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10000 steps a day - How effective it is?


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Is it a bit too much? is weight loss possible by doing this alone? has anyone of yall had any success with just doing this?

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Yes, it is very efficient and an easy way (once you get used to it) to burn calories. But you will not lose weight unless you are in a calorie deficit. If you go and hit 10k steps and then spend all day at an all you can eat, you're not going to lose any fat.

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it's good but only usually burns about 300 calories depending on how briskly you walk. So it's like an hour long to an hour and a half long walk for me. View it more as routine building and as a way for u to also take care of your mental health because walking 10k steps a dfay really helps you build discipline and also helps you clear your mind, get you to feel less anxious and helps you recalibrate your heart rate. It's not ideal for weight loss but it's a great additional step to take in your weight loss / fitness journey imo. The best weight loss workouts though are and will always be intense cardio workouts. Weight training is also ideal and needed for good health but if your goal is solely weight loss then cardii is your go to. Run on a treadmill or do an eleptical or run and sprint outside etc...

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Definitely gives you a little more wiggle room with calories and keeps you in decent shape. I would argue it's not as sustainable if you're working a 9-5. I started a new job this year and looking at my steps this year compared to last's… YIKES!

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I have an active job so I average 20k steps a day, 5 days a week. It is very effective for weight loss. When I first started, I was eating around 2000 calories and had to bump that up to 2500. I lost 25 pounds in about 3 months. I now eat around 2800 calories a day and maintain my weight. 

So the main thing here is your diet. You can walk 10k steps every day for the rest of your life, if you're eating more calories than you burn you're not going to lose weight. 

Edited by ABeyBraith
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I just started doing this about 2 weeks ago... im down 6 pounds since I started. But I am also eating very clean. The first day was tough... walking makes you more tired than joging/running... I'm not sure what the science behind it is... but my body was hurting by the end of that first day. Now I'm doing a mix of jogging and walking but still get my 10k steps in semi-daily. 


Also, I'll just say, you also need to adjust your diet if you want to lose weight/see progress. Don't be like me and think that working out alone will make you lose weight. The secret to weight loss is to eat at a calorie deficit, and that's it... exercise isn't even a requirement if you're eating at a deficit. 

Edited by shinyshimmery
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As others have said, if your goal is to lose weight, calorie deficit and healthy eating will contribute much more to that then 10,000 steps.


But in saying that, if you have a relatively healthy diet and want to maintain your weight / gradually lose weight, 10,000 steps is a great way to hold yourself accountable (for me anyway)

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I lost 90lbs by essentially walking daily (sometimes twice; early morning, after work) and eating in deficit. Took about 2 years but it was the best I ever looked and felt without busting ass in a gym, which my schedule didn't allow at the time.

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Running and cycling have done wonders for me, I lost so much weight. I wish I got into it sooner. On my rest days I will go for a walk to do something active for the day. 


Like others have said, diet / caloric deficit is also important. I make a smoothie with fruit, veggies, and protein powder every day and cut out added sugar / junk food as much as possible. It's important to have cheat days though so you don't go crazy.

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I lost 20lbs in 6 months just from doing 10k a day and no other changes to my diet or anything.

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It's an arbitrary number based on Japanese superstition strangely enough but it's obviously good to be walking that much if not more. Walking is such a great way to manage weight and look after your body without getting injured imo. 

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(1) humans are meant to be active and most of us are too sedentary.  Walking 10k steps is a little arbitrary but if it's the goal you need to be active that is good. 

(2) it largely depends on what you eat too.  If you have a healthy diet and are reasonably active, you will do better. 

(3) my best advice if you are trying to lose weight is to slowly make small but consistent adjustments in life to move towards a healthier lifestyle.  Making big changes is often more likely to fail.  You would do better making a 1000 small steps towards the same goal.  

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I´m at an average of 22.000 steps a day now. Finally lost some weight that I gained during my college and covid years. And I eat and drink whatever I want... but I keep it reasonable ofc:party:

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Walking is a very healthy form of cardio but like others said, the only way to lose wait is to be in a calorie deficit 

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From my experience, 10.000 a day keeps you active and helps you develop more stamina but for weightloss you should be gunning for at least 30.000 - 40.000 a day :rip: 

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I don't even do 50! but the walk from the train station to Allday's show nearly killed me so I should start with 100 steps a day and work myself up :rip:

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50 minutes ago, Arthoe said:

From my experience, 10.000 a day keeps you active and helps you develop more stamina but for weightloss you should be gunning for at least 30.000 - 40.000 a day :rip: 

Girl who has the time to walk that much every day :deadbanana2: 


OT: I think 10k is good for general fitness yeah, but if you want to lose weight, weightlifting and strength training is a much more efficient way of doing it.

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 I do 20-25k steps a day, but it needs to be complimented with a calorie deficit diet if you're trying to lose weight. Diet is key, exercise helps of course, but get rid of sugar and you'll see results.  


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if ur only walking make sure u stay in a calorie deficit otherwise it's pointless 

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I was thinking about it today. I refuse to believe 10k is good enough for anything, it's seems too easy.



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It is effective but like some users above said - it alone is not enough if you want to lose weight

Calorie deficit matters just as much if not more

Edited by illia
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