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Bill Maher calls out Taylor Swift: "Partisanship has gone too far"


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This for the ones that were trying to sneak Taylor into this drama, she's clearly keeping her distance #UWontUseHerMind 



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bill maher doing the OTHs proud 

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Erm I think it's perfectly fine that TAS would choose to not associate with Brittany. It's not as if she's a close family friend she's cutting off due to difference of opinion, you're allowed to choose who is in your circle based on whatever the hell you want. 

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Bill Maher stopped being considered politically relevant in like 2006. He's just a contrarian edgy racist and virulent islamophobe. Literally not a worthwhile opinion from him.

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they are literally articles saying that they were together at afterparty

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I would also keep my distance from people that support a felon. If they support Trump, they support his awfuo views, Project 2025 and all the horrible things that stands for. 


So good for Taylor. Keep your distance from ignorant people like that Brittany whatever. 

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Who gives a ****?

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I mean... Taylor might have wanted to avoid the public appearance until after the Trump thing died down a bit, but Brittany and Patrick were literally at her house for a small party like two weeks ago :deadbanana2:

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"Diversity of opinion" and the opinions have taken away women's rights to their bodies, mocked disabled reporters, minimized the experience of POC across the globe, continued to allow the massacre of children in schools, and the list goes on and on and on :jonny2:


Edit: Has Taylor even endorsed Kamala? :jonny2:

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Taylor can go where tf she want to. If she doesn't want to party with the Mahomes, she doesn't have to. People want to control celebrities so f*****g badly. Taylor owes that Britney chick NOTHING.

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Bill Maher is piece of garbage.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Bill Maher being a loser yet again. Who cares where Taylor Swift sits at a football game? :rip: 

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Lol, Bill Maher is such a joke.

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Literally why is this a fixation :toofunny3:  in terms of politics like no one should give a **** about this lord

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republicans seems to have a hard time with "diversity" of color tho

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If Bill Maher is going to do one thing it's annoy people from every political background 

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Isn't he friends with Anne Coulter in real life? Horse and rider go as one . . .  

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She's literally there just minding her own business and people still find a way to be offended by something and attach her to a narrative :rip:

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so is using the n word whenever you want bill.

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It's more that Taylor doesn't want people to know she's for Trump by sitting next to her

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He's still around?


Hope he isn't soon. Hide that ugly mouth with the ugly words that come out of it.

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The rumors were false.. their friendship is strong :alexz3:



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  • ATRL Moderator

Does Bill Maher ever direct his ire toward something worth being mad about? Such a loser.

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