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DSA make their pitch to Kamala: "#NotAnotherBomb", call for arms embargo


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Signed. :hughard:


Now is the time to put even more pressure on centrist leaders, not to roll over like some people suggest. Starmer appears to be wavering in his support of Israel due to the Muslim vote for Labour collapsing, France is never 100% on board with Atlanticism and shifted leftwards in last election, and even Kamala is toning down the WH's pro-Israel rethoric. (Not much can be done about Germany; they're willing to go down with the Zionist ship.)


Western world leaders are finally starting to get coerced on this issue, but they can easily backtrack if they feel they can get away with it. Don't let them.


(Not every politician can be naturally based like Pedro Sanchez. yoncegif300contrast.thumb.gif.ec5fe8884d56ed88906a3bd5c508e611.gif)

Edited by Virgos Groove
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