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Why is everyone depressed ?


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Millionaires and billionaires are ruining the world. While they live in wealth the majority of the population has to struggle to have the bare minimum. It's exhausting knowing that no matter how much you fight and work the chances of living a more than decent life is slim. 

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social media addiction and a lack of hobbies that provide enough detachment:suburban:

Edited by Pheromosa
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Social media/the age of everyone being chronically online is a huge part of it. People feel like they're failing at life bc of how bombarded they are with decadent lifestyles, even when they're doing just fine. Then there's all the culture wars that divide people. I can go on and on about this. The cost of living also leads to bed rotting, which leads to loneliness which then leads to social anxieties. It's rough out there. 

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We spend too much time being affected by the opinions of others....

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Nothing new really.
The video is new. The song has been around for over 30 years.


All is chaos, at my side
All my ideals: damaged words

I'm looking for a soul who can help me
I'm from a generation (that is) disenchanted, disenchanted


Mylène Farmer - Paroles - Désenchantée - Mylene.Net



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54 minutes ago, Smarticle said:

Cause life aint always what you think it oughta be

This, everything becomes so much easier when you're living through the motions and not expecting something in the long run. COVID was a really unkind reminder of that.

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The way it really is capitalism 😭


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I'll try not to make this too long but I have some thoughts. Because we are exposed to things that no one pre-Internet has ever been exposed to on a near constant basis. Whether it be real life violence, hardcore *****graphy, or general vitriol online all of it chips away at the dopamine receptors in your brain. After years of social media use you will naturally become desensitized to things that should excite you, disgust you, scare you, turn you on, etc., because your brain is working overtime to process things that we as people aren't supposed to be exposed to. We aren't supposed to know the ins and outs of everyone's life around us. We aren't supposed to see manufactured/manipulated explicit sexual acts. We aren't supposed to see so much negativity and hatred that gets spewed unfiltered all over the internet. We aren't supposed to have such easy access to watch real people being killed. Then when you factor in actual real life struggles like the economy, political polarization, media sensationalism, etc. you have created an anxious and on-edge society. The things people would just do/say in private are now broadcasted on social media for millions to see. People used to be able to tune all the noise out and just live but it's almost impossible to do so now and it's exhausting.


I also think a lot of the mental health crisis comes down to lack of purpose. Pre-internet you didn't have anyone to compare yourself to other than your friends and immediate family, you just did what you either felt like you were supposed to do or you did what you wanted to and that was it. Now there's this added pressure because social media has you comparing yourself to literally any stranger that pops up on your page. Or all your followers from adolescence that just 20 years ago you wouldn't have been able to keep up with. Comparison is seriously the thief of joy. So add that and mix it with an economy that for awhile now doesn't work for majority of young people and you get a generation that lacks purpose, self-sufficiency, and confidence to go out and be independent like the generations before us could. Then you have the political grifters that exploit this via, you guessed it, social media to further polarize/radicalize people. It's a never ending cycle of spiritual warfare. Social media has robbed millions of having real community with others. I get that for some people their online community is all they have, but unfortunately it's not enough. We're social beings and are hard-wired for real human connection. It's a necessity for belonging and in turn, happiness.


I'll only speak for myself but when I struggled the most with depression/anxiety it was when I was broke, alone, distracting myself with my phone, and working dead-end jobs that made me feel purposeless. It wasn't until the start of 2021 that I made the leap, transferred schools, and changed how I had been living in order to give myself a purpose and build myself a community. Since then I no longer have any mental health issues. I'm still a work in progress obviously but nothing is blocking me from my goals anymore (even though the economy is trying to :rip:) and I'm content at where I'm at even though post-grad life is hard. I think the hardest part about living in times like today is nobody prepares you for the work it takes to be happy, because it is work and it's all self-work which requires you to battle with your ego and is lonely in its nature. But surrounding yourself with people that care, exploring your hobbies/interests, setting/meeting goals for yourself, doing things that make you feel purposeful, being active, and enjoying the natural beauty that this world has to offer is the key to surviving in a society that prioritizes none of that.

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1 hour ago, Mr_campbell said:

It's genuinely social media addiction, with short-form content bombarding you with happy, sad, educational, and random videos. TikTok literally fries your brain's dopamine receptors. After a while of consuming this content, you train your brain to rely on these apps for fast dopamine. This makes things you used to find enjoyable seem boring in comparison. Get off social media, and you'll find peace.

clock that tea!

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I disagree that it is only capitalism because that has existed for a while now and society shifted in the last couple of decades. 


It's social media. The way our brain works, we are engineered to try to get in a better situation all the time. This was the mechanism that allowed people to survive. But now that basic needs are satisfied for a big porcentage of the world's population, we can spend our time focusing on other things. Yes goods are one part of it, but showing self improvement and the need for power are important in society too. 

The thing is, before you only had your community to compare yourself now you have millions of post that show you that a lot people are doing better than you. People know now that no matter how much they try there's always some friend on socials posting something more fun, succesfull or interesting. So why would you make any effort? 

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Because we work fill time, and are actually finally earning well. Yet we can't own a property to live in. Which means we have to work ever day without getting sick to afford simple everyday services. 

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Social media, junk food, inflation (not in this order)

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The current system turns around making people feel like they're never enough and is always taking chances to overstimulate us at any cost, which messes up with the brain chemicals for obvious reasons.


And I wouldn't say the older generations weren't depressed, since most of them ended up coping with it through addictions, alcohol, overworking and all of that, but I agree that the current generations feel less hopeful than the older ones.


The older generations ended up having better lives than their elders, but currently the newer generations have minimal chances to get a life like their parents. The 'ensh*ttification' is way too much by this point

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47 minutes ago, Digitalism said:

I disagree that it is only capitalism because that has existed for a while now and society shifted in the last couple of decades. 


It's social media.

It's kinda both of them. Capitalism plays a huge role since general access to water, food and shelter (basic human needs) have been going down the sink for most people nowadays

Edited by BrokenMachine
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It's the feel of hopelessness that is making people depressed. The economy is jacked up. There are wars everywhere, which is crazy to think that in 2024, war is still the answer. Our old a** politician are who are filthy rich does NOT give af about us. They'd rather spread bs online to stir the pot, instead of taking care of their citizens, especially conservatives (yes I said it. Come for me if you like). Lastly, there is a growth in hate groups who can day whatever they want with no repercussions. 



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Because life sucks and everyone is so rude these days to the point its making everyone miserable 



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Have you seen these house prices, I would be depressed too:rip: 

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Everyone is offended by everything now days. No one can laugh, joke without being prosecuted. 



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we live to work, and society says that making money is the meaning of life. 

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1. Social media skews our expectations for reality

2. Western middle class is being erased

3. Media portrays nonstop chaos in the world

4. People are less active and less social 

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Luckily I'm not depressed or anything like that. The reason why many people are depressed is because of the post-pandemic world we're living in.

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Because world war 3 is this weekend and the draft is ready to collect 

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17 hours ago, Galaxy said:

Because you keep posting threads in the wrong section


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On 8/6/2024 at 8:34 PM, DawnAnti said:

This this , personally i don't feel the same as i was before the pandemic, literally like 2 different people 

I have been thinking about this lately as well. I have not felt like I ever got back to my normal self post pandemic

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