one stone.


So I think she could've just not hugged her.


I'm Chilean, girl. And I live part time in the US. And Trump wants to personally deport me. This is not about disliking Taylor Swift. I have personally defended her multiple times in the past year or so. Actually. Go back and look at my comment history. I don't like her or her music. But I have been FAIR, especially when people were attacking her for random sh*t. I even defended her when she got a 1 in a review of TTPD. The way y'all decide I'm a hater just because I'm not up her ass, EVERY single time I have a valid criticism, forgetting about the times I was fair (and y'all LIKED my posts being fair) will never not grind my gears

I won't dismiss your own concerns or discomfort with Trump, his ideology, his supporters, and their ramifications for you and your family, and I understand why this would give you cause for concern. 


I don't think such a hypothetical text message would do anything to combat the potential personal problems that I'm sure are all Taylor is thinking about in that moment (assuming she is opposed to the interactions between Trump and Brittany, which I do), because Brittany (who probably isn't supporting Trump for policy reasons, rather because her own family supports him) would probably get offended by Taylor trying to police their relationship for PR reasons. I have a fair amount of extended family from that part of Texas (about a 20 minute drive from where she and Patrick grew up), and every single one of them supports Trump. I don't support their beliefs and they know that (just as I know they don't agree with mine), but when I see them at Thanksgiving and Christmas, I still give them a hug because my mom would be extremely upset with me if I rebuked them and started drama for something so trivial as a political disagreement. The scale is different, but that's the substance of what's happening here. In these situations, it's just easier to hug the person and move on, which is quite literally exactly what happened :deadbanana4:


In that moment, Taylor isn't thinking of the potential ramifications of her supposed support for Brittany and/or Trump with the general public or her fans, she's thinking about not accidentally interpersonal drama with the wife of her husband's dear friend and colleague, who I'd guess is the person who invited them to the US Open in the first place. 

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9 minutes ago, Wicked said:

I wasn't gonna bring it up but :rip: 

like… idc if u black stanning taylor. but as a black swiftie u know who she dating and know how certain users of said fanbase treat black artists. u silent all those times but suddenly woke bc she hugging a trumpster? op so corny. :lmao:

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It sounds like Fox News are implying (but being very careful about the wording) that Taylor being friendly with Brittany = her indirectly endorsing Trump.


She can't stay quiet any longer.

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lol, maybe Maher was right. What's more disappointing is her trying to save face at the NFL by not sitting with her but galavanting with her behind the scenes. I'd have more respect for her if she just did what she wanted.

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9 minutes ago, Jay07 said:

Also, sure trying to dodge a hug would be weird and highly public (a good or a bad thing depending on where you stand, I wish she would publicly reject Mahomes and all she stands for). But she could simply ask to be in a different box or not associate with them at all, like not have them over at her house. I don't understand why her bf runs in these circles and she has to be put in this position if she is the staunch democrat you claim her to be. Sure, we all have to endure the MAGA uncle but these people are not our actual friends. As people said about Billie and her manager, the people you associate with paint a picture about you.

Because they play on the same team? :deadbanana4: 


Surely that's the most obvious aspect of this dynamic :deadbanana4:

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12 minutes ago, SlayianaGrenade said:

I'm the furthest thing from a Taylor fan, but what's so shocking about a rich White woman bumping into Trump supporters in her social circle?  It's bound to happen. Is she supposed to just ignore and publicly disapprove each and every one of them within her social circles?  If you say yes to that , you're likely too chronically online. I honestly feel bad for her. At her height of celebrity it's damned if you do or don't. The unhealthy parasocial relationship with her fans and the haters as well is scary.  Not really defending her and I agree with some points. But it's disingenuous to hold her to these petty standards. In all her years of White feminism, I'm sure Swift is not voting for Trump.  No one has any space for nuance anymore. It's always an all or nothing approach to holding people "accountable". And she didn't even do anything earth shattering. Just socialized with Trumpies, the horror!! 

I can't speak for everyone else, but this hug coupled by the fact that she hasn't shown support for Kamala in this election cycle so far afaik and didn't condemn Trump for using her AI likeliness publicly either just paints a depressing picture. I'm not "disgusted" by who she socializes with, I'm just disappointed that she hasn't taken a stance and is trying to appeal to everyone as the safe option. It's what she did during the beginning of her career and I just thought we were past the fence-sitting by now.

Edited by Sugar-Rush
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7 minutes ago, PoisonedIvy said:

Patrick, from my knowledge of him, seems to be aligned with leftist ideologies. Brittany, probably due to her upbringing as a midwestern white woman, seems to align with right wing values. If Patrick and Travis are great friends, the one black sheep in the equation (Brittany, as a MAGAt) should not be allowed to create a rift between Travis and Patrick just because of Taylor's public notoriety. That is not how friendships/partnerships/associates coordinate their lives in the real world. Travis and Patrick invited their spouses to this event, Taylor saying no or asking Travis to not hang out with Patrick, who seems to have political values aligned with Taylor & Travis, would be ridiculous. 

Did you just say Patrick Mahomes has leftist ideologies? :ahh:

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Also you guys act like there's a ticking time bomb. Taylor's endorsement of Kamala will mean just as much on October 30th as it would on September 10th (if not more, due to being closer to the actual election). I understand the anxiety the Trump campaign instills in everyone, but living in distress every day until the election is counterproductive.

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am I supposed to be surprised that the same woman who quickly ran to twitter to lash a TV show because of a simple joke yet didn't publicly call out a convicted felon for using her image and the ones of her fans, is hanging out with Trump supporters?

Edited by Antisocialites
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No she's a white woman so its not surprising

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1 minute ago, Wicked said:

Did you just say Patrick Mahomes has leftist ideologies? :ahh:

Perhaps I'm unfamiliar with him, and if so I'm willing to see evidence to the contrary. But as a mixed race black man with a gay brother, forgive me for assuming he has liberal values? :rip: 

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I live in the UK and here friends can have different political viewpoints. I didn't know it is not ok in the US to be friends with someone who has a different political viewpoint

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