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Ultimate Betrayal: Pink supports zionist propaganda & against Artists4Ceasefire


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40 minutes ago, Archetype said:

Idk if you're new here but transphobia and purposely misgendering people, no matter who they are, is the case for a ban on this site.  And considering you continue to defend your misgendering of a woman… not looking good for you.


@OP Pink is weird, I guess we can add genocide supporter to her resume.  I never quite understood her demographic but as others have said, they won't care.

Don't really care TBH. I had a good run. Z!onists don't deserve respect. When I get banned, but posts like 


28 minutes ago, Davidoff said:

Mad respect for Pink:clap3:

don't even get warned, that says FAR more about NetanyATRL than me. :spin: 

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"Ultimate Betrayal" is hilarious considering it's P!nk and this isn't very surprising at all.


I'm pretty ashamed of her but Zionism is seriously a disease that's been plaguing America for decades now. You'd think she would open her heart more and really think critically, but damn. 

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20 minutes ago, BrokenMachine said:

And what do you think is happening right now :suburban:?


I condemn rac1.sm against Jews of course, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Israel (a state polarizing to Jews, not every Jew is in favor of Israel) has bombed Gaza enough to the point of being compared with WW2 numbers, and all of that funded by the US.


Artists, and even more the ones from the US, since their own taxes are being used to fund that massa.cre, are in their whole right to ask for something like that to stop, and it's not their business to mention Hamas or not just because some white man said so

I know millions of Palestinians got killed and hurt but it don't mean others people have to be kill or hurt too .

I'm talking about full picture , not just hamas.

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49 minutes ago, JoeAg said:

again, I'm not surprised


again, I'm gonna reiterate some things: I'm someone who grew up in a reform yet quite religious jewish household. the kind of judaism I grew up with included a LOT of z*onist brainwashing (I KNOW how that sounds, but again, this is my experience so please take into account what I'm saying with my full chest lol) in synagogue and religious school settings. I was in sunday school from the age of 8, and hebrew school from the age of 11 all the way to my bar mitzvah, and then sunday school became confirmation until like junior year of high school I think? regardless, all of these classes I took, all of the synagogue choir rehearsals I was attending, all of the years of jewish socialist summer camp I went to... all of it had a STRONG z*onist element. and it's unfortunate but, yes, a LOT of f*cking american jews are brainwashed into thinking that z*onism is the way to go. it's really depressing because even though I'm NOT religious anymore, I DO love a lot of things about judaism/jewish culture. what I DON'T love is how a lot of people equate judaism with z*onism. it f*cking isn't. I have 0 connection with a colonized place that I (cluelessly) once visited when I was 16. NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER. and I wish more jewish people, regardless of how religious they actually are, would understand that z*onism is horribly f*cked up. your judaism can be 100% legit without being a z*onist, and I believe that judaism at its core is in fact about freedom and being progressive. that's at least what I gleaned from my jewish childhood, in retrospect. my mom is a z*onist, and unfortunately it's too late for her to really LISTEN to me and one of my older brothers when we talk to her about how f*cked up z*onism is. she's stuck in her ways. it makes me so sad sometimes :storm: but anyway, P!nk, shame on you. free Palestine.

The added context to this is... Pink was not raised Jewish nor involved in Jewish institutions growing up, despite growing up in parts of PA with large Jewish communities.

She has said as much throughout her career. She used to identify with everything from paganism to Buddhism. Her father was a Catholic.


The first time she really even publicly identified as Jewish was in 2006 when defending Mel Gibson and saying she felt bad for him as a fan, thinking his antisemitic rant was due to alcoholism and not being antisemitic himself. :redface:


This isn't to say she can't identify with her Jewish heritage, especially since it seems her embracing of being Jewish aligns with healing her relationship with her mother, who is Jewish, now as an adult with children of her own and wanting to raise her children Jewish.


But like.. that means she, as a grown adult re-discovering Judaism in her 30s (back when she started having children), should have a kind of skepticism to Zionist propaganda yet she seemingly has been easily convinced of and radicalized by Zionist propaganda. It's incredibly disappointing. 

Edited by Communion
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16 minutes ago, lyk251 said:

I know millions of Palestinians got killed and hurt but


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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

The added context to this is... Pink was not raised Jewish nor involved in Jewish institutions growing up, despite growing up in parts of PA with large Jewish communities.

She has said as much throughout her career. She used to identify with everything from paganism to Buddhism. Her father was a Catholic.


The first time she really even publicly identified as Jewish was in 2006 when defending Mel Gibson and saying she felt bad for him as a fan, thinking his antisemitic rant was due to alcoholism and not being antisemitic himself. :redface:


This isn't to say she can't identify with her Jewish heritage, especially since it seems her embracing of being Jewish aligns with healing her relationship with her mother, who is Jewish, now as an adult with children of her own and wanting to raise her children Jewish.


But like.. that means she, as a grown adult re-discovering Judaism in her 30s (back when she started having children), should have a kind of skepticism to Zionist propaganda yet she seemingly has been easily convinced of and radicalized by Zionist propaganda. It's incredibly disappointing. 

I don't think she convinced by zionist propaganda , most of what she shared/posted seem practical to me and i feel your side got baited to radicalized anyone who have practical view , put them to others side is not how to win this war.

2 minutes ago, BrokenMachine said:


I guess you just follow this war last year ?

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11 minutes ago, lyk251 said:

put them to others side is not how to win this war.

This is not a war. Direct deaths from Israeli military operations are now estimated at 92k based on a letter which American doctors visiting Gaza sent to President Biden.

Current projections for indirect deaths due to things like famine would conservatively placed the total dead just under 400k. 


