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AOC drags Jill Stein: "Her presidential campaigns are not serious"


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shes right


I only ever hear about Jill & potential Green candidates EVERY election season at the last minute and that's it





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she tore here :clap3:God knows the two-party system sucks in the US, but third-party candidates are pure grifters who never seek to make any real change or uplift their own parties by getting elected to smaller offices and building a grassroots coalition. What Bernie did was how it's done (work in the confines of larger structures to springboard off of :giraffe:

Edited by WildAmerican
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AOC is 100% right here, deep down you have to admit it.

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I'll never forgive y'all for ignoring the fact that Jill attended a prominent dinner, seated right across Putin's line of sight. She was also surrounded by many of Vlad's cronies and later seen shaking hands with his oligarchs. She also peddles pro-Russian rhetoric, but I guess nothing to see here folks🤷🏾🤦🏾

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Oh some girls won't like this :giraffe:





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Some ATRL girls are getting triggered in 3... 2... 1



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Well yes but who doesn't already know this?  

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43 minutes ago, Jormungand said:

I'll never forgive y'all for ignoring the fact that Jill attended a prominent dinner, seated right across Putin's line of site.

No one's really concerned what you'll forgive given that you seem unaware that the "dinner" she attended was an RT event, and that many American leftists and progressives featured on RT throughout the late 2000s and early 2010s, since RT America was the only prominent news channel offering progressives a TV slot to speak.


An RT dinner she attended and even spoke at, criticizing America and Russia as two arms of the same war machine. 


This idea of labeling people 'Russian assets' is so conspiracy-based and nonsensical that it's hard to even engage with because it reads like parody. You can dislike Jill Stein for a myriad of reasons. The idea that she's some spy acting on behalf of Russia's interest is... simply not one of them, especially when she's largely attacked Putin and supported the Russian left.




AOC made the major mistake of never acknowledging your ops. The Green Party is never acknowledged by the Democrats except when trying to sue them off of ballots.

A change in rhetoric around them shows the internals are likely bad in places like Michigan if she feels the need to try and go over the Green Party.


Polling done by Muslim advocacy groups show this is happening:


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as someone critical of the two-party system and sympathetic to a lot of what jill stein says, i have to agree with aoc here. the green party us has absolutely 0 local presence despite being around for so over two decades and they continue to push jill stein even though she has failed to make a dent in american politics, let alone win any elections. it does feel like a grift at this point, if they want to be taken seriously they need to start building power from the bottom. 

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Would love for AOC to seemingly try to address this. :suburban: 

Feels a bit silly to have waded into this discussion when knowing the issue of of her at the DNC lying about a ceasefire being worked on was still fresh in people's minds.



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AOC has gone from being a genuine progressive to being the corporate democrats' lapdog and whitewashing their support of genocide. 

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16 minutes ago, SignificantOther said:

AOC has gone from being a genuine progressive to being the corporate democrats' lapdog and whitewashing their support of genocide. 

She was never genuine. Republicans told Leftists this almost immediately after she was elected but did they listen? Nope.

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30 minutes ago, SignificantOther said:

AOC has gone from being a genuine progressive to being the corporate democrats' lapdog and whitewashing their support of genocide. 




Alt Left turn to right wing?


Sounds like most of self branded progressive ATRL girlie posting fake news from Elon's platform everyday :clownny:






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She said what she said and ended Jill nobody knows where she is after the election Stein  :clap3:

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She's right. See the Working Families Party in Philadelphia for an example of third parties that actually want to create change and influence policy (with fewer members and resources).

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29 minutes ago, Life Savers said:

She's right. See the Working Families Party in Philadelphia for an example of third parties that actually want to create change and influence policy (with fewer members and resources).

The WFP is largely an off-shoot of the Democratic Party. Are you just repeating this information from the below original tweet? 


It's one thing to say that they serve as a huge organizational body to promote progressives within the Democratic Party, but that's the point...they largely work in-tandem with the Democratic Party. That's not a 3rd party. 


Like the person they're mentioning - Kendra Brooks - who ran on the WFP line for Philadelphia city council only had the support of Democrats because to circumvent city election stipulations. Democrats couldn't literally win those seats and thus is the only reason they endorsed the WFP line. 

If Democrats were allowed to have all seats on the city council, do you think a separate WFP line would be supported by the party?

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She's totally right. The three ATRL stans can seethe. Her existence is and always will be, a spoil to actual relevant people.

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2 minutes ago, LustSpell said:

She's totally right. The three ATRL stans can seethe. Her existence is and always will be, a spoil to actual relevant people.

Dont care for Stein, but impossible for me to care about these discussions when "actual relevant people" are arming and funding a genocide.

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Greens are a deeply unserious party, anybody not braindead is aware of that. Showing up every 4 years for the election for the highest office to collect cheques and handful of votes from equally unserious people is not a strategy of a party that actually wants to govern and improve something. What do they do successfully? Quickly.


Current american god awful voting system makes it impossible for third parties to win presidency. Where they do stand a chance is at the local level where they can take over smaller offices via grassroots. But that would take actual will, work, effort and, you know, being a serious party.

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she spilled. Jill Stein is a vanity project. she only comes out for the election every 4 years then disappears. do they even have down ballot candidates? even the libertarian party does that

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