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2024 Venezuela Election: Maduro won by fraud, Protests going on.


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6 hours ago, BadHabits said:

Is Maduro left or right wing?

Imagine saying a dictator is left or right. No, he's a dictator period.

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I guess I was supposed to expect these news even last night when I went to sleep. 


I guess it is has to do with the fact we venezuelans are so resilient and somehow we manage to be nothing but hopeful, to still mantain some amount of faith.


Can't say I do not care, because it is still a huge disappointment receiving these news. It is the biggest and most evident fraud we have ever had in our contemporary history. 


I am still praying for my beautiful brave country, for justice to be made, for the truth to come out.


Won't even comment about this left vs right wing discussion, I think venezuelans specially understand better how much DAMAGE that pointless argue has made.

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I'm so sorry for the Venezuelans that have to go through this… the way that one person can just steal an "election" is disgusting. I wish a lot of power to the people to defeat this dictator since there's not a fair way of doing it. 

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7 hours ago, Aramis said:

How a dictator is about to lose an election?

He miraculously won in the end though! /s


So sorry for everyone who voted against him. What a disgusting pos.

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Unfortunately I had very little hope for a good outcome here, everyone knew this dictator and his goons would do everything to blatantly steal the election and get away with it. 


Heartbroken for Venezuelans. I hope the time comes soon when they can get out of this Chavismo hell and have a better future. Don't give up, keep fighting!

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Its giving Russia having "elections." The USA is next. :dies: 

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5 hours ago, J Legend X said:

why are y'all so obsessed with being left or right wing as if the extreme is the answer for everything?.... anyway... 


The robbery ! 


Right, not everything is about left and right


Imagine how would you feel if you don't have freedom and alll the powers are controlled by a small group of people that don't represent the country. My father and brother will be forced to participate in a act in support of Maduro if they don't wanna lose their jobs because he has NO support






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1 hour ago, Gui Blackout said:

Unfortunately I had very little hope for a good outcome here, everyone knew this dictator and his goons would do everything to blatantly steal the election and get away with it. 


Heartbroken for Venezuelans. I hope the time comes soon when they can get out of this Chavismo hell and have a better future. Don't give up, keep fighting!


I knew this was coming but after seeing the early reports of the oposition getting the double of votes even in places that were mostly chavistas in the past gave me a little hope. I should have known better because a dictator would never accept defeat with votes


Imagine stealing an election where you only have 30% of the support. Everything is silence here, how do you "win" an election and there isn't people in the streets celebrating?

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4 hours ago, Ger said:

I guess I was supposed to expect these news even last night when I went to sleep. 


I guess it is has to do with the fact we venezuelans are so resilient and somehow we manage to be nothing but hopeful, to still mantain some amount of faith.


Can't say I do not care, because it is still a huge disappointment receiving these news. It is the biggest and most evident fraud we have ever had in our contemporary history. 


I am still praying for my beautiful brave country, for justice to be made, for the truth to come out.


Won't even comment about this left vs right wing discussion, I think venezuelans specially understand better how much DAMAGE that pointless argue has made.


After stealing an election with only around 30% of support we have to accept that they will always manipulate the votes and won't accept defeat. People can't complain because the military is controled by them and they have armed people that will murder protesters in the name of chavismo like we've seen many times already.

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Kamala/Trump or whoever is in charge in the NATO should invade the country and give Venezuela back to Venezuelans.

Edited by Space Cowboy
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My heart goes with the Venezuelan people. It is truly heartbreaking what is happening there, and it seems like it will continue to be like that for some more time. 


What a truly rotten elite is in control of the government. They deserve nothing more than hell for everything they've done to their people. 

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28 minutes ago, Green said:


After stealing an election with only around 30% of support we have to accept that they will always manipulate the votes and won't accept defeat. People can't complain because the military is controled by them and they have armed people that will murder protesters in the name of chavismo like we've seen many times already.

It is very fcked up, actually makes more questionable now the past elections have been (more importantly those in 2013 which led us to this second mf's presidency), there has no been a real democracy in a very long time, and we know that because we have been experiencing all of that, but I like to repeat these things for those people abroad trying to speak on us while living very comfortably in a first world country.