That's almost 20% of all of Gaza. 1-in-5 Gazans already dead from bombing or projected to die from the understood health impacts of famine occurring due to the genocide.



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Just now, Communion said:

This is not a war. Direct deaths from Israeli military operations are now estimated at 92k based on a letter which American doctors visiting Gaza sent to President Biden.

Current projections for indirect deaths due to things like famine would conservatively placed the total dead just under 400k. 


That's almost 20% of all of Gaza. 1-in-5 Gazans already dead from bombing or projected to die from the understood health impacts of famine occurring due to the genocide.



Genocide is what israel doing to Palestinian , i'm talking about the war of Palestinian against it.

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All that flying around and spinning in the air must be giving her brain damage or something.



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1 hour ago, Kool_Aid_King said:

"Ultimate Betrayal" is hilarious considering it's P!nk and this isn't very surprising at all.


I'm pretty ashamed of her but Zionism is seriously a disease that's been plaguing America for decades now. You'd think she would open her heart more and really think critically, but damn. 

Did your fave not perform in Dubai Kool_Aid_King

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Why is it so hard for people to not be "pro-genocide"?


Like I know the US has always been a "pro-genocide" country, but you think these people would have a bit more shame about it.  

Anyways, we should have seen this coming, she did release a song with the following lyrics:


"Pretty, pretty, please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing. You're ******* perfect to me - Unless you are Palestinian, then you deserve to die."


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6 minutes ago, Josh said:

Did your fave not perform in Dubai Kool_Aid_King

Not really the time or place to bring up this topic.  Maybe if they were saudis.  

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She's always been a terrible person.

Are we even surprised? 

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The same artist who wrote Dear Mr. President? She's such a hypocrite. What a disappointment.


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Disappointing especially coming from a mother with children. I hope she'd hopped on social media and seen the piles of disfigured dead children and their mothers/ parents before she went ahead and posted this. 


Truly brainwashed to keep their careers somewhat safe. 

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This would only be a betrayal if P!g wasn't a 45 year old idiot. But since she is!



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a Karen doing Karen tingz. Surprised?


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1 hour ago, Communion said:

The added context to this is... Pink was not raised Jewish nor involved in Jewish institutions growing up, despite growing up in parts of PA with large Jewish communities.

She has said as much throughout her career. She used to identify with everything from paganism to Buddhism. Her father was a Catholic.


The first time she really even publicly identified as Jewish was in 2006 when defending Mel Gibson and saying she felt bad for him as a fan, thinking his antisemitic rant was due to alcoholism and not being antisemitic himself. :redface:


This isn't to say she can't identify with her Jewish heritage, especially since it seems her embracing of being Jewish aligns with healing her relationship with her mother, who is Jewish, now as an adult with children of her own and wanting to raise her children Jewish.


But like.. that means she, as a grown adult re-discovering Judaism in her 30s (back when she started having children), should have the kind of skepticism to Zionist propaganda yet she seemingly has been easily convinced of and radicalized by Zionist propaganda. It's incredibly disappointing. 

I had totally forgotten about her not having actually grown up jewish! yeah for real, it's extra disappointing considering she's had enough life experience all around to presumably be able to recognize that it's an important topic to not just know at surface level. different and kinda off-topic example cause she's not even jewish, but I think of how as a diamond, I was able to see Marina start out clueless and gradually educate herself on the matter. she started out just not knowing anything about Palestine and posting super tone deaf z*onist sh*t on her instagram story, but then after a few weeks it started to become more neutral POVs and then gradually it became anti-z*onist, super progressive and educated stuff. it was impressive to me how she very obviously listened to what her fans and people in general on social media were saying. P!nk isn't one of those people, unfortunately. she's shown her true colors. she's stubborn and lives in her own little world at this point. it's a shame cause she's a hypocrite considering the messages she put across as a more defiant of conventions sort of pop artist when she was younger. really sucks tbh.  this is obviously also tangential kinda but I wanna reiterate something else I've said before: if you wanna be a legit person of a certain religion, you don't have to adhere to every single thing written about in any holy book. you don't have to be jewish and do _____. for example, I love the concepts of yom kippur and sukkot, they're sick ass holidays with powerful messages. and at the same time? I think circumcision is an abomination and i'm an intactivist. I also don't believe in a god anymore, but at the same time? I'm so proud that i was a bar mitzvah! and most relevantly: I'm vehemently anti-z*onist, but at the same time I'm proud of my heritage. you can take parts of religions and toss other parts to the side, or to put it lighter: understand that tradition isn't the paramount requisite for being a religious person. Pee!n just doesn't understand that, and she's an embarrassment! it's depressing tbh 

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1 hour ago, Josh said:

Did your fave not perform in Dubai Kool_Aid_King

You sound so stupid and uneducated. if you start looking up the countries P!nk performed in which are under human right violations, are anti-women or anti-LGBTQ+ even within the last 10 years.


:ahh: please stay on topic before you embarrass yourself even more

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Not her re-posting a video calling out J.Lo for supporting ceasefire and I couldn't even finish the video from all brain rot and propaganda this moron was spreading :rip:


Let me boycott P!nk and give Jennifer Lopez a couple of streams today :clap3:


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I'm so disappointed, I don't know what to say. :chick3:

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5 hours ago, IBeMe said:

All these years later...I am vindicated from my twitter beef with her...love seeing she deleted her replies too :-* 





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5 hours ago, Legend ReX said:

This is wrong in so many levels, why are you offending a whole community, in this case the trans community by misgendering a cis woman for the sake of what really? Calling her a Zionist and genocide supporter would've been just fine instead of what you're doing.

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:doc: maybe I'm glad now that her LA/LV shows are flopping to oblivion. 

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