Anyways, I was just venting a little bit. It makes me so angry to see spanish, americans and others that support the beloved left congratulating such a genoicide murder as Maduro. 


Again anyways... we deserve so much better, such a very heartbreaking and frustrating situation.

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Maduro was ALWAYS going to "win" this election, regardless of the result. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. 

So ******* sad. Venezuela deserves so much better. 

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1 hour ago, Ger said:

It is very fcked up, actually makes more questionable now the past elections have been (more importantly those in 2013 which led us to this second mf's presidency), there has no been a real democracy in a very long time, and we know that because we have been experiencing all of that, but I like to repeat these things for those people abroad trying to speak on us while living very comfortably in a first world country.


Anyways, I was just venting a little bit. It makes me so angry to see spanish, americans and others that support the beloved left congratulating such a genoicide murder as Maduro. 


Again anyways... we deserve so much better, such a very heartbreaking and frustrating situation.


This. They are so ignorant and clueless about what we live here in the country :mazen: 


I would like them to experience "our socialism of the 21st century" without any type of freedom too see if they love it so much after a year at least. We've been dealing with this for more than 25 years already, so many people died and millions left the country...

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2 hours ago, Space Cowboy said:

Kamala/Trump or whoever is in charge in the Otan should invade the country and give Venezuela back to Venezuelans.

This idea sounds good in paper, but logistically is almost impossible to execute without causing a significant number of civilian casualties. 


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Just now, NausAllien said:

This idea sounds good in paper, but logistically is almost impossible to execute without causing a significant number of civilian casualties. 


A revolution/civil war would cause even more casualties.


It's either that or let that authoritarian dictatorship oppress the venezuelan people for generations.

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Say no to socialism y'all.

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10 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

Mi país merece mucho más. 


This was expected, but still hurts like no other thing. We lost our country, our family, our friends, our dignity, our land a long time ago. And we're all over the world living like third class citizens with no other option than to keep waiting for a change. 


The world is a cruel place. 

I'm so sorry about this situation and I hope public outrage is enough to bring visibility worldwide that somehow translates to a better outcome! Here in Ecuador we've been dangerously close of going down the same path and it's insane the power and support these pathetic parties still exude. This has gone on long enough for Venezuela and I seriously hope someone takes matters into their own hands and justice is served.

Los buenos somos más.

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Lula's government used to be pretty friendly with Maduro, so them refusing to accept the results outright is interesting...



Edited by Virgos Groove
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Thanks to everyone worrying about my country Colombia future. Im worried about USA-Europe too with Trump/Putin
Thanks to everyone in the Anglosphere-NonLatinoamerican giving visibility to this awful Venezuela situation and showin empathy :giraffe:
Yo creo que todas las  latinas estamos adoloridas por nuestra hermana Venezuela.

Life is hard sometimes.
I wonder if we are in a space jail or something controled by evil aliens. Why so many bad things happen all the time :gaycat4:

Someone here has noticed how some of our most "righteous" "ethical" atrlers always fighting for the "right thing" are not here in this thread?
Do they really care about justice and the people? or they care about their agendas :eli:

tNrFg63.gif  WAGm3LW.gif

Here in the next Spoiler i will elaborate a bit about the situation of my country and how scared i am.
Is long :gaycat2: 
if u dont like messy things dont open the spoiler. Cause my texts are messy AF.
I need an editor. Taylor too :gaycat4:


I'm honestly so terrified because my country Colombia is going down the same path as Venezuela. This has seriously made me think if I should start considering moving to West Europe or North America in the future. We had good moderate left candidates in the last election with great ideas, but people here are ineducated and went for the extremist one with a hate discourse and a criminal past. When will Latin America learn that the tankies-commies are very dangerous??? Look at Nicaragua. Look at Venezuela. Argentina with the kitschners :gaycat6:  

USA will have a new wave of massive inmigration from Venezuela to the states after this tragedy :emofish: hope yll help us refugees
So many of my venezuelans besties cried yesterday and it sucks.

im only here for extreme left in the states cause USA capitalism is just too much and they really need someone like ocasio-bernie............but latinoamerica is a different bubble
Extreme right wingers-right wing are also despicable :gaycat3: ewww


Our current president is pro-Putin (Loves RT), pro-Maduro, and pro-Castro. He supported the deceased Iranian president too and was best friends with Chávez when he was younger. Every week there are scandals involving corruption, shady dealings, and stealing millions directed to the poorest of my country like guajira. He is also buying-bribing people in Congress. His campaign was backed by narco and guerrilla money. He cheated on his wife, and there are videos and photos. He betrayed his own son once he got exposed. :biblio:


One of my family members is a taxi driver with shady contacts and was friends with a rich transgender lady who had been with the president (Before he was president) and said he treated her horribly and almost killed her. I know people who exposed him (sub of my country on reddit), and they say he's a tyrant-megalomaniac

Our president wants to change the constitution because he wants to stay in power clearly
He has a populist cult and social media teams paid by him defending every wrongdoing on twitter. Populist leaders are scary.
We basically have our own version of the Trump supporters Chavistas here in Colombia
This has made me understand the frustration of Americans. There are people who see these politicians as gods. No matter how much u try.
They will defend them to death.  Is like battling an army of zombies.  POPULISM should be studied in a detailed way.




Sadly, many in the LGBT community in my country defend our current president still just because he is left-wing.
There are good left-wing people, but also very bad ones. :gaycat7:
Why is so hard for progressives to recognize this truth? There's also evil people in  our parties. As bad as the fascists-republicans :gaycat4:


Insurgent groups are getting stronger here. Areas like Cauca or Huila and las mas alejadas are real dangerous now.
In my grandmother's town, the guerrillas are returning to demand money and threaten people. Last time this happened was in the 90s
The government has been helping these groups. Recently, a government car was transporting their leaders and they were discovered
We fell about 42 positions in the global health ranking. Our healthcare is bad but was still one of the best in the Americas

Industry is in a terrible state. Construction, commerce, and food are overly expensive. International inversion really low cause there's uncertainty

Now we will be energy dependent on Venezuela because our president decided to buy all the oil and gas from Venezuela to help Maduro and stop extracting it from here.
Bye bye energetic independence. Doin the same mistakes of Germany


The vice president, who won awards for being "environmentally" friendly, has done nothing to help the people of her town and her community.
She only cares about havin more money for herself and her new mansions
She also frequently uses a goverment helicopter for her own convenience....Yet loves to talk about the enviroment.....and saving the world


Pray for Venezuela but also for Colombia. The future of Encanto is at risk. :gaycat2: :emofish: 
We also have millions of venezuelans here who moved for a better future and it would be dire if they have to move again :chick3:

And i have my parents here and sometimes i get afraid. My parents already told me how if things go bad here they will not leave even if things go pandemonium mode
They dont want to face racism or suffer tribulations in a different country and they only speak spanish :biblio:

Sadly the right wingers of my country suck too. All the political parties.
The future of my country looks dark cause there's no one good in line for future elections :emofish:

Thanks god we have Shakira to relax and forget about life disasters-wrongdoings :gaycat2: 



Edited by AvadaKedavra
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The way in which the CNE rushed to proclaim and award Maduro as president for the new term without them even posting the results in their website, what a disgusting joke, this is the worst kind of scum that this country has had to endure, cynical wretches fueled by resentment, revenge and failed ideals.


Spontaneous protests nationwide.


Moreover, the Carter Center does not believe the results unless they are published in detail:



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2 hours ago, VOSS said:

Say no to socialism y'all.

Venezuela is a corrupt athoritarian dictatorship. Socialism has nothing to do with that.

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7 minutes ago, Space Cowboy said:

Venezuela is a corrupt athoritarian dictatorship. Socialism has nothing to do with that.

The ruling party (named United Socialist Party of Venezuela) is a left wing to far left party. Also, the main project of Chavismo has been "The socialism of 21st century", many socialists around the world have shown admiration for it. It is a left dictatorship, which some defend blindly because you know... it's left.

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